small anecdotes and pictures by Igor Zhidov :
One of the most beautiful places in Suriname! Buy the way the known now locality of Citronella (including spotted form). What happened in the morning?
not Amerindians ever went to Citronella place.
At least a few of the members are shopping on this brand, with a colored mesh back grid, which stands out from the crowd.
These animals were imported in spring 2013 by Ruud Schouten. On the last picture the animal with the light blue legs and the bright spots a few months later - a single copy with this color!
4- Bakhuis :
Bakhuis northern :
Images from the Import 2012 by Ruud Schouten, which show how incredibly variable this morph is. All animals were caught in the same biotope!

D.tinc. 'Bakhuis' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
This Morph is also called 'Ensink' (sometimes it is also 'Ensing' or 'Ensinck', but this is wrong), because Mr. Ensink (Mastricht) explored these animals (together with Dr. Hoogmoed) many years ago Holland.
These animals had no yellow but rather an ivory color (see pictures below). The Bakhuis offered today show a yellow pattern on the back (see reference picture). It has often been discussed whether Ensink and Bakhuis are two different variants. There are statements by local investigators that both variants occur close together, but on two different hills. Probably, however, it is the same morph, which, like many other variants, is quite variable.
smallest morphine in Surinam with a KRL of less than 40 mm
Arrives on the edge of the Bakhuis Mountains (Bakhuis Gebergte) near Raleigh Falls / Voltzberg
D.tinc. 'Bakhuis' (Picture: Martin Haberkern)
D.tinc. 'Bakhuis' (Picture: Martin Haberkern)
- Bakhuis northern :
D.tinc. 'Bakhuis northern' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
small morph: males up to 40 mm, females up to 45 mm
This variant of the Bakhuis mountains differs significantly from the well-known Morph 'Bakhuis'.
Within the biotope the animals are very different, show a strong variety. Some individuals have very little yellow, others do not. They are very similar to the 'Nominatform' from French Guyana.
In the tree below, at least 30 tadpoles of different parents were swimming, and 5 different males could be observed when the larvae were set down.
The biotope looks like many other Tinctorius:
Little plants, lots of wood and leaves. The frogs live mainly on the ground.
- Bakhuis northern 'biotope :
Pictures from the biotope of D.tinc. 'Bakhuis northern' by Ruud Schouten (Expedition 2012)
5- Black Surinam :
see 'Monte Dourado' in Brazil
6- Citronella :
D.tinc. 'Citronella' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
probably the largest morph! Females with 74 mm KRL are known.
The name 'Citronella' owes its color, which is sometimes light-lemon yellow. The legs are deep blue.
Usually this morph has a point on the back (one dot), but there are also animals without point (no dot). Irregularly arranged points often appear on the back, and from the hip we usually see oblong black streaks that extend into the middle of the back.

D.tinc. 'Citronella' (Picture: Frank Steinmann)
D.tinc. 'Citronella' (Picture: Martin Haberkern)
A unique picture series by John P. Clare on the metamorphosis of D.tinc. 'Citronella' . The skin bags are clearly visible, from which the front legs break through. Please visit the following link:
8- Cobalt :

D.tinc. 'Cobalt' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
a large morph with up to 60 mm KRL
known from a large distribution area
The name 'Cobalt' is always a source of confusion, because Morph has different names in different countries. Cobalt is mainly used in the USA, but more and more in Europe. In Holland, this morph is often called 'Tafelberg', and in Germany and Switzerland it is often called 'Kaysergebirge'. But the same Morph is always meant.
Perhaps it will be possible at any time to separate the individual 'cobalt' populations from one another and it is conceivable that these can then be guided as independent morphs. In the morph guide, I detail these cobalt variants to show possible differences in color, pattern and size. Individually listed are:
'Dasha' (possibly an independent morph)
'Kayser Mountains'
'Table Mountain'
Cobalt 'biotope :
Pictures from the biotope of D.tinc. 'Cobalt' by Ruud Schouten
9- The HA :
see the information under 'Cobalt'
This Morph is named after a daughter of an exporter in Suriname.
The site is adjacent to the area of the D.tinc. 'Cobalt', however, seems to be another variant.
'Dasha' is smaller than 'Cobalt', has a light yellow head and no or almost no yellow on the flanks.
D.tinc. 'Dasha' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
10- Graubeiner' (DE) / 'Powder blue' (USA) / 'Grijspoot' (NL) :
D.tinc. 'Graubeiner' (Picture: Ruud Schouten)
a large morph with a KRL up to 60 mm
lives on the Tapanahony River east of the Express de Haan Mountains. Animals with blue and gray legs appear in the same population.
The 'Graubeiner' population is completely enclosed by 'cobalt'. Which exactly the limits are, is not known and it is astonished how this variant has formed.
Graubeiner' biotope :
Pictures from the biotope of D.tinc. 'Graubeiner' by Ruud Schouten
South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :
Aromobatidae :
Madagascar Dart frogs
Dendrobates genus
1- Blue poison dart frog - Dendrobates tinctorius "azureus" previously known as Dendrobates azureus
2- Dyeing poison frog - Dendrobates tinctorius :
Dendrobates tinctorius Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4 .. part 5 .. part 6 .. part 7 .. part 8 .. part 9 .. part 10 ..
Dendrobates tinctorius Links & Videos
3- Dendrobate leucomelas : The yellow-banded poison dart frog
4- Dendrobates auratus - The green-and-black poison dart frog :
Dendrobates auratus Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4
Dendrobates auratus Links & Videos
5- Dendrobates truncatus - The yellow-striped poison frog
Dendrobates truncatus Links & Videos ..
Dendrobates genus
1- Blue poison dart frog - Dendrobates tinctorius "azureus" previously known as Dendrobates azureus
2- Dyeing poison frog - Dendrobates tinctorius :
Dendrobates tinctorius Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4 .. part 5 .. part 6 .. part 7 .. part 8 .. part 9 .. part 10 ..
Dendrobates tinctorius Links & Videos
3- Dendrobate leucomelas : The yellow-banded poison dart frog
4- Dendrobates auratus - The green-and-black poison dart frog :
Dendrobates auratus Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4
Dendrobates auratus Links & Videos
5- Dendrobates truncatus - The yellow-striped poison frog
Dendrobates truncatus Links & Videos ..