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Anolis m.marmoratus in terrarium

-  leopard anole or Guadeloupean anole  -  Anolis marmoratus  :

5- Anolis marmoratus inornatus :

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The leopard anole or Guadeloupean anole (Anolis marmoratus) is a species of anole that is endemic to the islands of Guadeloupe, in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles.


Six former subspecies have been elevated to species status: A. ferreus, A. terraealtae, A.kahouannensis, A.chrysops, A.caryae and A.desiradei. Of the currently accepted subspecies five live on the island of Basse-terre and two on the island of Grande-Terre.[1]

leopard anole

4- Anolis marmoratus speciosus :

Scientific classification :








Species:A. marmoratus

Binomial name :

Anolis marmoratus
Duméril & Bibron, 1837


  • A. m. marmoratus Duméril & Bibron, 1837

  • A. m. alliaceus Cope, 1864

  • A. m. caryae Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. chrysops Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. desiradei Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. girafus Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. inornatus Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. kahouannensis Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. setosus Lazell, 1964

  • A. m. speciosus Garman, 1887


  • Anolis alliaceus Cope, 1864

  • Anolis speciosus Garman, 1888

  • Ctenonotus marmoratus — Schwartz & Henderson, 1988

  • Anolis chrysops — Breuil, 2002

  • Anolis desiradei — Breuil, 2002

  • Anolis kahouannensis — Breuil, 2002

List of current subspecies :


The following is a table showing the description and geographical distribution of all the currently accepted subspecies of Anolis marmoratus.[1][2]


1- Anolis marmoratus marmoratus

2- Anolis marmoratus giraffus :

description :Adult males are green shading to blue on the tail and yellow-green on the limbs. The head is deep blue-green, the neck and the orbital area are marbled with orange, the dewlap is orange-yellow with yellow scales


distribution :Capesterre in the southeast of Basse-Terre.

Description : Head and neck are grey brown with green-blue trunk and tail,black barring and yellow reticulations on head and neck .Dewlap is yellow with white scales


Distribution : West coast of Basse-Terre.

Description : Head an neck grey brown and thorax is brown,the trunk is green fading to blue and then greyish brown on the tail.The dewlap is yellow with greenish scales.Row of conical neck scales.


Distribution : North-west coast of Basse-Terre.

3- Anolis marmoratus setosus :

Description : Trunk and abdomen bright green fading to bluish green on the tail,orbital area is sky blue,head and neck area may be heavily blotched with electric blue.Dewlap is yellow with green-grey scales


Distribution : Southern area of Grande-Terre as well as south-east region of Basse-Terre.

Description : Trunk and abdomen are green with blue tail,head neck and orbital area are brown.Dewlap is yellow with whitish scales. (photo shown is an A.marmoratus inornatus x speciosus hybrid)


Distribution :  Northern erea of GrandeTerre.

Description : Superficially similar to A.marmoratus giraffus,Head is bright olive green fading to electric green on the neck and body,the tail is electric blue.A number of black spots dot the head and abdomen,spots may be surrounded by yellow rings.The dewlap is yellow-orange with yellow green scales.


Distribution : Rainforests in the interior of Basse-Terre,confirmed up to 743 metres above sea level on Morne à Louis.

6- Anolis marmoratus alliaceus (male breeding with female of A. m inornatus)

For the external links , refrences  click here to read the full wikipedia article 

Video : 

Anolis Marmoratus Girafus subadult male

Anolis marmoratus

courtesy to :

Species name: :


Anolis marmoratus (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1837)


Anolis marmoratus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837: 139
Anolis speciosus — GARMAN 1888
Anolis marmoratus — UNDERWOOD in WILLIAMS et al. 1959
Ctenonotus marmoratus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 113
Anolis marmoratus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 297
Ctenonotus marmoratus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Anolis marmoratus alliaceus — (COPE 1864)
Anolis alliaceus — COPE 1864: 175
Anolis alliaceus — GÜNTHER 1888: 363
Anolis bimaculatus alliaceus — UNDERWOOD in WILLIAMS et al. 1959
Anolis marmoratus alliaceus — LAZELL 1964: 374
Anolis marmoratus alliaceus — SCHMIDT 1981
Ctenonotus marmoratus alliaceus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 114
Anolis marmoratus alliaceus — HENKEL 2006
Ctenonotus marmoratus alliaceus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Anolis marmoratus caryae — LAZELL 1964
Ctenonotus marmoratus caryae — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988
Anolis caryae — ROUGHGARDEN 1995
Ctenonotus marmoratus caryae — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

synonyms :


Anolis marmoratus girafus — LAZELL 1964
Anolis marmoratus girafus — SCHMIDT 1981
Ctenonotus marmoratus girafus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988
Ctenonotus marmoratus girafus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Anolis marmoratus inornatus — LAZELL 1964
Anolis marmoratus inornatus — SCHMIDT 1981
Ctenonotus marmoratus inornatus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988
Ctenonotus marmoratus inornatus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Anolis marmoratus setosus — LAZELL 1964
Anolis marmoratus setosus — SCHMIDT 1981
Ctenonotus marmoratus setosus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988
Ctenonotus marmoratus setosus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Anolis marmoratus speciosus — GARMAN 1887
Anolis speciosus — GARMAN 1887: 45
Anolis speciosus speciosus — UNDERWOOD in WILLIAMS et al. 1959
Anolis marmoratus speciosus — LAZELL 1964: 384
Ctenonotus marmoratus speciosus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 115
Anolis marmoratus speciosus — HESELHAUS & SCHMIDT 1995
Anolis marmoratus speciosus — BREUIL et al. 2009
Ctenonotus marmoratus speciosus — NICHOLSON et al. 2012

