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Bronchocela  :

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Bronchocela is a genus of Asian agamid lizards.[2]


Species :


There are 10 species in this genus:[2]


-Bronchocela celebensis Gray, 1845

-Bronchocela cristatella (Kuhl, 1820)

-Bronchocela danieli (Tiwari & Biswas, 1973)

-Bronchocela hayeki (L. Müller, 1928)

-Bronchocela jubata A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1837

-Bronchocela marmorata Gray, 1845

-Bronchocela orlovi Hallermann, 2004

-Bronchocela rubrigularis Hallermann, 2009

-Bronchocela smaragdina Günther, 1864

-Bronchocela vietnamensis Hallermann & Orlov, 2005

Bronchocela cristatella


Scientific classification :








Kaup, 1827[1]

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Video :

Bronchocela cristatella male (09Nov2014)

Species :


1- Bronchocela cristatella  (  green crested lizard) 

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Bronchocela cristatella, also known as the green crested lizard, is a species of agamid lizard endemic to Southeast Asia.

Bronchocela cristatella

Scientific classification :








Species:B. cristatella

Binomial name:

Bronchocela cristatella
(Kuhl, 1820)

Synonyms :

  • Agama cristatella Kuhl, 1820

  • Bronchocela cristatella— Kaup, 1827

  • Calotes cristatellus— Boulenger, 1885

  • Bronchocela cristatella— Manthey, 1983[1]

Geographic range :


B. cristatella is found in Malaysia (West Malaysia and Borneo), Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines (Palawan, Calamian Islands, Panay, Luzon), South Thailand, south Myanmar (Tenasserim Hills), and India (Nicobar Islands).


Description :


This species is a bright green lizard, sometimes possessing a blue tint on the head. It is able to change colour, turning darker brown when threatened. There is a dark ring around each eye, and a dark spot at the back of the head. The males have a crest on the neck. It has a very long and thin tail (75% of total length). The body length is of 13 cm (5.1 in), and the total length (body + tail) is of 57 cm (22 in).


From C.A.L. Günther (1864) The Reptiles of British India.


Scales of the sides small, there being about forty in one of the transverse scries; ventral scales much larger, in fourteen longitudinal rows. A short scries of three or


four larger scales forms a continuation of the superciliary margin; no other large scale on the temple. Nuchal crest low, formed by triangular spines; it is not continued on the back, where the vertebral scales arc scarcely prominent. The fourth hind toe is one-eighth longer than the third. Uniform grass-green. This species is very common in the Malayan countries and in numerous islands of the East Indian Archipelago—Sumatra, Java, Amboyna, Celebes, Borneo, Booroo, Philippines, &c. It moves and leaps with great quickness among the branches of trees. Cantor saw the colours of these lizards change suddenly to grey, brownish or blackish, sometimes with orange spots or with indistinct black network; large, isolated, round black spots appeared on the head or back or round the tympanum. It attains to a length of 20 inches, the tail measuring 16 inches.

Bronchocela cristatella

Habita :


B. cristatella is found in forests as well as parks and rural areas.


Conservation status :


In Singapore the range of B. cristatella is declining, as it is in competition with the introduced species Calotes versicolor (changeable lizard).

Bronchocela cristatella


Londok / Bronchocela Cristatella

-  Green Crested Lizard :

courtesy to :

Family : Agamidae 
Species : Bronchocela cristatella
Size (snout to vent) : 13 cm 
Size (total length) : 57 cm


A stunning species, the Green Crested Lizard inhabits primary and secondary forest, but can also be found in disturbed areas and parklands. The body colour is bright green, sometimes with a bluish tinge on the head. When threatened or aroused the body colour can become more brown. Males have an attractive neck crest. The tail makes up over 75 percent of its total length. 


This lizard is known to occur in Burma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, various islands of the Philippines (from Luzon in the north to Mindanao and Palawan in the south),  Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and other parts of Eastern Indonesia, and Java. It is absent from Bali.


In Singapore its abundance is in decline, possibly due to competition from the introduced Changeable Lizard Calotes versicolor.

Fig 2 : The brown colour of this specimen from Singapore's central forests indicates that it is stressed for some reason.

Fig 3 : Specimen from Semenggoh Forest, Sarawak, Borneo.

Care Articles :



scientific name: Bronchocela cristatella


courtesy to,467$pid2,56$pid3,108/animals.html

Fig 4 : Searching for insects on the rotting trunk of a dying tree, Singapore. Note the extremely long tail.

Fig 5 : Specimen from Temenggor Lake, northern Peninsular Malaysia.

Fig 1 : Specimen from Singapore's central forests showing great agility in clinging to vegetation with slender fingers and toes.

Fig 6 : Specimen from Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.

Cites status:

not protected

Geographical Extension:

From Burma to New-Guinea


on the verges of rain forests, diurnal


up to 60 cm

Life Expectancy:

over 10 years ??


lays 1-2 spindle-shaped eggs. Incubation period at 30°C about 60-70 days.


temperature between 26-28°C, local heat spots up to 33°C. Night setback to 20-23°C. Nitrogen susceptible.




Daylight fluorescent tubes, if necessary UV tubes (see "Sorry Link missing"). For sufficient UV radiation we recommend "Sorry Link missing" or "Sorry Link missing". "Sorry Link missing" for the creation of local heat spots.


loose, absorptive substrate (see "Sorry Link missing").

Cage Furniture:

climbing facilities, a nature- or a structural-background is recommended. Planting is required (Ficus benjamina, F. pumila, Scindapsus, etc.). Various hiding places and a large water tank (possibly even an Aquaterrarium) make up the basic configuration of the terrarium.


Insects (e.g. cricktets, house crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches, super mealworms, wax moths, etc.) also products from the "Sorry Link missing". Regular additions of "Sorry Link missing" and "Sorry Link missing" are necessary.


A large terrarium is required. Groups should include one male at most.

Videos : 

green crested lizard

Green crested lizard stares!

Bronchocela cristatella.

Green Tree Dragon (Bronchocela cristatella)

Green Tree Dragon (Bronchocela cristatella)

กิ้งก่าเขียวหูดำ ( Bronchocela cristatella )

Bronchocela cristatella

Green crested lizard

Crested Lizard Feeding

Green Crested Lizard Eggs - Incredible Lizard Facts

Green Crested Lizard, Malaysia. 

Agamidae :  Introduction 

Agamidae Species : Africa  -  Asia  -  Australia & Papua new guinea

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