4- Mantella madagascariensis - The Malagasy Painted Mantella :
Grandidier, 1872
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Malagasy Painted Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis) is a species of frog in the Mantellidae family. It is endemic to Madagascar. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, and rivers. It is threatened by habitat loss. It may be threatened by commercial collection.
Care articles :

Malagasy Painted Mantella
Conservation status :
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification :
Species:M. madagascariensis
Binomial name :
Mantella madagascariensis
(Grandidier, 1872)

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Video :
Mantella madagascariensis

Description: Mantella madagascariensis is an attractive species. A green or yellowish rostral stripe runs along the top of the head. This usually meets with a green blotch where the forelimbs meet the body. Additional green blotches are present at the insertion of the hind limbs, which themselves are marbled or striped in orange, brown, and/or black. The dorsum is usually black, although there are some frogs from certain populations that have yellowish-green marbling on it. This color morph with a patterned dorsum has often been referred to as “M. loppei” in literature, a species name that is now considered erroneous. M. madagascariensis is easily confused with M. baroni, and certain populations of M. pulchra (to which it is closely related.) See Correctly Identifying Mantella baroni and Mantella madagascariensis for more information.
Red List Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Distribution and Habitat: M. madagascariensis has a limited range in east-central Madagascar. A population exists sympatrically with M. baroni in the southern part of their range, near Ranomafana National Park. They are found in rainforest, often bordering streams.
Captive Care Notes: In the North American pet trade, wild-caught M. madagascariensis are often available during particular times of the year, usually during the winter months which coincide with the rainy season in Madagascar. They are often incorrectly labeled as M. baroni, or are simply called “painted mantellas” by dealers, which can make obtaining properly identified frogs difficult. Reproduction in captivity occasionally occurs, but captive-bred frogs are not consistently available. Males are particularly fun to watch in captivity, as they are especially bold and will call for hours on end after a heavy misting. Females are more timid, and are not often observed unless they are hunting for food. Cool conditions are required in order for M. madagascariensis to do well in captivity, with a range from 19°C to 25°C (66°F to 77°F) working well. During a simulated dry season, the temperature can fall as low as 15°C (59°F) without problems.
Vences, M., F. Glaw & W. Böhme. 1999. A review of the genus Mantella (Anura, Ranidae, Mantellinae): taxonomy, distribution and conservation of Malagasy poison frogs. Alytes 17 (1-2): 3-72.
1- Two Painted Mantella Frogs:
Correctly Identifying Mantella baroni and Mantella madagascariensis
courtesy to : mantella.amphibiancare.com/articles/baroni_vs_madagascariensis
By Devin Edmonds
2 - Mantella madagascariensis - Malagasy painted Mantella :
courtesy to : mantella.amphibiancare.com/species/mantella_madagascariensis

Among hobbyists there is a lot of confusion regarding Mantella baroni, Mantella madagascariensis and how to differentiate between the two. This is understandable - they look nearly identical. To make proper identification even more difficult, few reptile and amphibian suppliers distinguish between the two species, usually housing them together and labeling all with the common name painted mantella. Fortunately, by carefully examining individual frogs there are certain features that allow the two to be told apart.
Their ventral side offers the most reliable way to distinguish between the two. M. baroni has either a dot or solid black on the throat and small markings on the forelimbs, while M. madagascariensis has a horseshoe-shaped marking on the throat and may or may not have markings on the forelimbs. The hind limbs of M. baroni are solid red part way up to the thigh, while M. madagascariensis has red on the hind limbs through the thighs. Sometimes this red is slightly marbled with black or orange. Below is a sketch of the ventral side of M. baroni and M. madagascariensis, as well as a photo of the two for comparison.
Individual frogs sometimes exhibit ventral patterns that lie somewhere in between the two species. For this reason it is helpful to compare other features. The table below represents differences between M. baroni and M. madagascariensis. No one feature should be used as the only means of identification, as few individual frogs of either species exhibit all of the traits below. Instead, all information should be compared to that of an individual frog and whichever side matches the frog best is likely the species

Information in above table summarized from
Vences, M., F. Glaw & W. Böhme. 1999. A review of the genus Mantella (Anura, Ranidae, Mantellinae): taxonomy, distribution and conservation of Malagasy poison frogs. Alytes 17 (1-2): 3-72.
Other websites :
- www.frogforum.net/showthread.php/35577-I-need-help-with-eggs-care-for-Mantella-madagascariensis
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/57446/0
- animaldiversity.org/accounts/Mantella_madagascariensis/classification/
Videos :
mantella madagascariensis
Mantella madagascariensis
Mantella madagascariensis #2
Filmato mantella madagascariensis
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2- Mantella baroni : Part 1 .. Part 2
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Species :
1- Mantella aurantiaca - golden mantella : Part 1 .. Part 2
2- Mantella baroni : Part 1 .. Part 2
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