3- Adelphobates quinquevittatus :
Rio Madeira poison frog
Steindachner, 1864

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Adelphobates quinquevittatus (Rio Madeira poison frog or more ambiguously, Amazonian poison frog) is a species of frog in the family Dendrobatidae found in the Rio Madeira drainage in the southern Amazon Basin in Brazil and Bolivia. Most records of this species before 1990 refer to Ranitomeya ventrimaculata.[2] Its natural habitats are tropical moist lowland forests, freshwater marshes, and intermittent freshwater marshes. It is threatened by habitat loss.[1]
Adelphobates quinquevittatus

Conservation status :
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification :
Species:A. quinquevittatus
Binomial name :
Adelphobates quinquevittatus
(Steindachner, 1864)
Synonyms :
Dendrobates quinquevittatusSteindachner, 1864
Attitude in the terrarium :
Terrarium / Facility:
Rain forest terrarium from 40x40x40cm
automatic irrigation and fog plant recommended
24-27 ° C, drop by 3-4 ° C at night
Annual variation: keep drier in winter Yearly variation in
temperature minimum (1-2 ° C)
70-80%, at lunchtime up to 70%, in the morning and in the evening 100% (fog)
Usual small food animals such as Drosophila, micro-crickets, small wax maggots, springtails, meadow plankton
juveniles need springtails, eat after about 1 week and small Drosophila (R ÜHRSCHNECK personal message)
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Care Articles :
1- Adelphobates quinquevittatus (S TEINDACHNER , 1864)
courtesy to : www.dendrobase.de/index.php
Ranitomeya quinquevittata ( BAUER , 1988)
Ranitomeya quinquevittata (Anonymous, 1985)
Dendrobates quinquevittatus (SILVERSTONE , 1975)
Dendrobates tinctorius quinquevittatus (GORHAM 1974)
Dendrobates tinctorius igneus (MELIN , 1941)
Dendrobates tinctorius var. Quinquevittatus (STEINDACHNER , 1864)
Dendrobates quinquevittatus (JAN , 1857)
English name: Rio Madeira Poison Frog
Amazonian Poison Frog (CITES)
German Name: Fünfstreifen Baumsteiger
Dutch name: vijfstreep boomklimmer
Amphibia-> Anura-> Dendrobatoidea-> Dendrobatidae-> Dendrobatinae-> Adelphobates -> Adelphobates quinquevittatus (S TEINDACHNER , 1864)
description :
black basic color with 3 white Dorsal strip and 2 lateral stripes, The legs are gray, greenish or orange with black dots.
Habitat :
- Type find location of the first description
Salto de Girao (= Salto de Jirau, Rondônia), Brazil
State of Rondônia, Brazil

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2- Dendrobates Quinquevittatus :
courtesy to : www.dendroboard.com/forum/adelphobates adelphobates-quinquevittatus
Difficulty: Advanced, due to the rarity of this species in captivity and the difficulties with breeding that many people have been experiencing. They are also a shy species that is not easily viewable.
Location & History: Brazil, French Guyana, and Peru. Discovered Steindachner,1864, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 14: 260. (1)
Descriptions & Behavior: 17-30 mm. [Mine seem to be around this but I can never accurately measure, I could use a bit of input here from someone who has measured there frogs] Dendrobates Quinquevittatus have bright orange limbs speckled with small black dots. These limbs fade over time with age to a slightly duller orange. The torso of the frogis jet black with 5 whitish to "radioactive green" stripes (three on top and two the sides), and the belly is a reticulated pattern of the greenish color.
They can be a skittish frog, but often come out after misting. If they notice you staring at them they will shoot off, but if you approach slowly they typically don't notice.
Quinquevittatus is often referred to, mistakenly, as a "thumbnail" group species. This is mainly due to the fact that the species group that the hobby's "thumbnail" species group was based off of was actually called the Quinquevittatus species group up until the recent past. After genetics work was done it turned out that Quinqs, as well as castis and galacs (mistakenly put in the Tinc species group) were, in fact, their own species group with the most obvious characteristic setting them apart was their white eggs that develop into black tadpoles.
General Care:
Quinquevittatus can be kept similarly to other members of their species group and terrestrial thumbnails. They will use both the floor and the upper reaches of the tank. As quinquevittatus can be a shy frog, a densely planted tank with lots of leaf litter goes a long way towards seeing your frogs. They can be kept in groups with little aggression. Feed D. Quinquevittatus melanogaster flies and springtails. Giving them a layer of leaf litter not only helps them feel secure but also provides food for soil isopods, and the quinquevittatus can be found hunting in the leaf litter.
This species also seems to love very high humidity. Temperatures between 70º and 80º F are ideal, with a drop of around 10º at night.
There are two lines of quinquevittatus in the hobby. Phil Tan's German Line was just recently introduced to the hobby. The German Line Quinquevittatus mature earlier, have brighter colors, but have a higher rate of spindly leg among the tadpoles. The other is the Todd Kelley line, which has slightly duller colors and matures at around 2 years. They mature later but have a much lower rate of spindly leg once they begin to breed.
Breeding & tadpole Care:
Black fimcontainers added to the layer of leaf litter.
Eggs are a off white in appearance ,clutches range from 2-7, and Morph out in 60-70 days.
Start tads off on a simple diet of Algae for the first week . After which give them a much higher protien diet and feed them OFTEN they grow quickly unlike any other "thumbnail" species . Apearing more like a Tinctorius tadpole huge and robust .

Other websites :
- thefroglady.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/q-is-for-adelphobates-quinquevittatus/
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/55197/0
- amphibiaweb.org/species/1642
- animaldiversity.org/accounts/Adelphobates_quinquevittatus/classification/
Madagascar Dart frogs
Aromobatidae :
South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :