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The Bridled mabuya or Bridled skink (Trachylepis vittata) is a species of skinks found in North Africa and Middle East. The length of those skinks is up to 22 cm.


The binomial name of this species has seen multiple updates in early 2000. The current binomial name Trachylepis vittata was defined by Bauer in 2003, previously it was known as Mabuya vittata and for short period as Eutropis vittata. The reason for those changes is an attempt to divide the vast genus Mabuya in a few smaller genera.


The Bridled Mabuya lives in open sandy or stony soil with little grass or bushy vegetation. It is usually found near water; in Egypt in the Wetlands and near oases in Tunisia. It can grow up to 22 centimeters long and has a smooth, shiny, body with overlapping scales. Their heads are cone shaped and they have elongated bodies and a tapering tail that is easily broken but can be regenerated.


The Bridled Mabuya feeds primarily on insects and other arthropods.

4-  Other Mabuya species : 


aside from african Blue Tail Skink (Mabuya quinquetaeniata)  there is a good number of mabuya skinks can be determined as a good skinks for vivariums here below some examples :


Let's have a look about Mabuya genus first :


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Mabuya is a genus of long-tailed skinks restricted to species from the Americas. They are primarily carnivorous, though many are omnivorous. The genus is viviparous, having a highly evolved placenta that resembles that of eutherian mammals.[1] Formerly, many Old World species were placed here, as Mabuya was a kind of "wastebasket taxon". These Old World species are now placed in the generaChioninia, Eutropis, and Trachylepis. Under the older classification, the New World species were referred to as "American mabuyas".


The ancestors of the genus are believed to have rafted across the Atlantic from Africa during the last 9 million years.[2]


Mabuya mabouya

Scientific classification :





Class:Reptilia (paraphyletic)







Fitzinger, 1826

Species :

see left .. 

Species :


Listed alphabetically by specific name. 


  • Mabuya agilis (Raddi, 1823)

  • Mabuya agmosticha Rodrigues, 2000

  • Mabuya altamazonica Miralles, Barrio-Amorós, G. Rivas, Chaparro-Auza, 2006

  • Mabuya arajara Rebouças-Spieker, 1981 – Arajara mabuya

  • Mabuya berengerae Miralles, 2006

  • Mabuya bistriata (Spix, 1825) – shiny mabuya, shiny lizard, two-striped mabuya

  • Mabuya caissara Reboucas-Spieker, 1974

  • Mabuya carvalhoi Reboucas-Spieker & Vanzolini, 1990 – Carvalho's mabuya

  • Mabuya cochabambae Dunn, 1935

  • Mabuya croizati Horton, 1973 – Horton's mabuya

  • Mabuya dorsivittata Cope, 1862 – Paraguay mabuya

  • Mabuya falconensis Mijares-Urrtia & Arends, 1997

  • Mabuya frenata (Cope, 1862) – Cope's mabuya

  • Mabuya guaporicola Dunn, 1935 – Dunn's mabuya.

  • Mabuya heathi K.P. Schmidt & Inger, 1951 – Brazilian mabuya

  • Mabuya infralineata Boettger, 1913

  • Mabuya lineolata Noble & Hassler, 1933 – lined mabuya

  • Mabuya luciae Garman, 1887

  • Mabuya mabouya (Bonnaterre, 1789)

  • Mabuya macleani Mayer & Lazell, 2000 – slippery back

  • Mabuya macrophthalma Mausfeld & Böhme, 2002

  • Mabuya macrorhyncha Hoge, 1946 – Hoge's mabuya

  • Mabuya meridensis Miralles, G. Rivas, & Schargel, 2005

  • Mabuya nebulosylvestris Miralles, Rivas, Bonillo, Schargel, Barros, García-Perez, & Barrio-Amorós, 2009

  • Mabuya nigropalmata (Andersson, 1918) – black mabuya

  • Mabuya nigropunctata (Spix, 1825) – black-spotted mabuya

  • Mabuya ozorii Bocage, 1893

  • Mabuya sloanii (Daudin, 1803) – slippery-backed mabuya

  • Mabuya unimarginata Cope, 1862 – Central American mabuya

  • Mabuya wrightii Boulenger, 1887

  • Mabuya zuliae Miralles, G. Rivas, Bonillo, Schargel, Barros, García-Perez, & Barrio-Amorós, 2009

- Bayon’s Skink -Trachylepis bayonii ( Mabuya bayoni ) :





Trachylepis bayonii is a species of skink. It is endemic to Angola, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda 

-  Alpine-Meadow Skink  - Trachylepis irregularis ( Mabuya irregularis ) 

Trachylepis is a skink genus in the subfamily Lygosominae found mainly in Africa. Its members were formerly included in the "wastebin taxon" Mabuya, and for some time in Euprepis. As defined today, Trachylepis contains the clade of Afro-Malagasy mabuyas. The genus also contains a species from the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha, T. atlantica, and may occur in mainland South America with Trachylepis tschudii and Trachylepis maculata, both poorly known and enigmatic. The ancestors of T.


