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23- Yellowback /  Gelbrücken :



The animal depicted comes from Surinam, but looks like the so-called 'Atachi Bakka' from French. Guyana. This morph occurs on both sides of the great Maroni border, that is, in both countries.



D.tinc. 'Yellowback' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)

Yellowbacks are very variable colored. The yellow ranges from almost white to a pale yellow to a bright intense yellow. The black content varies greatly. In the same biotope you can find frogs with a lot of black, which shows a clear pattern on the back, stains with sharp or blurred edges up to a completely yellow back. Also the feet can be completely black up to spotted or wholly white / yellow. 


Example of a very bright almost white animal (note the foot!):



Pictures of wild animals from an import in late 2011 (all pictures: Martin Haberkern)



As varied as the adult animals appear, the animals are colored and drawn exactly as differently. The pictures show offspring F1 from the same parents in the whole range: different yellows, differently large black proportion, more or less light blue patterned legs. All offspring and pictures are by Martin Haberkern.

 Yellowback  /   Gelbrücken 'biotope :


Pictures from the biotope of D.tinc. 'Yellowback' / 'Gelbrücken' by Ruud Schouten





 South America Dart Frogs -  Species 


Dendrobatidae :

Aromobatidae :

Madagascar Dart frogs


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