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Biotope of P.guttata

12- Speckled day gecko - Phelsuma guttata

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The speckled day gecko (Phelsuma guttata) is a diurnal species of geckos. It lives in eastern Madagascar and typically inhabits rainforests and dwells on trees. The speckled day gecko feeds on insects and nectar

Speckled day gecko

Scientific classification :






Suborder:Sauria or





Species:P. guttata

Binomial name :

Phelsuma guttata
Kaudern, 1922[1]

Description :


This lizard belongs to the medium-sized day geckos. It can reach a total length of about 13 cm. The body colour of this slender and long-snouted gecko is dark green. There are several small orange spots on the middle and lower portion of the back. A black eye stripe extends from the nostril to above the ear opening. Typical for this species are several v-shaped stripes on the throat. The flanks, legs and toes are white speckled. Some populations have some blue spots in the neck region. The ventral side is grayish white.

Distribution :


This species inhabits north-east Madagascar, along the coast. It can also be found on some nearby islets.



P. guttata typically lives in rainforests where they live on trees and avoid bright sun light. Since much of the primary rainforest has been cleared, this species is also found on bushes and introduced banana trees.



These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also like to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen and nectar.



This Phelsuma species is often found in pairs on a tree. Juveniles mainly inhabit surrounding low shrubs.



The females lay a pair of eggs and hide them on the ground under foliage or wood or they may lay their eggs on trees under loose bark. At a temperature of 28°C, the young will hatch after approximately 40–45 days. The juveniles measure 45 mm.


Care and maintenance in captivity 

These animals should be housed in pairs in a well planted terrarium. The temperature should be between 25 and 28 °C (77 and 82 °F). The humidity should be maintained between 75 and 100%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moths, fruits flies, mealworms and houseflies.



- Jump up^ The Reptile Database.


-Henkel, F.-W., and W. Schmidt (1995) Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Stuttgart: Ulmer. ISBN 3-8001-7323-9


-McKeown, Sean (1993) The general care and maintenance of day geckos. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA.

These animals should be housed in pairs in a well planted terrarium. The temperature should be between 25 and 28 °C (77 and 82 °F). The humidity should be maintained between 75 and 100%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moths, fruits flies, mealworms and houseflies.



Hans-Peter Berghof (IG-Rundschreiben 4/2002)

courtesy to :

The name of this Taggeckos derives from the Latin guttatus -. "With teardrop-shaped spots" from.

1922 Phelsuma guttata Kaudern, Zool. . Jb (syst.), Jena, 45.. 418, Plate 12, Figure 1-1a 
1939 Phelsuma guttatum  Rendahl, Zool. . Jb (syst.), Jena, 72 268.

Terra Typica: 
Fandrarazana Northern Madagascar

Introduction: Phelsuma guttata  1922 described by way of just one copy. This animal was but from Kaudern (1922) collected for ten years ago and was at the time the description just before the alcohol preparation. In February 1977 was MEIER (1980) for the fourth time to visit in the province of Maroantsetra. On this trip, he succeeded in making the first time three animals identified. Due to this, at last there was the possibility to provide information to the vital staining of this type. In this work, as well as in MERTENS (1962), this Phelsume was also referred to the great rarity. Due to subsequent investigations have been implicated the animals although quite hidden but life not so rare.


The distribution area of P. guttata is yet greater than originally assumed, as could be confirmed by subsequent research trips on which this species was observed at many points on the east coast of Madagascar (HALLMANN et al. 1997). Also the island of Nosy Boraha is (Ste. Marie) as a fund point of P.guttata named (MEIER 1989). Since this species is only found in forests far from human settlements, and even in these usually only occasionally, it is not surprising that P. guttata has long been regarded as extremely rare. Another point is that the animals are not to do so as soon locate in the thicket. I myself could P. guttata previously observed only on Nosy Boraha. There the animals were to be found inside the still existing residual rainforests.


Phelsuma guttata

guttata habitat of Phelsuma

On crops or even in the vicinity of settlements, these geckos have never encountered, even at the edge of the forest could not be observed this way. Although it was not very easy to make these animals in the thicket of the forest identified and the population density was not very high, yet so many animals were sighted that you can not necessarily speak of a rare kind. However, P. guttata threatened due to the continued progressive clearing of the remaining rainforests in Madagascar acute in their survival, since they obviously can not adapt to new living conditions. In the not too distant future this type will probably find only in protected areas.


With 12-13 cm total length, this very slim and pointy-headed Phelsume is fully grown. The base color is difficult to describe. The coloration is highly variable and may be up to vary between dark green to light green turquoise blue depending on the mood and the area covered. The whole body is covered with an irregular, dark red-brown stain drawing which can pass on the back in bright red. The neck and the tail-top can be light blue in some animals. There are also copies with yellowish coloring head. A reddish-brown snout line that moves on after the amber eye to the ear, is always present. It can further be present a V-shaped connection between the eyes. The flanks and limbs are mottled gray and very strong. Belly and tail underside is white to light gray.

Phelsuma guttata

A sexual dimorphism (differences in appearance between the sexes) does not exist. The only distinguishing feature is the significant Präanofemoralporen and looming Hemipenistaschen in adult males. The clearest distinguishing feature of P. guttata is the three-dark gray angles Kehl drawing and a characteristic Kehlbeschuppung. This consists of a group of small scales, which is enclosed circular of larger scales. This is unique in the genus Phelsuma.


As mentioned input this species lives exclusively inside of rainforests. There she is on the trunks of large trees, thin trees and occasionally standing in the forest Ravenala madagascariensis find (Tree of passengers and landmarks of Madagascar). They usually stay in the lower part on at one to three meters above the ground. I could partly sympatric (shared) these animals with Phelsuma quadriocellata bimaculata observe on the same plant. Striking was the of P. guttata inhabited plants usually at least could be achieved at a location of the incident sunlight and the animals there temporarily stayed even for sunbathing.



Very interesting and pleasant is the fact that P.guttata virtually show no fear. The animals do not run away like most geckos at the slightest disturbance but "go" if one gets too close to them a little further or to the other side of the branch. The flight distance is very small. TRAUTMANN (HALLMANN et al.1997) are for the climate in the habitat of P. guttata chose the following values from Maroantsetra to. The mean temperature for the coldest month in the Malagasy winter (August) 20,8ºC and the warmest month of the mad. Summer (February) 26 ° C. The average annual rainfall is 3664 mm. When I in February on Nosy Boraha the habitat of P. guttata visit was it was very hot and humid, although it has very little rain despite rains in this period of my einwöchentlichen visit.



Phelsuma guttata

In order to meet this kind meet, the animals must be housed in a well planted terrarium. The dimensions of 30 x 40 x 50 cm (W x D x H) should not be undershot. For planting all proven for Phelsumen plants (Sansiveria, Scindapsus, Ficus, etc.) can be used. Particularly advantageous, the planting of one to two bromeliads has proved.These are very much like to drink and used for egg laying. As substrate I use ungedünkte Earth, but peat or expanded clay can be taken. It is important, which is given by regular moistening of the soil, increased humidity in the terrarium. Despite the high humidity requirements of this kind must not be dispensed with adequate ventilation.This is achieved by a cover made entirely of gauze and a side vent area.


The temperatures in summer can reach 35 ° C readily during the day, but at night must decline significantly. During the winter months it is sufficient if the daily temperatures reach only 22 ° C, even at night drop to 15 ° C. During this time, the reproduction is set and the females can recover. Once the temperatures rise in spring can be expected with the beginning of pairings. is illuminated with one or two fluorescent lamps 65 W (neutral white), which extend over several basins. Furthermore, UVS -Leuchtstofflampe is switched on 40 west of Narva and at irregular intervals a 20 W halogen spotlight for about 2 hours in the morning and afternoon, which is directed to a vertical branch that the geckos can seek to achieve their preferred temperature. The terrarium is roaring with water in the winter two to three times a week. In the warm summer months is about roars daily morning and evening.



Phelsuma guttata - terrariums

Despite the water-filled bromeliads funnel and over a roar filled with fresh water drinking container is always present. As food the usual insects such as crickets, small cockroaches, flies, etc. offered at the specified size. Striking is the P. guttata more smaller prey animals preferred. In adult animals, it is sufficient if two is fed to three times weekly. Or you no longer gives the animals daily as one or two feed animals. Although this type tends outwardly hardly to obesity, excessive feeding of the health of the animals do not appear to me relevant. With this type I feed mainly with tweezers or I give the crickets or cockroaches in small clean glasses from which the geckos can fetch your feed. This has the advantage that I have an overview of what and whether the animals eat and the food animals running around uncontrollably in the terrarium.

Particularly important has at P. guttata the supplementary feeding proved with fruit pulp. Of particularly the mixed fruit peach / passion fruit, peach, pear and apricot are preferred by the Geckos. This should be at least once a week offered. Neglecting this can it happen that suddenly refuse anything offered feed the animals. This is particularly often observed in young animals. After Breiration is then easily re-taken the offered animal food. Very important is an abundant feeding with minerals, especially during reproduction and rearing of young animals. Since the adolescent females tend very early in the formation of eggs (even if no male is in females), care must be taken in adolescent offspring necessarily always be the calcium-containing supplement powders available.

During the cold winter months, the egg is mostly set, making it clearly visible in the Kalksäckchen Geckos from. During this time, no additional minerals are fed up to the beginning of the new mating season, so the Kalktaschen not fill excessively. 
Also with a fine in the terrarium animals, shows the calm and trusting behavior. This can even go so far as the isolated specimens completely lose their shyness and the nurse to run to hand the animals and can be downright "play" with them.

As already described the pairings start with the rise in temperatures in the spring. In my animals I could except for minor violations of the females from mating bite, nor observe any serious injuries due to intraspecific disputes.However, I (Communication STEERING, mündl.) Has also been informed that there may be considerable biting well in this type. The adolescent eggs are clearly visible through the abdominal skin in the pregnant females soon. The usually consisting of two glued together eggs clutches are preferred in the leaf axils of Sansiveria spec. or placed in the border leaves of bromeliads. 

P.guttata during oviposition

Occasionally it is also happened that the eggs were laid and even in the ground. Once I was able to observe how a female has dug a small pit in a flower pot and it took off their eggs. However, the nest was not re-covered with earth but remained lying open in the hole. Most 4 to 5 clutches are formed per laying period, but it can already come up to 8 oviposition. Of course this is a huge burden on the female, and it is essential to ensure adequate supply of minerals. Thus the hatched juveniles are protected from the snares of the adults, the scrim should be removed from the terrarium. For incubation I put the eggs in a hen art in which the temperature is set to about 26 to 30 ° C during the day. At night the temperature drops by switching off the art hen to room temperature.


Under these circumstances, the sex ratio is slightly shifted in favor of females in the hatchlings, but this is for the conservation of advantage. In art hen small plastic cans have their lids are provided with a larger hole and these are closed with gauze. In the can a layer of moist vermiculite is on a piece of Styrofoam is. In this small indentations are pressed into which the eggs are laid. Under these circumstances, slip me the small P. guttata after 49-74 days. They look like the parents in miniature, are about 3.5 to 4 cm long and very slim. Even with the hatchlings already shows the trusting behavior. Of all progeny are far more than two or three animals have been a little hectic.

Nesting site in flowerpot

to let slip the clutch in the terrarium with the adults and grow the juveniles therein I think not recommended because it may well happen that these adjust their young. For greater clarity, and because this type is still quite rare maintained in our terrarium, the animals should be reared in small breeding tanks. For this I use plastic terrarium or small glass basins. Although the animals can grow up together in my experience with other equally large Phelsumenarten or even in small groups of their own kind, there is merit animals to bring at least the first 4 to 6 months individually.