Trachylepis acutilabris (Wedge-snouted Skink, Sharp-lipped Mabuya)
Trachylepis affinis (Senegal Mabuya)
Trachylepis albilabris (Guinea Mabuya)
Trachylepis angolensis
Trachylepis atlantica
Trachylepis aurata (Golden Grass Mabuya)
Trachylepis aureopunctata (Gold-spotted Mabuya)
Trachylepis bayonii (Bayon'sMabuya)
Trachylepis bensonii (Benson's Mabuya)
Trachylepis betsileana (Betsileo Mabuya)
Trachylepis binotata (Bocage's Mabuya)
Trachylepis bocagii
Trachylepis boettgeri (Boettger's Mabuya)
Trachylepis boulengeri (Boulenger's Mabuya)
Trachylepis brauni (Braun's Mabuya)
Trachylepis brevicollis (Sudan Mabuya) (Attributes)
Trachylepis breviparietalis (Chabanaud's Mabuya)
Trachylepis buettneri
Trachylepis capensis (Cape Skink, Cape Three-lined Skink)
Trachylepis chimbana (Chimban Mabuya)
Trachylepis comorensis
Trachylepis cristinae (Abd Al Kuri Skink)
Trachylepis depressa (Eastern Coastal Skink)
Trachylepis dichroma (Two-coloured skink)
Trachylepis dumasi
Trachylepis elegans (Elegant Mabuya)
Trachylepis ferrarai (Ferrara's Mabuya)
Trachylepis gravenhorstii (Gravenhorst's Mabuya)
Trachylepis hemmingi (Somali Mabuya)
Trachylepis hildae
Trachylepis hildebrandtii (Hildebrandt's Mabuya)
Trachylepis hoeschi (Hoesch's Mabuya)
Trachylepis homalocephala (Red-sided Mabuya)
Trachylepis infralineata
Trachylepis irregularis (Alpine Meadow Mabuya)
Trachylepis ivensii (Ivens skink)
Trachylepis lacertiformis (Bronze Rock Skink)
Trachylepis laevis (Angolan Blue-tailed Skink)
Trachylepis lavarambo
Trachylepis loluiensis
Trachylepis maculata (Spotted Mabuya)
Trachylepis maculilabris (Speckle-lipped Mabuya)
Trachylepis madagascariensis (Malagasy Mabuya)
Trachylepis makolowodei
Trachylepis margaritifera (Rainbow Skink)
Trachylepis megalura (Grass-top skink)
Trachylepis mekuana
Trachylepis mlanjensis (Mulanje Skink)
Trachylepis nancycoutuae
Trachylepis nganghae
Trachylepis occidentalis (Western three-striped skink) (Attributes)
Trachylepis ozorii
Trachylepis pendeana
chylepis perrotetii (Teita Mabuya)
Trachylepis planifrons
Trachylepis polytropis (Tropical Mabuya)
Trachylepis pulcherrima (Rainbow Mabuya)
Trachylepis punctatissima (Montane Speckled Skink)
Trachylepis punctulata (Speckled sand skink)
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata (Five-lined Mabuya)
Trachylepis rodenburgi (Rodenburg's Mabuya)
Trachylepis sechellensis (Seychelles Mabuya) (Attributes)
Trachylepis socotrana (Socotra Skink)
Trachylepis sparsa (Attributes)
Trachylepis spilogaster (Spiny Mabuya) (Attributes)
Trachylepis striata (African Striped Mabuya) (Attributes)
Trachylepis sulcata (Western Rock Skink)
Trachylepis tandrefana
Trachylepis tavaratra
Trachylepis tessellata
Trachylepis varia (Variable skink)
Trachylepis variegata (Variegated Skink)
Trachylepis vato (Boulder Mabuya)
Trachylepis vezo
Trachylepis vittata (Bridled Mabuya) (Attributes)
Trachylepis volamenaloha
Trachylepis wingati (Wingates Skink)
Trachylepis wrightii (Wright's Mabuya) (Attributes)

-  Speckle-Lipped Skink -  Trachylepis maculilabris - ( Mabuya maculilabris ) :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Trachylepis maculilabris is a species of skink.[1] Commonly referred to as the speckle-lipped skink, it can be found in nature in West Africa.

