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19-  Phelsuma quadriocellata

  • Four-spot day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata quadriocellata

  • Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata

  • Phelsuma quadriocellata lepida

  • Four-spot day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata quadriocellata

courtesy to :

PETERS, 1883

Pfauenaugen day gecko, Four Patch Taggecko
derivation of the name of quadriocellata = vierfleckig

Type specimen:
Lektotypus, Museum of Natural History, Berlin (ZMB 10456)

1883 Pachydactylus quadriocellatus ., Sb Ges naturf.. Friends, Berlin: 27-28 
1885 Phelsuma quadriocellata , Boulenger, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus. ed 2.1. 1-436 
1909: P. quadriocellatum , Mocquard, Nouv. Arch. Mus. (S) 1: 1-110 
, 1942 P. quadriocellata , Loveridge, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool, Cambridge, Mass, 89:.. 437-482 
1983 P. quadriocellata quadriocellata , Meier, Salamandra, Bonn, 19 (3): 108

Terra typica restricta: Andasibe

Phelsuma q. quadriocellata

In the small but very compact look at P. q. quadriocellata both sexes are 11 cm to 12 cm tall. The males differ only enlarged Praeanofemoralporen and a bulligeren head. 
Animals of this kind are characterized by a schšne emerald basic color and a variable, yet highly luminous and striking Rotzeichnung.


The head and neck are finely dotted light blue. Behind the front extremity, on the edge of the elbow covers, there is a very striking black spot which is often edged light blue; occasionally there is also a significant Roteinfassung this Posthumeralflecks. Another similar spot in the upper part of the groin.The Praefemoralflecken are not outlined in light blue. The underside is yellow or white. A dark line extending from the lower lip to the lower part of the upper arm and behind the front leg laterally on to the Praefemoralfleck. The iris is golden. 
Meier (1983) recognized in this type as compared to P. l. lineata and other quadriocellata subspecies remarkably bright and luminous green color.


P. q. quadriocellata is an outspoken rainforest inhabitants and is spread selectively in the mountain forests Ostmadagaskars. Preferred location are broad-leaved plants, where SLCH like spending the geckos. This also explains banana plantations as oftgenannten location -. Kulturfolger The distribution area is very high precipitation (approximately 3000mm annual average) and from July to August, in the southern winter, chilly. Temperatures then rise barely above 23 ° C and fall at night to below 10 ° C. In the southern summer, however increase daytime temperatures up to 30 ° C and more.

Attitude and Reproduction in the terrarium:

 P. q. quadriocellata is not Eikleber and sets after the winter period from three to six clutches. In my terrarium animals are kept cooler in November and in February I increase the day and night temperatures. The animals lay their eggs then March to September preferably in the leaf axils of Sansevierias or in bamboo tubes. I incubate the eggs at about 28 ° C to 30 ° C and the young hatch then after 42 to 53 days. The breeding is relatively simple. If the boys are freshly hatched, they have no Rotzeichnung. This is formed from only the passage of time. Unfortunately, the color intensity of the Wild of daughter animals will no longer be achieved.

Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata, Fandrarazana

Pqquadriocellata, hatchling 

Super sticky. Super cute. Super Poptart - Phelsuma quadriocellata

Phelsuma quadriocellata quadriocellata pair

Hand feeding my Phelsuma quadriocellata quadriocellata

  • Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata

courtesy to : 

Kaudern 1922

Eyespot Taggecko
The name derives from the Latin bi (two) and macula (spot). This refers to the two underarm stains.

1922 Phelsuma bimaculata Kaudern, Zool. . Jahrb (syst.), Jena. 45: 420, Plate 12 Figure 2. 
1983 Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata , Meier, Salamandra, Bonn, 19 (3): 114th

Terra typica:
Fandrarazana, NO Madagascar, north of Fenerive (Fenoarivo)

Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata, Fenoarivo


Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata reaches a total length of about 90mm, males can reach a total length up to 120mm. The basic color of olive-up green leaf. On the back there are small dark red, slightly contrasting back spots that can coalesce to a median longitudinal line. Behind the front legs located on either side of the flanks of a brown, perpendicularly standing spot of elongate oval shape.


The occurrence of this subspecies appears limited to a relative narrowly defined region in eastern Madagascar. In addition to copies of Nosy Boraha (Ile Ste. Marie) are evidence of the area around Fenoarivo. This Phelsume preferred the forest margins of the original rainforests eastern Madagascar.

Reproduction in captivity:
This Phelsume preferred day places with temperatures between 27 ° C and 32 °. Except for a winter break from November to February the year are laid eggs about every 4 to 5 weeks. These are preferably deposited in bamboo tubes and not glued. The double clutch are also sold regular dates in coconut shells, which are filled with clay pebbles. 
The young animals should be reared separately because aggressions against recently hatched or adolescent pups were observed.


