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4- Ameerega hahneli  :

 Boulenger, 1884

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ameerega hahneli is a species of frog in the family Dendrobatidae.[3] It is found in the Amazonian lowlands of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname.[3][4] It is named after Paul Hahnel, the collector of the type series.[2]

Ameerega hahneli

Conservation status :




Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1]

Scientific classification :







Species:A. hahneli

Binomial name :

Ameerega hahneli
(Boulenger, 1884)

Synonyms :

Dendrobates hahneli Boulenger, 1884 "1883"[2]
Epipedobates hahneli (Boulenger, 1884)

Taxonomy :


Ameerega hahneli has been mixed with Ameerega picta, and also considered its synonym. It may represent several species; Ameerega altamazonica has already been split off from the former Ameerega hahneli.[3]


Description :


Males measure 17–19 mm (0.67–0.75 in) and females 19–22 mm (0.75–0.87 in) in snout–vent length. The back and limbs are finely granular and brown in colour, with or without black spots. The flanks are black and bordered above by a narrow, white or cream coloured dorsolateral line that extends from the tip of the snout to the groin. There is also a white or cream coloured labial stripe that does not extend onto the arm. The venter is blue with black reticulations. There are yellow-orange oval spots on the ventral surfaces of the arms, inner surfaces of the shanks, and in the groin. The iris is dark brown.[5][6]

Original illustration of the holotype (dorsal view, head, and ventral view).

Reproduction :


Males are territorial.[6] The territorial call is a long series of short "peep" notes, whereas the courtship call is similar but consists of only three notes. Females lay 6-33 pigmented eggs on the leaf-litter.[1][5][6] Eggs hatch after 4–16 days and are carried on the back of their father to temporary pools.[1][6] Tadpoles are brown, with a depressed body, and long tail.[5] They metamorphose after two months.[6]


Habitat and conservation :


Ameerega hahneli is a common frog, apart from the Guianas where it is uncommon. It occurs on the forest floor in the tropical rainforest.[1] It is usually associated with fallen palm fronds, branches, and small gaps in the forest.[5] They are active during the day and hide in low vegetation at night.[6]


t can be threatened by habitat loss, but the total population is stable and the species is not threatened.[1]

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Video : 

Ameerega hahneli calling

El llamado de Ameerega hahneli

Care Articles :


1-  Ameerega hahneli (B OULENGER , 1884) 

courtesy to :

Ameerega hahneli (G RANT , F ROST , C ALDWELL , G AGLIARDO , H ADDAD , K OK , M EANS , N OONAN , S CHARGEL & HEELER , 2006) 
Epipedobates hahneli hahneli (S > CHULTE , 1999) 
Epipedobates hahneli ( MARTINS & S AZIMA , 1989) 
Dendrobates pictus hahneli (L UTZ , 1952)
Dendrobates hahneli (B OULENGER , 1884 "1883") 


sensu F ROST , 2006


Amphibia-> Anura-> Dendrobatoidea-> Dendrobatidae-> Colostethinae-> Ameerega -> Ameerega hahneli (B OULENGER , 1884)



Dorsal and ventral view Ameerega hahneli "Nauta" 

Habitat :


Type find location of the first description

"Yurimaguas, Huallaga River, [Loreto,] Northern Peru" sensu F ROST , 2006

 Distribution area Ameerega hahneli

Photos :

Ameerega hahneli 

hahneli mating 

Video : 

2- Ameerega hahneli :

Boulenger, 1883


Ameerega hahneli ranges throughout much of South America. In Peru, this species can be found in most lowland rainforest throughout the entire country, and in the Andean foothills near Tarapoto and Cusco.


Natural History
This small, diurnal frog appears to reach peak activity just before dusk. They can be found calling among the leaf litter, where they forage and court throughout the year. Tadpoles are transported to small puddles and other non-flowing water bodies.


Conservation Status
Due to the large range and low market demand, this species is not of major conservation concern.


Roberts et al. (2006) found this species to be paraphyletic and formed two distinct clades, one with a montane distribution in San Martin, Peru, and the other distributed throughout the Amazonian lowlands from southern Peru to Iquitos in the north. This species was recently restricted by Twomey and Brown (2008) to exclude frogs from the upper Huallaga drainage, which are now referred to as A. altamazonica. Different analytical methods change phylogenetic topologies with regard to the placement of hahneli, though A. maceroand A. pulchripecta appear to be closely related species.


Thanks to the excellent photo by Jason Brown comparing A. hahneli and Allobates femoralis, distinction between the two is made somewhat easier. One major difference is that hahneli has a blue belly, whereas the belly of femoralis is marbled black and white. Dorsal coloration varies from chocolate brown to black.

Ameerega aff. hahneli calling



Madagascar Dart frogs


Aromobatidae :

 South America Dart Frogs -  Species 


Dendrobatidae :

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