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4- The rhino-horned lizard (Ceratophora stoddartii )

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The rhino-horned lizard (Ceratophora stoddartii ), also commonly known as Stoddart's unicorn lizard and the horned agama, is a species of lizard in the family Agamidae. The species is endemic to Sri Lanka. It is called kagamuva angkatussa-කගමුව අං කටුස්සා in Sinhala.

Scientific classification:










Species:C. stoddartii

Binomial name:

Ceratophora stoddartii
Gray, 1834

Rhino-horned lizard

Etymology  :


The specific name, stoddartii, is in honor of Charles Stoddart, who was a British army officer and diplomat.[1]


Habitat and distribution  :


C. stoddartii is found widespread in montane forests of central Sri Lanka. Localities from which it has been recorded include Nuwara Eliya, Hakgala, Pattipola, Ohiya, Horton Plains, Hewaheta, Dimbula, Agarapathana, and Adam's Peak.

Description :


The head of C. stoddartii is oval, and longer than wide. The rostral appendage is long, horn-like, about two thirds the length of the snout in males, but is reduced or even absent in females. The lamellae under the fourth toe number 23–27. The dorsum is brownish green or yellowish brown. The tail is marked with 10–16 dark brown crossbands. The venter is light brownish gray.


Ecology and reproduction :


A slow moving, arboreal species, C. stoddartii is found on trees from 1 to 2 m (3.3 to 6.6 ft) above the ground. When threatened, it opens its mouth wide, revealing the bright orange lining of the oral cavity.


Reproduction  :


C. stoddartii is oviparous. Egg laying takes place in July, and clutch size is about 2–5 eggs, each measuring 7.6-8.1 by 13.5–14.5 mm (.31 by .55 inch). The eggs are deposited in a hole, and hatch after 81–90 days. However, hatchlings have been founded in the wild also during colder months such as December and January.

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Videos : 

Rhinoceros-horned lizard, Sri Lanka. 20110223_155305.mp4

Rhino Horned Lizard

Horned agamas Stoddart (Ceratophora stoddartii)

The area of ​​distribution horned Agams Stoddart (Ceratophora aspera)

courtesy to :


They live in the mountain rainforests of the central part of Sri Lanka at altitudes of 1,500 to 2,100 meters above sea level. Lead poludrevesny lifestyle. Found on the trunks and branches of the lower tier of the forest, usually 1-2 meters above the ground, in the bushes, at least - on the ground, in a layer of leaf litter. Sometimes, these representatives of the Horned Agam ( Ceratophora ) are found in the gardens near human dwellings. They eat a variety of invertebrates.

Horned agamas Stoddart ( Ceratophora stoddartii ) - small lizard, the total length of which does not exceed 24 cm of the body, of which the distance from the tip of the snout to the anus is not more than 8 cm Thus, this type is the second size within the genus few. second only to C. The tennentii . Movement of Agam appear very smooth and slow, like a chameleon, with this applies to both moving and hunting, and pairings.


Rostral appendage has a conical shape and a sharp taper. There is a small occipital crest. Dorsal crest is absent. length of the head and a half to two times the width. The muzzle is elongated. Nostrils are located on the side surfaces of the muzzle. Legs long. Preanal and femoral pores absent.


The body color is a variable one: the general background of brownish-green, yellow-brown or olive-green, covered with a more or less brown crisp lines intersecting at the back.


Defending the lizard's mouth opens, displaying bright orange fall.



reproduction :


During mating, males do not bite these agamids females. Odkladka eggs usually takes place in July. Laying contains 2-5 eggs size 13.5-14.5 x 7.6-8.1 mm. The incubation period is 81-90 days.


Photo :

5- Leaf-nosed lizard ( Ceratophora tennentii ) 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ceratophora tennentii, commonly known as the horned lizard, horn-nosed lizard, leaf-nosed lizard, and Tennent's leaf-nosed lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Agamidae. The species is endemic to Sri Lanka.

Ceratophora tennentii

Conservation status:




Endangered (IUCN 2.3)

Scientific classification:











Species:C. tennentii

Binomial name:

Ceratophora tennentii
Günther, 1861

Etymology :


The generic name, Ceratophora, means horn bearer.


The specific name, tennentii, is in honour of Irish politician James Emerson Tennent, who was Colonial Secretary of Ceylon (1845–1850).[1]


Description  :


C. tennentii has a leaf-like appendage on the end of its nose. The species can reach lengths of over 8 inches (20 cm) including the tail. Males usually have more green in their coloration than females have, although they can change color to a reddish brown. Females usually have a shorter appendage on the nose. C. tennentii is not very agile and relies more on coloration than speed to avoid predators.


The head is oval, and longer than wide. The rostral appendage is fleshy, laterally compressed, leaf-like with a bluntly conical scale at the tip. The lamellae under fourth toe number 23-30.


The dorsum is reddish brown to olive green. The larger flank scales are more green. The gular region and sides of the neck have dark markings. The tail has 20 dark brown cross-bands. The venter is cream-coloured.

Behaviour :


C. tennentii is diurnal, and therefore is usually only active in the day. Very little is actually known about the behaviour of this unusual lizard.


Habitat  :


C. tennentii is found in the wet tropical montane cloud forests of the Knuckles mountains in Sri Lanka at elevations of 760–1,220 m (2,490–4,000 ft). It has also been recorded in several other forest habitats.


Diet :


C. tennentii is reported to feed on insects and other small arthropods.


Reproduction :


C. tennentii lays eggs and is a sexually reproducing animal.


Threats :


Threats to C. tennentii include deforestation, pesticides, climate change, forest fires, and bioaccumulation. Much of its habitat has been cleared for illegal logging and the cardamom, coffee, tea, and rubber plantations over the past two centuries.


Captivity :


As of 2006, the leaf-nosed lizard is protected because of its endangered status, making its trade illegal.


Conservation efforts :


In 2000, areas above 1,067 m (3,501 ft) above sea level were protected and labeled as conservation forest. Cardamom cultivation had to be abandoned in this area. However, rather than natural regeneration, the cardamom range was taken over by invasive weeds such as mistflower (Eupatorium riparium) and lantana (Lantana camara). C. tennentii was placed on the endangered list by the IUCN in 2006.

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Agamidae :  Introduction 

Agamidae Species : Africa  -  Asia  -  Australia & Papua new guinea

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