Uwe Frank


P.quadriocellata bimaculata during oviposition

  • Phelsuma quadriocellata lepida

KRUGER, 1993

Little Four Patch Taggecko
The name derives from the Latin word "lepidus", which translates as "beautiful" means from.

1993 Phelsuma quadriocellata lepida KRUGER, Salamandra, Bonn, 29 (2): 133, fig. 1-2.

Terra typica: Andapa, NO Madagascar

Pqlepida in Andapa

This subspecies is a medium-sized Phelsume with a total length of about 12.5 cm.This rather delicate subspecies has two brown eye patch behind the front legs, which are often framed in blue. These eyespots are oval and usually pull up high in the back up. In the middle is a red spine strip, which runs out in a fine also red dot pattern. Neck and tail top are colored blue. Unfortunately this subspecies usually fades relatively strong in the terrarium, so that they appear monochrome olive green majority, except for the brown spots.


P. q. lepida is spread in the northeast of Madagascar and settled unlikeP. q. bimaculata often somewhat higher ground.

P. quadriocellata lepida

Breeding: P. q. lepida has proven to me to be quite robust and reproductive happy. It seems important to me that the couples are not assembled too early, because the females otherwise lack the necessary resources and never reached it the normal adult size and remains puny when it settles too early fertilized eggs. In theory requires the kind according to literature strong seasonal and diurnal temperature variations. For me, however, they multiplied throughout the year at constant temperatures in the living room gorgeous, I had but temporarily disconnected to allow the female a break where a temperature-controlled hibernation certainly makes more sense.


Joshua Wohler

Description :


This lizard species is one of the smallest of its genus. It can reach a total length of about 11 centimetres (4.3 in). The body colour can be dark green or bluish green. An orange mid dorsal stripe extends from the head to the tail. The sides of the neck as well as the flanks are greyish brown.


Distribution :


This species inhabits only a small area on the island Mayotte (Comoros).


Habitat :


Phelsuma robetmertensi is often found on banana trees and in abandoned vanilla orchid plantations.


Diet :


These geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also like to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen and nectar.




At a temperature of 28 °C (82 °F), the young will hatch after approximately 49–53 days. The juveniles measure 19–22 millimetres (0.75–0.87 in).

Care and maintenance in captivity 

These animals should be housed in pairs and need a well planted terrarium. The temperature should be between 25–28 °C (77–82 °F). The humidity should be between 75 and 100%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moth larvae, fruit flies, mealwormsand houseflies.


Pqlepida, Offspring

20- Robert Mertens' day gecko (Phelsuma robertmertensi )

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Robert Mertens' day gecko (Phelsuma robertmertensi ) is diurnal species of geckos, a member of the family that lives on the Comorosand typically inhabits banana trees. Robert Merten's day gecko feeds on insects and nectar.


It is named after German herpetologist Robert Mertens.[2]


Robert Mertens' day gecko

Conservation status

Scientific classification:











Species:P. robertmertensi

Binomial name:

Phelsuma robertmertensi
Meier, 1980

References :

Jump up ^ Glaw F, Hawlitschek O (2011). "Phelsuma robertmertensi ". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
Jump up ^ Beolens B, Watkins M, Grayson M (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Phelsuma robertmertensi, p. 176).
Further reading :
Henkel F-W, Schmidt W (1995). Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Stuttgart: Ulmer. ISBN 3-8001-7323-9.
McKeown S (1993). The general care and maintenance of day geckos. Lakeside, California: Advanced Vivarium Systems.



courtesy to :

MEIER, 1980

Robert Mertens' Taggecko
derivation of the name after the German herpetologist Robert Mertens

1980 Phelsuma robertmertensi MEIER, Bonner Zool. Posts, Bonn, 31 (4-4):. 327, fig. 1.

Type specimen:
Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK 29899)

Terra typica:
Comoros (very generously given to protect the apparently very small distribution area)

Phelsuma robertmertensi


A small Phelsume whose total length hardly exceeds 100 mm. The females remain small with a maximum of 90 mm. In size and body shape is differentPhelsuma robertmertensi hardly of the Comorian also " v-nigra group"; by coloring them but clearly separate. Noticeable here is the ability to show two completely different color patterns.


The basic color of this beautiful geckos is a yellowish green, having, on the flanks and extremities, a gray-brown mottling. In a broad reddish brown Vertebralband a red Vertebrallinie is inserted, which may be interrupted several times and extending from the back of the head to the tail end. On his head to show two indistinct reddish brown transom; a blue patch on the neck and blue eyes rings may be present. 
The underside of Phelsuma robertmertensi is yellowish. Adult males show a strong yellowing of Kloakalregion. 
In high spirits but remains of the described staining only the red Vertebrallinie and the Gecko appears in more or less bright turquoise blue.

