Cordylus melanotus subviridus semiadult male in outdoor terraria
Pseudocordylus species :
1- Pseudocordylus melanotus or Common Crag Lizard:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pseudocordylus melanotus or Common Crag Lizard is an ovoviviparous lizard, tolerant of temperatures no lower than -5 °C [1][2] and consequently occurring on rocky outcrops, hills and mountains throughout Southern Africa - various subspecies are found in the inland mountains of the Eastern Cape (Amatole-Great Winterberg) and Cape Fold Mountains, the Natal and Transvaal Drakensberg and foothills, Lesotho and Swaziland[3] with an isolated population at Suikerbosrand,[4] and also at the Magaliesberg which geologically is part of the Transvaal Drakensberg.[5][6] The type specimen was collected by the Scots zoologist Andrew Smith in 1838 in the hills between the main branches of the Orange River east of Philippolis, Orange Free State.[7]
Prickly Girdled Lizard

Nooitgedacht, Magaliesberg
Scientific classification :
Species:P. melanotus
Binomial name :
Pseudocordylus melanotus
A. Smith, 1838
Synonyms :
Cordylus melanotus Smith 1838
Pseudocordylus microlepidotus melanotus Loveridge 1944
Pseudocordylus melanotus melanotus De Waal 1978
Pseudocordylus melanotus melanotus Visser 1984
Cordylus melanotus Frost et al. 2001
Pseudocordylus melanotusStanley et al. 2011
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Pseudocordylus melanotus subviridus
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Cordylus melanotus subviridus yellow male
(Pic taken at agamainternational)
Girdled-lizards of the family Cordylidae is a small family distributed in central, east and southern Africa. They have thick and powerful tales equipped with enlarged pointed scales, that are used in defense and to lock themselves between rocks, if they feel threatened.
Cordylus melanotus subviridus red male
(Pic taken at agamainternational)
Cordylus melanotus are found at high altitudes in Natal and Orange Free State. Here the winter is long and cold with temperatures down to -10*C. The animals are active at very low temperatures and has been found basking in frost between piles of snow. They are found in pairs or single on rockformations on grassland. They are very shy and detects intruders more than 100 m away. The males are very colourfull, and is found in both a red form and a yellow form.

Cordylus melanotus subviridus female
(Pic taken at agamainternational)
Crag lizards are very rare within the hobby. They are best kept outdoors and can stand staying outside all year in Denmark. Moisture is a killer in the wintertime, so the terrarium should be protected from our wet Autum and Winter. They are fed with insects like superworms crickets and roaches. Babies are born in June- August and they are best raised alone.
Cordylus melanotus subviridus semiadult male
1- Genus Cordylus - girdled or Armadillo lizard
2- Genus Chamaesaura - Grass lizards
3- Genus Platysaurus - Flat lizards
Pseudocordylus : Introduction and general articles
Pseudocordylus species :
1- Pseudocordylus melanotus or Common Crag Lizard:
Pseudocordylus : Introduction and general articles
Pseudocordylus species :
1- Pseudocordylus melanotus or Common Crag Lizard: