Blue Tail Skink (Mabuya quinquetaeniata)
another similar species is (American) five-lined skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) which is lizard not Skink
Skink lizards hatching in my garden

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Five-lined Mabuya (Trachylepis quinquetaeniata, formerly Mabuya quinquetaeniata), sometimes called Rainbow Mabuya, blue-tailed Skink (due to the blue tail) or Rainbow Skink is a species of African skink in the subfamily Lygosominae. Trachylepis margaritifera is also known as the Rainbow Skink.
Five-lined Mabuya
Scientific classification:
Species:T. quinquetaeniata
Binomial name:
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata
(Lichtenstein, 1823)
Mabuya quinquetaeniata

Taxonomy :
The species has three subspecies:
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata quinquetaeniata (Lichtenstein, 1823)
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata langheldi (Sternfeld, 1917)
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata riggenbachi (Sternfeld, 1910)
Mabuya quinquetaeniata margaritifera, formerly a subspecies, was elevated to full species in 1998.
Captivity :
This species is founded in the reptile trade.
Description :
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata is a medium sized lizard reaching a length of about 20 centimetres (7.9 in). The coloration of this species is quite variable, depending on the gender and the age. The scales are glossy, with metallic reflections. The basic colour is usually olive-brown or dark brown, sometimes with pearly whitish spots and with three light olive or dark brown stripes running from the head to the electric blue tail. These stripes may fade and become indistinct in the adults.
The head shows a pointed snout and clearly visible ears holes. Just behind the ear opening, there are some black spots. Legs are dark brown, short and strong, with relatively long toes. The flanks are mainly yellowish and the underside of the body is whitish.
Distribution :
It is found in Egypt[1] and southern Africa.
References :
- Jump up^ Baha El Din, Sherif (2006). A Guide to Reptiles & Amphibians of Egypt. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press. ISBN 978-9774249792.
Video :
Amazing Reptiles: The Blue Tailed Skink
Other & recommended websites :
Care & Breeding Articles :
1- Mabuya sp.
courtesy to :
There are more than eighty species of these sleek, long-tailed skinks. As befits their numbers, they can be found through various habitats in Southeast Asia, Africa and the tropics of the Americas. About the only places they are not found are in deserts* and shady forests.
Size : To 30 cm (12 in).
Physical description:
Slender, cylindrical body; may be slightly flattened dorsoventrally. The base of the head behind the pointed snout is not well-defined from the neck and body. The lower eyelid is moveable. Ear openings are pronounced; burrowing species may have a "fringe" of scales on the leading edge of the ear openings. Limbs are well formed, each with five toes. The tail is long and tapering. Scales are ridged.
Color and markings vary amongst species and members, but are primarily shades of brown. Many have bright colored areas and longitudinal stripes.
Tails autotomize and are somewhat fragile. Catching for handling and transfer should be done with care.
Primarily terrestrial, some do climb rocks and trees; near human habitation, they may be found on walls and fences. Forested species may be found only where there are clearing or openings to allow sunlight to penetrate for basking.
During their most active times of day, their body temperatures may be 3-10 C (37-50 F) degrees higher than the ambient temperatures.
Diet :
These insectivores, who feed primarily on arthropods, will occasionally eat some sweet fruit. Gut load insects before feeding out with nutritious food and vitamin and calcium supplements.
Most are oviparous, but some are ovoviviparous. Some populations may reproduce both by oviparity and ovoviviparity. Males of some species may aggressively court the females. Nesting sites should be provided under logs or bark slabs. Females may stay with the eggs. Young are generally darker overall than the adults.
Captive Care:
Mabuya should be set up in spacious enclosures furnished as for open woodlands: clean soil substrate mixed with sand and perhaps small pieces of orchid bark to lighten, with slabs of bark, rocks and branches for climbing on for basking and sleeping under. One section of the substrate should be kept damp.
Provide daily basking areas with an overhead radiant heat source. The overallthermal gradient ranging from 25-30 C (77-86 F), and the basking area to 32 C (90 F). Reduce heat at night no lower than 20 C (68 F) on the cool side.
Water should be provided, A water bowl may be used; initially, a dripper bottle to drip water into the bowl may be useful to get them used to it.
UVB radiation is required, as with most diurnal insectivores.
Most Mabuya are relatively compatible with each other and, given a large enough enclosure, may be kept in small groups. Some males, however, are aggressive towards other males.
Some species are considered "difficult" to keep in captivity.
*M. capensis. Southern Africa grasslands. 25 cm (10 in.). 10-15 young.
*M. carinata. Shiny Skink. India and Sri Lanka forests. To 30 cm (12 in.). Oviparous.
*M. chapaense. Vietnam.
*M. darevskii. Vietnam.
*M. mabouya. American Shiny Skink. Central and South America, adaptable to many environments. 25 cm (10 in.)
*M. megalura. Grass-top Skink.
*M. multifasciata. Many-striped Mabuya. Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines dry brushlands. To 20 cm (8 in.). Fossorial. Ovoviviparous.
*M. quinquetaeniata. Rainbow Rock Skink; Five-striped Mabuya. Northeastern to southeastern Africa savannahs and steppes; may be found near human habitation. To 25 cm (10 in.). Oviparous.
*M. striata. African Striped Skink; Striped Skink; House Skink. Eastern and southern Africa, adaptable to many environments; often in open areas, including those disturbed by man. To 20 cm (8 in.). Ovoviviparous.
*M. sechellensis. Seychelles and Amirantes Islands
*M. septemtaeniata (M. aurata). Northeastern Africa to southeastern Asia, in dry, rocky areas. To 20 cm (8 in.). Ovoviviparous.
*M. spilogaster. Kalahari Tree Skink, Namib desert. (Per J. Walls).
*M. unimarginata. Costa Rica.
*M. vittata. Northeastern Africa to Asia Minor grasslands and brush. 18 cm (7.2 in.). Ovoviviparous
- California Acadamy of Sciences.
- Obst, et al. 1988. Completely Illustrated Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians. TFH Publishing, Neptune City, NJ.
- Walls, J.G. 1994. Skinks: Identification, care and breeding.
- Trachylepis margaritifera - P eters, 1854
(Mabuya quinquetaeniata margaritifera)
courtesy to :
Rainbow Skink
Formerly assumed to be a supspecies of Mabuya quinquetaeniata , today quietly sold under this name. The common name reflects the colouration from blue to red and gold, the scientific name Margaritifera Means 'pearl-containing' which Refers to the better Mabuya quinquetaeniata colouration though. Captive-bred animals are not available at the moment. Wild-caughts are nervous in the beginning. Attractive and well suited for beginners.
Protection :
Adult Size :
25 cm, hatchlings 6-7 cm
Lifespan :
at least six years
Distribution :
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, south to Natal, west to eastern Botswana and Zambia
Habitat :
ground dwelling in dry, oft stony steppes and savannas, builds colonies, synanthropic
Captive Care :
Cage at least 80x50x50 cm WDH, They rarely climb. Ground substrate e. G. 5 cm thick layer sand-clay mix or fine gravel, keep humid in one corner.Pieces of bark, slabs or rock and roots for climbing and hiding. Flat waterbowl. Plants possible, spray rarely. Fluorescent lighting or LEDs. HQL or HQI spot. 25-30, local 40 ° C at day, 18-22 ° C at night.
Food :
insects and larvae, probably fruit pulp and yoghurt, vitamins and minerals (e. G. Herpetal Complete)
Reproduction and Rearing
Groups are a good opition. 4-8 eggs will be laid at least once a year.Incubate at about 28 ° C for about 70 days. Hatchlings need generous nourishment (microcricket, fruit flies) and supplements, UV light helpful. They can be reared in the group.

