Tapinauchenius brunneus Schmidt, 1995 Brazil
Tapinauchenius concolor (Caporiacco, 1947) Guyana
Tapinauchenius cupreus Schmidt & Bauer, 1996 Ecuador
Tapinauchenius elenae Schmidt, 1994 Ecuador
Tapinauchenius gigas Caporiacco, 1954 French Guiana
Tapinauchenius latipes L. Koch, 1875 Venezuela
Tapinauchenius plumipes (C. L. Koch, 1842) Suriname
Tapinauchenius sanctivincenti (Walckenaer, 1837) St. Vincent
Tapinauchenius subcaeruleus Bauer & Antonelli, 1997 Ecuador
Tapinauchenius violaceus (Mello-Leitão, 1930) French Guiana, Brazil
Theraphosa apophysis (Tinter, 1991) Venezuela
Theraphosa blondi (Latreille, 1804) Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana
Theraphosa stirmi Rudloff & Weinmann, 2010 Guyana
Thrigmopoeus insignis Pocock, 1899 India
Thrigmopoeus psychedelicus R. V. Sanap & Z. A. Mirza, 2014 India
Thrigmopoeus truculentus Pocock, 1899 India
Thrixopelma cyaneolum Schmidt, Friebolin & Friebolin, 2005 Peru
Thrixopelma lagunas Schmidt & Rudloff, 2010 Peru
Thrixopelma ockerti Schmidt, 1994 Peru
Thrixopelma pruriens Schmidt, 1998 Chile
Tmesiphantes amadoi Yamamoto et al., 2007 Brazil
Tmesiphantes aridai Gonzalez-Filho, Brescovit & Lucas, 2014 Brazil
Tmesiphantes bethaniae Yamamoto et al., 2007 Brazil
Tmesiphantes caymmii Yamamoto et al., 2007 Brazil
Tmesiphantes hypogeus Bertani, Bichuette & Pedroso, 2013 Brazil
Tmesiphantes mirim Fabiano-da-Silva et al., 2015 Brazil
Tmesiphantes nubilus Simon, 1892 Brazil
Tmesiphantes perp Guadanucci & Silva, 2012 Brazil
Tmesiphantes riopretano Guadanucci & Silva, 2012 Brazil
Trichognathella schoenlandi (Pocock, 1900) South Africa
Trichopelma affine (Simon, 1891) Saint Vincent
Trichopelma astutum (Simon, 1889) Venezuela
Trichopelma banksia Özdikmen & Demir, 2012 Cuba
Trichopelma coenobita (Simon, 1889) Venezuela
Trichopelma corozali (Petrunkevitch, 1929) Cuba, Puerto Rico
Trichopelma cubanum (Simon, 1903) Cuba
Trichopelma eucubanum Özdikmen & Demir, 2012
Trichopelma flavicomum Simon, 1891 Brazil
Trichopelma illetabile Simon, 1888 Brazil
Trichopelma insulanum (Petrunkevitch, 1926) Saint Thomas
Trichopelma laselva Valerio, 1986 Costa Rica
Trichopelma maculatum (Banks, 1906) Bahamas Islands
Trichopelma maddeni Esposito & Agnarsson, 2014 Dominican Republic
Trichopelma nitidum Simon, 1888 Hispaniola
Trichopelma scopulatum (Fischel, 1927)
Trichopelma spinosum (Franganillo, 1926) Cuba
Trichopelma zebra (Petrunkevitch, 1925) Panama
Typhochlaena amma Bertani, 2012 Brazil
Typhochlaena costae Bertani, 2012 Brazil
Typhochlaena curumim Bertani, 2012 Brazil
Typhochlaena paschoali Bertani, 2012 Brazil
Typhochlaena seladonia (C. L. Koch, 1841) Brazil
Vitalius buecherli Bertani, 2001 Brazil
Vitalius dubius (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Vitalius longisternalis Bertani, 2001 Brazil, Argentina
Vitalius lucasae Bertani, 2001 Brazil
Vitalius nondescriptus (Mello-Leitão, 1926) Brazil
Vitalius paranaensis Bertani, 2001 Brazil, Argentina
Vitalius roseus (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Vitalius sorocabae (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Vitalius vellutinus (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Vitalius wacketi (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Xenesthis immanis (Ausserer, 1875) Colombia
Xenesthis intermedia Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1945 Colombia
Xenesthis monstrosa Pocock, 1903 Colombia
Pachistopelma bromelicola Bertani, 2012 Brazil
Pachistopelma rufonigrum Pocock, 1901 Brazil
Pamphobeteus antinous Pocock, 1903 Peru, Bolivia
Pamphobeteus augusti (Simon, 1888) Ecuador
Pamphobeteus crassifemur Bertani, Fukushima & Silva, 2008 Brazil
Pamphobeteus ferox (Ausserer, 1875) Colombia
Pamphobeteus fortis (Ausserer, 1875) Colombia
Pamphobeteus grandis Bertani, Fukushima & Silva, 2008 Brazil
Pamphobeteus insignis Pocock, 1903 Colombia
Pamphobeteus nigricolor (Ausserer, 1875) Colombia, Peru, Equador, Bolivia ♂♀
Pamphobeteus ornatus Pocock, 1903 Panama, Colombia
Pamphobeteus petersi Schmidt, 2002 Ecuador, Peru
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus Schmidt, 1995 Ecuador
Pamphobeteus vespertinus (Simon, 1889) Ecuador
Pelinobius muticus Karsch, 1885 Kenya, Tanzania
Phlogiellus aper (Simon, 1891) Java
Phlogiellus atriceps Pocock, 1897 Java
Phlogiellus baeri (Simon, 1877) Philippines
Phlogiellus bicolor Strand, 1911 New Britain
Phlogiellus brevipes (Thorell, 1897) Myanmar
Phlogiellus bundokalbo (Barrion & Litsinger, 1995) Philippines
Phlogiellus inermis (Ausserer, 1871) Malaysia to Lombok
Phlogiellus insularis (Simon, 1877) Philippines
Phlogiellus kwebaburdeos Barrion-Dupo, Barrion and Rasalan, 2015 Philippines
Phlogiellus muta (Giltay, 1935) Philippines
Phlogiellus nebulosus (Rainbow, 1899) Solomon Is.
Phlogiellus ornatus (Thorell, 1897) Myanmar
Phlogiellus subarmatus (Thorell, 1891) Nicobar Island
Phlogiellus subinermis (Giltay, 1934) Southeast Asia
Phlogiellus watasei (Kishida, 1920) Taiwan
Phlogiellus xinping (Zhu & Zhang, 2008) China
Phoneyusa antilope (Simon, 1889) Congo
Phoneyusa belandana Karsch, 1884 Central African Rep.
Phoneyusa bidentata Pocock, 1899 West, Central Africa
Phoneyusa bidentata ituriensis Laurent, 1946 Congo
Phoneyusa bouvieri Berland, 1917 Madagascar
Phoneyusa buettneri Karsch, 1886 Gabon
Phoneyusa chevalieri Simon, 1906 West Africa
Phoneyusa cultridens Berland, 1917 Congo
Phoneyusa gabonica (Simon, 1889) Gabon
Phoneyusa giltayi Laurent, 1946 Congo
Phoneyusa gracilipes (Simon, 1889) Congo
Phoneyusa lesserti Dresco, 1973 Central African Rep.
Phoneyusa manicata Simon, 1907 Príncipe Island
Phoneyusa minima (Strand, 1907) Cameroon
Phoneyusa principium Simon, 1907 Principe
Phoneyusa rutilata (Simon, 1907) Guinea-Bissau
Phoneyusa westi Smith, 1990 Angola
Phormictopus atrichomatus Schmidt, 1991 Hispanola/Dominican Republic, Honduras
Phormictopus auratus Ortiz & Bertani, 2005 Cuba
Phormictopus australis Mello-Leitão, 1941 Argentina
Phormictopus bistriatus Rudloff, 2008 Cuba
Phormictopus brasiliensis Strand, 1907 Brazil
Phormictopus cancerides (Latreille, 1806) Hispaniola
Phormictopus cautus (Ausserer, 1875) Cuba
Phormictopus cochleasvorax Rudloff, 2008 Cuba
Phormictopus cubensis Chamberlin, 1917 Cuba
Phormictopus fritzschei Rudloff, 2008 Cuba
Phormictopus jonai Rudloff, 2008 Cuba
Phormictopus meloderma Chamberlin, 1917 Hispanola
Phormictopus platus Chamberlin, 1917 USA (dubious), ? Hispnaola
Phormictopus ribeiroi Mello-Leitão, 1923 Brazil
Phormictopus schepanskii Rudloff, 2008 Cuba
Phormingochilus everetti Pocock, 1895 Borneo
Phormingochilus fuchsi Strand, 1906 Sumatra
Phormingochilus tigrinus Pocock, 1895 Borneo
Phrixotrichus jara Perafán & Pérez-Miles, 2014 Chile
Phrixotrichus pucara Ferretti, 2015 Argentina
Phrixotrichus scrofa (Molina, 1782) Chile, Argentina
Phrixotrichus vulpinus (Karsch, 1880) Chile
Plesiopelma aspidosperma Ferretti & Barneche, 2013 Argentina
Plesiopelma gertschi (Caporiacco, 1955) Venezuela
Plesiopelma imperatrix Piza, 1976 Brazil
Plesiopelma insulare (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Plesiopelma longisternale (Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1942) Argentina, Uruguay
Plesiopelma minense (Mello-Leitão, 1943) Brazil
Plesiopelma myodes Pocock, 1901 Uruguay
Plesiopelma paganoi Ferretti & Barneche, 2014 Argentina
Plesiopelma physopus (Mello-Leitão, 1926) Brazil
Plesiopelma rectimanum (Mello-Leitão, 1923) Brazil
Plesiopelma semiaurantiacum (Simon, 1897) Paraguay, Uruguay
