36- Reticulated

37- Restingue :

38- San Felix :
This is a medium-sized morph with an SVL of 30 to 32 mm and can be found along the Río San Felix in the Province of Chiriqui, Panama. This morph resembles frogs from the Canal Zone, but the ground colour is a light brown like milky coffee and not a dark brown or black. The pattern consists of green-yellow spots or rarely comma-like lines. This morph is found in a very dry area and during the dry season the frogs can be found in large numbers in humid pockets under rocks or roots beside the river banks.

39- Santa Maria :
This polymorphic population is found near Santa Fé in the province of Veraguas, Panama. The frogs have an SVL of 32 – 36 mm. The pattern consists of green, turquoise, or blue bands or blotches on a black background. In the mostly cleared, dry area of the Pacific site of Veraguas, the frogs depend on living in humid patches along rivers and streams of the Río Santa Maria drainage in altitudes of 50 to 500 m.

40- Super Blue

41- Taboga :
Populations of this morph can be found on the two small Islands Taboga and Taboguilla in the Bay of Panama, in sight of Panama City. This is one of the smallest morphs, with an SVL of 28 to 30 mm. The frogs show a pattern of metallic yellow-green bands, lines, spots, blotches, or reticulated ornaments on a bronze-brown background. Juveniles and young adults show a black base colour that lightens up with age. The Island of Taboga is the type locality of the species, therefore this is considered the ‘Nominal’ or ‘Nominat’ morph. 203 specimens of this morph were introduced in 1932 to Hawaii as a biological weapon against introduced mosquitos. The frogs became naturalized and propagated now to a stable population on the island of O’ahu.

42- Taboga Reticulated :

43- Turquoise & Bronze

South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :
Aromobatidae :
Madagascar Dart frogs
Dendrobates genus
1- Blue poison dart frog - Dendrobates tinctorius "azureus" previously known as Dendrobates azureus
2- Dyeing poison frog - Dendrobates tinctorius :
Dendrobates tinctorius Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4 .. part 5 .. part 6 .. part 7 .. part 8 .. part 9 .. part 10 ..
Dendrobates tinctorius Links & Videos
3- Dendrobate leucomelas : The yellow-banded poison dart frog
4- Dendrobates auratus - The green-and-black poison dart frog :
Dendrobates auratus Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4
Dendrobates auratus Links & Videos
5- Dendrobates truncatus - The yellow-striped poison frog
Dendrobates truncatus Links & Videos ..
Dendrobates genus
1- Blue poison dart frog - Dendrobates tinctorius "azureus" previously known as Dendrobates azureus
2- Dyeing poison frog - Dendrobates tinctorius :
Dendrobates tinctorius Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4 .. part 5 .. part 6 .. part 7 .. part 8 .. part 9 .. part 10 ..
Dendrobates tinctorius Links & Videos
3- Dendrobate leucomelas : The yellow-banded poison dart frog
4- Dendrobates auratus - The green-and-black poison dart frog :
Dendrobates auratus Morphs part 1 .. part 2 .. part 3 .. part 4
Dendrobates auratus Links & Videos
5- Dendrobates truncatus - The yellow-striped poison frog
Dendrobates truncatus Links & Videos ..