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  • Laudakia nupta nupta

  • Laudakia nupta fusca

Laudakia :

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Laudakia is a genus of lizards, commonly known as Asian rock agamas.



Stellagama stellio, formerly Laudakia stellio in Israel

Scientific classification:








Gray, 1845

Taxonomy :


Some species of Laudakia, sensu lato, are now recognized in the new genera Stellagama and Paralaudakia, the latter found in Eurasia. For African agamas see the genera Agama and Acanthocercus.


Species and subspecies :


Listed alphabetically.[1] :


-Laudakia agrorensis – Agror agama

-Laudakia dayana – Haridwar agama

-Laudakia fusca – yellow-headed rock agama

-Laudakia kirmanensis – Nikolsky's rock agama

-Laudakia melanura – black agama

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The Kashmir Rock Agama (Laudakia tuberculata) is a species of agamid lizard found in N Pakistan, India (W Himalaya, Kashmir, Punjab), Nepal (Kathmandu), Afghanistan, and China (Tibetan Plateau).

-Laudakia nuristanica – Leviton's rock agama

-Laudakia pakistanica – Pakistan agama

  • Laudakia pakistanica pakistanica

  • Laudakia pakistanica auffenbergi

  • Laudakia pakistanica khani

-Laudakia papenfussi – Papenfuss's rock agama

-Laudakia sacra – Anan's rock agama

-Laudakia tuberculata – Kashmir rock agama

-Laudakia wui – Wui's rock agama

Moved to genus Acanthocercus :


  • Laudakia adramitanus – Anderson's rock agama

  • Laudakia atricollis – black-necked tree agama

Moved to genus Paralaudakia :


  • Laudakia badakhshana – Badakhshana rock agama

  • Laudakia bochariensis

  • Laudakia caucasia – Caucasian agama

  • Laudakia erythrogastra – redbelly rock agama

  • Laudakia himalayana – Himalayan agama

  • Laudakia lehmanni – Turkestan agama

  • Laudakia microlepis – small-scaled agama

  • Laudakia stoliczkana – Mongolian rock agama

Moved to genus Stellagama :


  • Stellagama stellio – stellion or roughtail rock agama

For the external links , refrences  click here to read the full wikipedia article 

For the external links , refrences  click here to read the full wikipedia article 

Caucasian Agama - Laudakia caucasia

Video : 

Species :


1-Laudakia tuberculata

Kashmir Rock Agama

Scientific classification :








Species:L. tuberculata

Binomial name :

Laudakia tuberculata
Gray, 1827

Synonyms :

Stellio indicus
Agama tuberculata
Barycephalus sykesii

Description :


Head much depressed; snout longer than the diameter of the orbit; nostril lateral, below the canthus rostralis, slightly tubular. Upper head-scales smooth or feebly keeled: occipital not enlarged; small closely set spinose scales on the sides of the head near the ear, and on the neck; ear entirely exposed, larger than the eye-opening. Throat strongly plicate; no gular pouch. Body depressed, with a more or less distinct fold on each side of the back; scales on the neck and sides minute, almost granular, keeled, uniform or intermixed with scattered enlarged scales; those on the vertebral region enlarged, equal, rhomboidal, imbricate, strongly keeled; a very slight indication of a nuchal denticulation; ventral scales smooth, nearly as large as the enlarged dorsals. Limbs strong, with compressed digits; the scales on the upper surface of the limbs much enlarged and very strongly keeled; third and fourth fingers equal, or fourth very slightly longer; fourth toe slightly longer than third, fifth extending beyond first. Tail rounded, much depressed at the base, covered with moderate-sized strongly keeled scales arranged in rings; its length equals 2.5 to 3 times the distance from gular fold to vent.

Males with a large patch of thickened preanal scales and a patch of similar scales on the middle of the belly. Olive-brown above, spotted or speckled with blackish, sometimes with small yellowish spots; the breeding male's throat blue, with light spots; sometimes a light vertebral band.[1]

Video : 

Kashmir Rock Agama Lizard - 2

Kashmir Rock Agama Lizard - 1

Agamidae :  Introduction 

Agamidae Species : Africa  -  Asia  -  Australia & Papua new guinea

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