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4- Tegu  Food  List :

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  • Whole prey  – ALWAYS a healthier choice than ground meats/organ meats as ground and organ parts lack a lot of valuable nutrition.

  • Always remember your insects are only as healthy as YOU make them. Feed and gutload them with a quality insect chow and fresh fruits/veggies. It is important not to feed dog, cat or fish food to your insects as that creates a build up of uric acid and can cause dehydration and gout in your reptiles. 

  • * Remember frozen/thawed or prekilled is safest for your reptile. Please do NOT feed live.

       Captive raised insects  :

  • Crickets 

  • Roaches 

  • Meal worms

  • Super worms 

  • Wax worms 

  • Silk worms 

  • Horn worms

  • Night crawlers earthworms

  • Snails – NOT wild caught.

  •  Crayfish/crawdads

  • Shrimp/Prawns – shell on

  • Whole fish like sardines, silversides, smelt, trout etc

  • Scallops

  • Mini crab or soft shell crab

  • Quail chicks

  • Baby chickens 

  • Rabbit kits (pinkies)

  • Mice

  • Rats

  • Hamster

  • Gerbil

  • ReptiLinks 

Meat (Remember, always offer raw, tegus cannot digest cooked meats) :


  • Soft-boiled whole egg or raw egg yolk, no whites.– given in moderation. Quail eggs are healthier than chicken eggs.

·         Chicken

·         Lamb

·         Turkey

·         Venison

·         Frog legs

  • Fowl

  • Beef in moderation as too much can cause liver and kidney damage.

  • Fresh fish filets – choose low in mercury fish, freshwater is better than saltwater

  • Organ meats: liver, hearts, gizzards – Go easy on liver as it contains high amounts of Vit D which can be overdosed. 










 Fruits Tropical fruits:


  • Mango,

  • Papaya

  • cantaloupe

  • honeydew

  • casaba

  • watermelon 

  • Bananas- in moderation

  • Apples- in moderation

  • Cherries 

  • Grapes- Thompson seedless; green and red Concord grapes higher in oxalates 

  • Tomatoes- high in oxalates** 

  • Berries: Strawberries- high in oxalates** and goitrogens* so in moderation 

  • blueberries

  • raspberries

  • blackberries

  • Figs -fresh or dried Dates

  • Kiwi

  • Peaches- high in goitrogens* 

  • Pears- high in oxalates**

  • Pumpkin 

Veggies :


  • Acorn squash,

  • butternut squash 

  • Kabocha squash 

  • Parsnip

  • Alfalfa

  • Okra

  • Green beans

  • Green peas,

  • snap peas 

  • Leeks 

  • Prickly pear cactus

  • Dark leafy greens like:

  • Chicory greens (Escarole)

  • Collard greens Dandelion

  • greens Endive

  • Mustard greens Turnip greens

  • Spaghetti squash

  • Bell peppers

  • Rapini Zucchini

  • Yellow squash

  • Radish Yucca root- cassava- tough, should be shredded

  • Asparagus Broccoli in moderation, high in oxalates**

  • Beets and Beet greens in moderation, high in oxalates**

  • Carrots and tops in moderation, high in oxalates**

  • Bok choy - in moderation, high in goitrogens* 

  • Brussels sprouts- high in goitrogens* 

  • Parsley- good source of calcium 

  • Cabbage- in moderation, high in goitrogens* 

  • Cauliflower- in moderation, high in goitrogens* 

  • Coriander- in moderation, high in oxalates**

  • Rutabaga Sweet potato-

  • feed rarely Corn- feed rarely or never, low in Ca and high in Phosphorus Spinach- feed rarely or never, high in oxalates and goitrogens 

  • Swiss chard- feed rarely or never, high in oxalates** 

  • Lettuces -low in nutrition 

  • Celery- low in nutrition

  • Cucumber- low in nutrition 


Hatchling tegus will all take the same food up until about one year in age. Of these the Salvator merianae  Common name (Argentine Black and White), (Giant Tegu) And the Salvator rufescens , Common name (Argentine red Tegu), (Red tegu) will change feeding habits. The Blue Tegu is also a form of the Salvator merianae  , but the Tupinambis teguixin, Common name (Colombian Black and White), or (Gold Tegu) Will stay on a Omnivores diet throughout their life. 