The interior of the breeding tank is fairly simple. Some bamboo sticks or other provided with a smooth surface and a small plant branches meet the animals as possible stay. I use the sake of simplicity only parts of small leafed plastic plants. These need no maintenance, are easy to clean, offer the animals some cover and keep up with the small leaves after spraying moisture. had after I observed several times that the small Phelsumen the chase of food animals bitten in the ground (sand or peat) and thereafter effort had to obtain the substrate thereby taken out of the mouth, I have just decided kitchen paper as a substrate in the rearing tanks to use. The danger of suffocation is prevented to the substrate and it can be for cleaning easily replaced. When I give food to the size corresponding crickets or crickets, also Drosophilla are eaten. It is very important to also offer the pups weekly fruit pulp. This is always enriched with a mineral mixture, also the food animals are always dusted it. Temperatures are similar to the same as in adults animals, but should the day ever, so even in the winter months, reach at least 30 ° C.

breeding container

Once a day (preferably in the afternoon) the rearing containers are so over roars with water the animals to drink and the humidity required is achieved. Under these conditions, the animals grow well and are already sexually mature at 10 to 12 months. Unfortunately, you can almost not discourage the formation of eggs the females. I therefore advise the animals only to mate with about 1½ years so that young females are not weakened too much while growing through the formation of eggs. When the females eggs develop and store unfertilized, they are usually eaten again and thus included all the ingredients again, and thereby made available to the still growing organism available again.

Phelsuma guttata, Offspring

The pretty appearance, and above all very friendly behavior of this kind makes P. guttata a recommendable and pleasant ward.


BERGHOF, H.-P. (1996). Characteristics Phelsuma guttata - Newsletter IG Phelsuma, No. 16, internal circular 
HALLMANN, G., KRUGER, J. & Trautmann, G. (1997): Fascinating day geckos. - Nature and animal Publisher, Münster. 
Kaudern, W. (1922): sauropsids from Madagaskar.- Zool. Jb Syst, Jena, 45:.. 416-458, figs. AF, pls. xii-xiii. 
MEIER, H. (1980). . To live coloration, lifestyle and the distribution area of Phelsuma guttata.- Salamandra, Frankfurt / M, 16 (2): 82-88. 
MEIER, H. (1989): For faunistics Malagasy geckos of the genus Phelsuma east of Fianarantsoa, Tamatave and at on the island of Ste. . Marie.- Salamandra, Bonn, 25 (3/4): 224-229 
MERTENS, R. (1962): The species and subspecies of the genus Phelsuma - Senckenb. biol., Frankfurt / M, 43 (2):. 81-127.

Other and Recommended websites :

Videos :

Exo Terra - Madagascar: Phelsuma guttata

Phelsuma guttata - Paarung von Taggeckos

Phelsuma guttata frisst Heimchen

13- Phelsuma kely 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Phelsuma kely is a species of diurnal gecko which lives on the central east coast of Madagascar, south of Tamatave. It typically inhabits dragon trees. The gecko feeds on insects and probably nectar.


It is the smallest known day gecko, reaching a total length of about 7.1 cm. Its body colour is variable and dependent on the mood of the animal. During activity, the basic body colour is white-gray with a black pattern on the back. However, the body colour can turn dark also. A black lateral stripe extends from the eye to the tail. The ventral side is grayish-white.

Phelsuma kely:

Scientific classification









Species:P. kely

Binomial name :

Phelsuma kely
Schönecker, Bach & Glaw, 2004

Habitat :


P. kely is found on dragon trees. It shares its habitat with Phelsuma seippi, Phelsuma guttata, Phelsuma lineata, Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis, Phelsuma quadriocellata, Phelsuma abbotti chekei, Phelsuma dubia, Phelsuma laticauda laticaudaand Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis. All these species live sympatrically and partly syntopically. In March, the daytime temperature is around 27°C and drops to around 23°C at nighttime. The relative humidity is between 80 and 90%.


Diet :


These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. Like many members of the genus Phelsuma, this species might also feed on pollen and nectar.

Behaviour :


This Phelsuma species is very shy.


Reproduction  :


In captivity, the females lay a pair of eggs which measure about 7 x 6 mm. At a temperature of 28°C during the day and 22°C at night, the young will hatch after approximately 60 days. The juveniles have a total length of about 25–28 mm.


Care and maintenance in captivity :


These animals should be housed in pairs in a well planted terrarium. The temperature should be between about 28°C during the day and around 20°C at nighttime. The relative humidity should be maintained between 80 and 90%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moths, fruit flies, mealworms and houseflies.


References :

-Schönecker, P., S. Bach and F. Glaw (2004) Eine neue Taggecko-Art der Gattung Phelsuma aus Ost-Madagaskar (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae). Salamandra 40(2), 2004, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrariunkunde, Rheinbach.


                                                             Geckos  : Introduction   -  As a Pet 

                                                             Geckos Species :

                       -  Leopard geckos  1   2   3  


                       -  Crested gecko   1   2   3   4    


                       -  Tokay gecko   1  


                       - African Fat Tailed Geckos   1     2     3  


                      -  Day Gecko :  -    Giant Day Gecko:       1       2  

                                                       -    Gold dust gecko:       1        2  

                                                       -    phelsuma dubia    

                                                       -   Other Day Geckos Geckos:  1   2    3    4    5    6     7    8     9     10     11


                    DWARF GECKOS GROUPE  :


                            - Lygodectylus geckos Introduction    -   Species :

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  williamisi 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Yellow Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - White Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - kimhowelli

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Others 

                                 - Gonatodes geckos  - species :

                                                                        - Gonatodes Albogularis 

                                                                        - Gonatodes antillensis 

                                                                        - Other species  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     


                                -  Sphaerodactylus geckos   -  Species :  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12


                                - Tropiocolotes geckos   - Species :  1  


                                - Other Dwarf geckos   :    1    2    3


                     ASIA GECKO Groupe :   1  ..  2  ..  3  ..  4  ..  5  ..  6  ..  7  ..  8


                     Knob  -  Tailed  geckos  


                     Thick  - Tailed  geckos


                      Spider Geckos  


                      Leaf Tailed Geckos :  1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  


                     Goniurosaurus geckos : 1  ,  2  .  3  ,  4  ,  5  ,  6  ,  7



Geckos  : Introduction   -  As a Pet 

Geckos Species :

                       -  Leopard geckos  1   2   3  

                       -  Crested gecko   1   2   3   4    

                       -  Tokay gecko   1  

                       - African Fat Tailed Geckos   1     2     3  

                      -  Day Gecko :  -    Giant Day Gecko:       1       2  

                                                       -    Gold dust gecko:       1        2  

                                                       -    phelsuma dubia    

                                                       -   Other Day Geckos Geckos:  1   2    3    4    5    6     7    8     9     10     11

                    DWARF GECKOS GROUPE  :

                            - Lygodectylus geckos Introduction    -   Species :

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  williamisi 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Yellow Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - White Headed 

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - kimhowelli

                                                                                                - Lygodectylus  - Others 

                                 - Gonatodes geckos  - species :

                                                                        - Gonatodes Albogularis 

                                                                        - Gonatodes antillensis 

                                                                        - Other species  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     

                                -  Sphaerodactylus geckos   -  Species :  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12

                                - Tropiocolotes geckos   - Species :  1  

                                - Other Dwarf geckos   :    1    2    3

                     ASIA GECKO Groupe :   1  ..  2  ..  3  ..  4  ..  5  ..  6  ..  7  ..  8

                     Knob  -  Tailed  geckos  

                     Thick  - Tailed  geckos

                      Spider Geckos  

                      Leaf Tailed Geckos :  1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  

                     Goniurosaurus geckos : 1  ,  2  .  3  ,  4  ,  5  ,  6  ,  7



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