Video : 

Trachylepis maculilabris infralineata Europa island (Canal du Mozambique - îles Eparses - TAAF)

Trachylepis maculilabris

Scientific classification







Species:T. maculilabris

Binomial name

Trachylepis maculilabris
(Gray, 1845)

-  Bridled mabuya  -  Trachylepis vittata  (mabuya  vittata) :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Trachylepsis punctatissima, commonly called the Montane speckled skink, is a lizard in the skink family (Scincidae) which is widespread in southern Africa.[1][2] The common and adaptable species occurs in a variety of habitat types at middle to high altitudes.[1] It was for a time treated as a southern race of the African striped skink, T. striata.


Bridled mabuya



Scientific classification:







Species:T. vittata

Binomial name:

Trachylepis vittata
(Olivier, 1804)


Eutropis vittata
Mabuya vittata

Videos :

חומט פסים - Bridled Skink (Trachylepis vittata)

Other websites :





- the Montane speckled skink, Trachylepsis punctatissima  ( Mabuya punctatissima )

Montane speckled skink

T. punctatissima sunning in a garden

Scientific classification :








Species:T. punctatissima

Binomial name :

Trachylepis punctatissima
(Smith, 1849)


  • Euprepes punctatissimus Smith, 1849

  • Mabouia gruetzneri Boulenger, 1887

  • Mabuia striata subsp. gruetzneriSternfeld, 1911

  • Mabuya punctatissima (Smith, 1849)

  • Mabuya striata subsp. punctatissima(Smith, 1849)[1]

Description :

This skink is dark grey brown in colour with two golden brown stripes that run lengthwise on either side of the spine. The underside is dirty white or pale grey. Both sexes grow to a length of about 19 cm.

Habits and biology :

They are diurnal and like to bask in the sun. Those in colder regions will spend a period in hibernation. They are ovoviviparous.

Range and races :

It is native to eastern Zambia, southern Malawi and Botswana, eastern Zimbabwe, central and northern South Africa, Lesotho and western Swaziland. The population on Mount Mulanje in southern Malawi was formerly included with Mabuya striata subsp. punctatissima, but is now treated as a full species, Trachylepis mlanjensis, while the Eastern Highlands population in Zimbabwe may similarly prove to be distinct.[1]

For the external links , refrences  click here to read the full wikipedia article 

- Wright's skink - Trachylepis wrightii  :





From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Wright's skink (Trachylepis wrightii) is a species of skink in the Scincidae family.

It is found only in Seychelles. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland.

Wright's skink 


Scientific classification :







Species:T. wrightii

Binomial name :

Trachylepis wrightii
(Boulenger, 1887)

Conservation status





Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)

Please select or follow below : 



Skinks as a pet   1   ,   2 


SKINKS SPECIES :  Blue - tongued skinks :  Part   1  -   2   -   3     -   4   -  5   -   6  -    7


                                 Pink - tongued skinks  


                                 Red Eye Crocodile Skinks 


                                 Fire Skinks 


                                 Blue tail skinks 


                                  Five - Lined Skinks :  Part   1     -    2  


                                  Other Skinks   :   ASIAN  &  AFRICAN  skinks  : Part 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9                                                                                                                            10  11   12  13  14  15    


                                  Other Skinks  American  Part :   1   -   2   -  3



                                  Other  Skinks Australian  Part :   1    2     3     4     5     6     7      8     9    10                                                                                               11     12    13     14   

Please select or follow below : 



Skinks as a pet   1   ,   2 


SKINKS SPECIES :  Blue - tongued skinks :  Part   1  -   2   -   3     -   4   -  5   -   6  -    7


                                 Pink - tongued skinks  


                                 Red Eye Crocodile Skinks 


                                 Fire Skinks 


                                 Blue tail skinks 


                                  Five - Lined Skinks :  Part   1     -    2  


                                  Other Skinks   :   ASIAN  &  AFRICAN  skinks  : Part 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9                                                                                                                            10  11   12  13  14  15    


                                  Other Skinks  American  Part :   1   -   2   -  3



                                  Other  Skinks Australian  Part :   1    2     3     4     5     6     7      8     9    10                                                                                               11     12    13     14   

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