All Tegus are omnivores as hatchlings, which means  they eat meat, fruits, and veggis. I do allow baby tegus to eat as much as they want to, except rodents. I feed them one once or twice a week, and also make sure they are the size that can swallow without too much trouble. Crickets dusted with vitamins dust, Captive raised roaches, Mealworms, Super mealworms, gut loaded crickets, wax worms, butterworms, and phoenix worms, Pinkie mice and cooked egg (Not raw) scrambled or hard-boiled. The Calcium I have  faith in is Zoo-Med Repti Calcium without D3 and a multivitamin Repashy SuperVite . Most other products are made from crushed oyster shells, and are not able to be absorbed. Therefore, being a poor product for a good healthy tegu.As for my adults, I feed them everyday, as in the babies, the get one whole rodent, chick or duckling once or twice a week. However, my tegus do hibernate up to 7 months out of the year. If you have a tegu that does not hibernate, you can cut back on feeding him as much, or as frequent. Judged by the animal keeping good body weight, and a fat round tail base. If he starts to look like he might be loosing body mass, you can always add more to the diet.Please remember to remove any food that is not eaten right after your tegu has eaten his/her fill. Insects are well known for stressing reptiles. This also will help keep their cage cleaner. Adult tegus, for the Argentine Black and White and the Argentine red Tegu, the Blue Tegu and as well as the Extreme Giant tegus, they will take ground turkey; cooked egg (Not raw) scrambled or hard-boiled. You should avoid uncooked eggs for two reasons.

 (1) The egg cleaning process is poor at best. Salmonella is found in the intestinal tracts of reptiles, birds, animals, insects and humans. It is found on the outside of the egg shell before the egg is washed or it may be found inside the egg if the hen was infected by Salmonella. It is always best to cook the eggs before feeding them to your animal. Salmonella is best destroyed by heat, so cooking is the best way to insure that there is no Salmonella being past on to your pet. I hope this better helps you to understand why we cook our eggs prior to feeding.

(2) Raw eggs also contain an enzyme called avidin, this enzyme decreases the absorption of biotin and can lead to skin problems in reptiles. When you cook the eggs you neutralize this enzyme, thus changing the makeup of the egg.
Also rodents, fresh fish (Not from a pet shop, due to the chemicals used in these tanks), baby chickens, grapes, tomatoes, strawberries, melons, and just about any other soft fruits. Bananas can be given as well, but not as a staple diet, only in moderation. This is due to the high content of potassium (Known for not binding with calcium). Not more than once every couple of weeks. They also tend to have very high phosphorous levels. Some of my Argentine tegus will not eat fruit. 
 There are many things out there to feed your tegus. The Colombian Black and White, or (Gold Tegu) will take all of the above,and fruit. Also I suggest feeding only killed rodents. Live rodents can bite your animal. Dead do not it is just not worth the chance. .

A side note on feeding: Tegus can get cage aggressive. They can get to where they will associate their keeper with food. There are a couple of ways to keep this from happening. The first is to feed your tegu in a separate cage or area than his home. Have the food there when you put him with it. Another way, would be to feed him at night or when he is in his hide. Then he will not see you with food. The first suggestion is the best for a few reasons. One you handle him every day, which helps with the taming process. Another reason would be to remove all chances of him ingesting substrate. And last, but not least, the food would be fresher than feeding at night. 

In my opinion, feeding fruit for skin problems has solid ground to back the claims of some keepers. There are fruits to promote good sheds but moisture, all though some fruits do contain some vitamins that are not good for skin.  There are other things that do contain the right vitamins, such as beef liver and cod liver oil. These need to be fed in conjunction with each other. Another words feed both of them once a week as a meal. 

A good diet and proper husbandry  is the best way to promote good sheds in tegus.

Water: Tegus require fresh water on a daily basis. It also would be recommended that their water dishes/bowls be big enough to soak in. 

Tegu :  introduction , general care  :  PART ONE    ..   PART TWO 


Tegu Species :


          1-  The Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae)

                     PART ONE  --  PART TWO  --  PART THREE


          2- The Argentine red tegu, (Tupinambis rufescens)  

                      PART ONE  --  PART TWO


          3- Gold tegu - Tupinambis teguixin  


          4- Other Tegus  

Tegu :  introduction , general care  :  PART ONE    ..   PART TWO 


Tegu Species :


          1-  The Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae)

                     PART ONE  --  PART TWO  --  PART THREE


          2- The Argentine red tegu, (Tupinambis rufescens)  

                      PART ONE  --  PART TWO


          3- Gold tegu - Tupinambis teguixin  


          4- Other Tegus  

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