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Allobates is a genus of frogs in the Aromobatidae family.[1] They are native to the Central and South Americas, from Nicaragua to Bolivia and Brazil, with one species on Martinique.[1][2]

Description and ecology
Allobates are mostly small frogs. Dorsal colouration is cryptic, with the exception of the Allobates femoralis group that has bright colours. They are mostly terrestrial frogs found in the leaf litter of tropical rain forests. Most species deposit eggs in the leaf litter; tadpoles are transported to the water on the backs of the parents. Allobates nidicola and Allobates chalcopis, however, have endotrophic tadpoles that develop into froglets in the nest, without entering water.[2]

Brilliant-thighed poison frog (Allobates femoralis)
Scientific classification :
Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988
Taxonomy :
Allobates includes 48 species:
Allobates alessandroi (Grant and Rodriguez, 2001)
Allobates algorei Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2009
Allobates amissibilis Kok, Hölting, and Ernst, 2013[3]
Allobates bromelicola (Test, 1956)
Allobates brunneus (Cope, 1887)
Allobates caeruleodactylus (Lima and Caldwell, 2001)
Allobates caribe (Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, and Kaiser, 2006)
Allobates cepedai (Morales, 2002)
Allobates chalcopis (Kaiser, Coloma, and Gray, 1994)
Allobates conspicuus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates crombiei (Morales, 2002)
Allobates femoralis (Boulenger, 1884)
Allobates flaviventris Melo-Sampaio, Souza, and Peloso, 2013
Allobates fratisenescus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates fuscellus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates gasconi (Morales, 2002)
Allobates goianus (Bokermann, 1975)
Allobates granti (Kok, MacCulloch, Gaucher, Poelman, Bourne, Lathrop, and Lenglet, 2006)
Allobates grillisimilis Simões, Sturaro, Peloso, and Lima, 2013[4]
Allobates hodli Simões, Lima, and Farias, 2010
Allobates humilis (Rivero, 1980)
Allobates ignotus Anganoy-Criollo, 2012
Allobates insperatus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates juanii (Morales, 1994)
Allobates kingsburyi (Boulenger, 1918)
Allobates mandelorum (Schmidt, 1932)
Allobates marchesianus (Melin, 1941)
Allobates masniger (Morales, 2002)
Allobates mcdiarmidi (Reynolds and Foster, 1992)
Allobates melanolaemus (Grant and Rodriguez, 2001)
Allobates myersi (Pyburn, 1981)
Allobates nidicola (Caldwell and Lima, 2003)
Allobates niputidea Grant, Acosta-Galvis, and Rada, 2007
Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925)
Allobates ornatus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates paleovarzensis Lima, Caldwell, Biavati, and Montanarin, 2010
Allobates picachos (Ardila-Robayo, Acosta-Galvis, and Coloma, 2000)
Allobates pittieri (La Marca, Manzanilla, and Mijares-Urrutia, 2004)
Allobates ranoides (Boulenger, 1918)
Allobates sanmartini (Rivero, Langone, and Prigioni, 1986)
Allobates subfolionidificans (Lima, Sanchez, and Souza, 2007)
Allobates sumtuosus (Morales, 2002)
Allobates talamancae (Cope, 1875)
Allobates trilineatus (Boulenger, 1884)
Allobates undulatus (Myers and Donnelly, 2001)
Allobates vanzolinius (Morales, 2002)
Allobates wayuu (Acosta-Galvis, Cuentas, and Coloma, 1999)
Allobates zaparo (Silverstone, 1976)
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Video :
Allobates talamancae on Isla Colon, Panama
Species :
This species is less popular among the hobbyists , due to the lack of colors and shape or anything unusual ..
here is a limited review for this genus species ..
Madagascar Dart frogs
Aromobatidae :
South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :
Species :