P. robertmertensi, females

Hatched Phelsuma robertmertensi measure between 28 mm and 34 mm total length (depending on the incubation period and especially after the health of the mother). They are similar in the first days after the pups of Phelsuma leiogaster ssp. - Bright spots on brown staining. Soon, however, they show the staining said adults. 
The boys can raise problems and are sexually mature at 12 to 14 months.


Gerd Trautmann

Distribution and habitat:
The occurrence is limited by the present state of knowledge on an island of Komorenarchipels. 
There inhabited Phelsuma robertmertensi the trunks of palm trees, preferably coconut. The climate is tropical oceanic and roughly equivalent to the terms of, northwest of Madagascar island Nosy Be. There occur two distinct climate periods: a dry, relatively cool period from May to October (daily maximum 22 ° C to 25 ° C) and a rainy, hot period from November to April (daily maximum 30 ° C to 35 ° C).

Reproduction under husbandry conditions:


If the animals are kept in the garden during the summer in suitable containers, the laying period begins about eight weeks after insertion into the terrarium. Healthy, well-fed animals can be very productive; about six double clutches per season. Phelsuma robertmertensi is a Eileger. 
The incubation period is about 65 to 70 days at 25 ° C to 28 ° C is relatively long (nest of approximately equal size, originating from the same areaPhelsuma nigristriata are under the same conditions as 20 days earlier slip ripe!).

P. robertmertensi, hatchling

Videos :  

Phelsuma robertmertensi pair

Young Phelsuma robertmertensi

Freshly hatched Phelsuma robertmertensi Baby # 7 for 2013

Phelsuma robertmertensi

                                                             Geckos  : Introduction   -  As a Pet 

                                                             Geckos Species :

                       -  Leopard geckos  1   2   3  


                       -  Crested gecko   1   2   3   4    


                       -  Tokay gecko   1  


                       - African Fat Tailed Geckos   1     2     3  


                      -  Day Gecko :  -    Giant Day Gecko:       1       2  

                                                       -    Gold dust gecko:       1        2  

                                                       -    phelsuma dubia    

                                                       -   Other Day Geckos Geckos:  1   2    3    4    5    6     7    8     9     10     11


                    DWARF GECKOS GROUPE  :


                            - Lygodectylus geckos Introduction    -   Species :

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  williamisi 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Yellow Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - White Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - kimhowelli

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Others 

                                 - Gonatodes geckos  - species :

                                                                        - Gonatodes Albogularis 

                                                                        - Gonatodes antillensis 

                                                                        - Other species  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     


                                -  Sphaerodactylus geckos   -  Species :  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12


                                - Tropiocolotes geckos   - Species :  1  


                                - Other Dwarf geckos   :    1    2    3


                     ASIA GECKO Groupe :   1  ..  2  ..  3  ..  4  ..  5  ..  6  ..  7  ..  8


                     Knob  -  Tailed  geckos  


                     Thick  - Tailed  geckos


                      Spider Geckos  


                      Leaf Tailed Geckos :  1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  


                     Goniurosaurus geckos : 1  ,  2  .  3  ,  4  ,  5  ,  6  ,  7



Geckos  : Introduction   -  As a Pet 

Geckos Species :

                       -  Leopard geckos  1   2   3  

                       -  Crested gecko   1   2   3   4    

                       -  Tokay gecko   1  

                       - African Fat Tailed Geckos   1     2     3  

                      -  Day Gecko :  -    Giant Day Gecko:       1       2  

                                                       -    Gold dust gecko:       1        2  

                                                       -    phelsuma dubia    

                                                       -   Other Day Geckos Geckos:  1   2    3    4    5    6     7    8     9     10     11

                    DWARF GECKOS GROUPE  :

                            - Lygodectylus geckos Introduction    -   Species :

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  williamisi 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Yellow Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - White Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - kimhowelli

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Others 

                                 - Gonatodes geckos  - species :

                                                                        - Gonatodes Albogularis 

                                                                        - Gonatodes antillensis 

                                                                        - Other species  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     

                                -  Sphaerodactylus geckos   -  Species :  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12

                                - Tropiocolotes geckos   - Species :  1  

                                - Other Dwarf geckos   :    1    2    3

                     ASIA GECKO Groupe :   1  ..  2  ..  3  ..  4  ..  5  ..  6  ..  7  ..  8

                     Knob  -  Tailed  geckos  

                     Thick  - Tailed  geckos

                      Spider Geckos  

                      Leaf Tailed Geckos :  1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  

                     Goniurosaurus geckos : 1  ,  2  .  3  ,  4  ,  5  ,  6  ,  7



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