Name in English :


Guadeloupean Anole, Leopard Anole


subspecies :


Anolis marmoratus alliaceus COPE 1864: 175
Anolis marmoratus girafus LAZELL 1964: 377
Anolis marmoratus inornatus LAZELL 1964: 386
Anolis marmoratus marmoratus DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837
Anolis marmoratus setosus LAZELL 1964: 380
Anolis marmoratus speciosus (GARMAN 1887)


Occurrence :


French Guiana, Guadeloupe 


breeding Group :


We are grown individually in pairs breed, breed in harems


Activity : daily


type terrarium : tropical terrarium


The size of a terrarium for an adult :45x45x60 cm

Size of the vapor terrarium :45x45x60 cm

The size of terrarium harem :45x45x60 cm


Lighting : 12 hours


UVB :  5%


sexual dimorphism : 


Dimorphism visible, see Appearance tab Appearance male and female


preliminary information :


This is another exceptionally ubarwionych anolisów living Smaller Antilles in the Caribbean, maybe just the nicest. Naturally occurring on two islands Guadeloupe (Basse-Terre and Grande Terre) has been dragged to the French Guiana on the South American continent. 


As for the subspecies at the moment they distinguish them six five occurs in Basse-Terre and two on Grande Terre ( A. m. Speciosus on both). The contact areas of the different subspecies occur mix, as evidenced by the appearance especially males. Previously considered subspecies present in the smaller islands in the vicinity of Guadeloupe was elevated to separate species ( A. ferreus , A. terraealtae , A.kahouannensis , A.chrysops , A.caryae and A.desiradei ).


Appearance male :


Depending on the subspecies, marbled pattern around the head and neck, or the front of the torso may be orange ( A. m. Marmoratus ), yellow-green or sometimes żółtoczarnozielone ( A. m. Girafus ). They can also be black round spots ( A. m. Alliaceus ), no such pattern at the head of a violet or bluish ( A. m. Setosus ) or the head bright light blue ( A. m. Speciosus ) or greyish ( A. m. Inornatus ). Base color of the body is in shades of green from glaring (as in A. m. Speciosus ) to pale gray (as in A. m. Inornatus ). Tail sometimes the color of the body, i.e. green, sometimes another example. Blue ( A. m. Marmoratus or A. m. Setosus ). As noted above, in the presence of several sub-species of animals are mixed coloration. 


It reaches about 20 cm the total length is therefore comparable to the length A. roquet , but greater than A. trinitatis or A. gingivinus .


appearance of a female :


Females also colored differently, depending on the subspecies. Generally less colorful than males, less expressive patterns or lack thereof. 


They grow to about 15 cm, somewhat more rarely, so they are considerably smaller than males (one-quarter length).


biotope :


Anolisy they live on trees and shrubs, depending on the subspecies inhabit some of the higher parts of the trunks of trees and their crowns, others rather lower parts of tree trunks.


Temperature :


On the day of 24-28 ° C, a maximum radiator 35 ° C, night 20 ° C. In summer day should last about 14 hours, gradually shortened to 10 hours in winter. Then, too, for a period of about two months, you can lower the temperature day and night, in order to better reflect the natural conditions of the species. This helps stimulate the mating behavior, although it is not necessary.


Humidity :


In 60-70% of the day, at night to 90%. Although at a slightly lower humidity anolisy they are doing well.


Terrarium :


Terrarium tropical vertical type properly ventilated. The more the better live plants, while the walls of cork sole discretion: they are not necessary, because these anolisy, and others besides, easily move around the vertical windows.


nourishment :


Appropriate size insects feed commercially available or meadow plankton. It also happens that they may be tempted to soft ripe pieces of fruit or fruit smoothies.


Multiplication :


Lowering the temperature for a period of approximately two months helps stimulate mating behavior, although it is not necessary. Anolisy these, like other Caribbean, reproduce throughout the year if conditions are preserved "summer" without interruption. Eggs are deposited to the ground, so it is important to be moist. You can then transfer them to an incubator, but usually it is difficult to locate them without any problem and young stings in a terrarium. Young should bring up in smaller tanks with a design similar to the parents.


wintering :


As outlined above, a period of about two months can lower the temperature at less active zeskutkuje lizards. It does not occur in them, however, wintering in the strict sense.


Comments :


Your beautiful, bright coloring look best in bright light. Like all anolisów, there autotomy and significant aggression among males, so do not keep more than one male in the terrarium (unless it is very large and has several islands heating).

Videos : 

Anolis marmoratus males on Papaya tree Guadeloupe

Pardachirus marmoratus

Anoli Marmoratus beim Balzen

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