Trachylepis margaritifera : Wild-caught male from Tanzania • Wild-caught male from Tanzania
© Lutz Obelgönner
Trachylepis margaritifera : Wild-caught pair from Tanzania, female (left) is gravid • Tomboy couples from Tanzania, females (left) is pregnant
© Lutz Obelgönner
Rainbow skink :
General :
Formerly included as subspecies of Mabuya quinquetaeniata traded and is today often mistakenly sold under this name. The common name reflects the colorful coloring again, the Latin margaritifera means "beads containing", this being the color of the type Mabuya quinquetaeniata featuring better.Offspring are rarely available, although breeding is relatively simple. Wild catches are at first somewhat hectic. Good durable, attractive way.
Protection status :any
size :25 cm, juveniles 6-7 cm
Life expectancy :at least six years
occurrence :Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, south to the province of Natal (SA), west to eastern Botswana and Zambia
Habitat :soil inhabiting dry , often rocky savannahs and steppes, forming colonies, Kulturfolger
Attitude :terrarium mind. 80x50x50 cm WDH, the animals rarely are. For instance, the soil is 5 cm high of sand-clay mixture or fine gravel, which should be kept slightly damp in one place. In addition bark pieces, stone plates, roots etc. as a shelter and climbing possibility. Flat water vessel, dry plant possible.Fluorescent tubes or LEDs, HQL or HQI spotlights. Rarely spray. Tags 25-30 ° C, local 40 ° C, at night 18-22 ° C.
Forage :insects and their larvae, probably mashed fruit and yogurt, vitamins / minerals (eg. B. Herpetal Complete)
Breeding and rearing :groups are well tolerated. 4-8 eggs are placed in a damp place at least once a year. Incubate on slightly damp substrate at 28 ° C for about 70 days.Young animals have to be fed generously (micro-small, fruit flies) and always well with vitamins and minerals. UV light useful, rearing in the group possible.

Trachylepis margaritifera : Close-up of female • Close a female
© Lutz Obelgönner
Trachylepis margaritifera : Freshly hatched juvenile • Freshly hatched young
© Lutz Obelgönner
Trachylepis margaritifera : Close-up of male • Close a male
© Lutz Obelgönner
Videos on Care , feeding and breeding :
How to take care of blue tail skinks
Blue tailed skink!
Blue Tailed Skink! Just Caught!
greta blue tailed skink steup
My blue tailed skinks new habitat
Blue Tailed Skink Feeding
Blue Tail Five Lined Skink attacking a cricket, amazing snake like lizard. Reptile Pet feeding.
Skinks Mating at the Springfield MO Nature Center
General Care & set up :
Feeding :
Breeding :
Other Videos :
Steve's Snaketuary- Baby Blue Tailed Skink Hatchling
Catch Of The Day - BLUE-TAILED SKINK - Lizard Reptile JULY 2015 FREEZE
Blue Tailed Skink in a Bucket
Blue tail skink making babies
Please select or follow below :
SKINKS SPECIES : Blue - tongued skinks : Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Five - Lined Skinks : Part 1 - 2
Other Skinks : ASIAN & AFRICAN skinks : Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Other Skinks American Part : 1 - 2 - 3
Other Skinks Australian Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Please select or follow below :
SKINKS SPECIES : Blue - tongued skinks : Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Five - Lined Skinks : Part 1 - 2
Other Skinks : ASIAN & AFRICAN skinks : Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Other Skinks American Part : 1 - 2 - 3
Other Skinks Australian Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14