Plesiophrictus fabrei (Simon, 1892) India
Plesiophrictus linteatus (Simon, 1891) India
Plesiophrictus meghalayaensis Tikader, 1977 India
Plesiophrictus millardi Pocock, 1899 India
Plesiophrictus nilagiriensis Siliwal, Molur & Raven, 2007 India
Plesiophrictus senffti (Strand, 1907) Micronesia
Plesiophrictus sericeus Pocock, 1900 India
Plesiophrictus tenuipes Pocock, 1899 Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria fasciata (Latreille, 1804) Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria formosa Pocock, 1899 India
Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica Smith, 2004 India
Poecilotheria metallica Pocock, 1899 India
Poecilotheria miranda Pocock, 1900 India
Poecilotheria ornata Pocock, 1899 Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria rajaei Nanayakkara et al., 2012 Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria regalis Pocock, 1899 India
Poecilotheria rufilata Pocock, 1899 India
Poecilotheria smithi Kirk, 1996 Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria striata Pocock, 1895 India
Poecilotheria subfusca Pocock, 1895 Sri Lanka
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli Smith, 2006 India
Poecilotheria vittata Pocock, 1895 India, Sri Lanka
Proshapalopus amazonicus Bertani, 2001 Brazil
Proshapalopus anomalus Mello-Leitão, 1923 Brazil
Proshapalopus multicuspidatus (Mello-Leitão, 1929) Brazil
Psalmopoeus affinis Strand, 1907 West Indies
Psalmopoeus cambridgei Pocock, 1895 Trinidad
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus Pocock, 1903 Ecuador
Psalmopoeus emeraldus Pocock, 1903 Colombia
Psalmopoeus intermedius Chamberlin, 1940 Panama
Psalmopoeus irminia Saager, 1994 Venezuela, Brazil
Psalmopoeus langenbucheri Schmidt, Bullmer & Thierer-Lutz, 2006 Venezuela
Psalmopoeus plantaris Pocock, 1903 Colombia
Psalmopoeus pulcher Petrunkevitch, 1925 Panama
Psalmopoeus reduncus (Karsch, 1880) Belize to Panama
Psalmopoeus victori Mendoza, 2014 Mexico
Psednocnemis brachyramosa (West & Nunn, 2010) West Malaysia
Psednocnemis davidgohi West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012 Malaysia
Psednocnemis gnathospina (West & Nunn, 2010) Malaysia
Psednocnemis imbellis (Simon, 1891) Borneo
Psednocnemis jeremyhuffi (West & Nunn, 2010) Malaysia
Pseudhapalopus aculeatus Strand, 1907 Bolivia
Pseudhapalopus spinulopalpus Schmidt & Weinmann, 1997 Colombia
Pterinochilus alluaudi Berland, 1914 Kenya
Pterinochilus andrewsmithi Gallon, 2009 Kenya
Pterinochilus chordatus (Gerstäcker, 1873) Kenya
Pterinochilus cryptus Gallon, 2008 Angola
Pterinochilus lapalala Gallon & Engelbrecht, 2011 South Africa
Pterinochilus lugardi Pocock, 1900 Botswana
Pterinochilus murinus Pocock, 1897 Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Malawi
Pterinochilus raygabrieli Gallon, 2009 Kenya
Pterinochilus simoni Berland, 1917 Angola, Congo
Pterinochilus vorax Pocock, 1897 Angola, Central, East Africa
Pterinopelma sazimai Bertani, Nagahama & Fukushima, 2011 Brazil
Pterinopelma vitiosum (Keyserling, 1891) Brazil
Reichlingia annae (Reichling, 1997) Belize
Reversopelma petersi Schmidt, 2001 Ecuador or Peru
Sahydroaraneus collinus (Pocock, 1899) India
Sahydroaraneus raja (Gravely, 1915) India
Sahydroraraneus hirsti Mirza & Sanap, 2014 India
Schismatothele benedettii Panzera, Perdomo & Pérez-Miles, 2011 Brazil
Schismatothele inflata (Simon, 1889) Venezuela
Schismatothele kastoni (Caporiacco, 1955) Venezuela
Schismatothele lineata Karsch, 1879 Venezuela
Schismatothele modesta (Simon, 1889) Venezuela
Schizopelma bicarinatum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 Mexico, Central America
Schizopelma masculinum (Strand, 1907) Guatemala
Schizopelma sorkini Smith, 1995 Mexico
Selenocosmia arndsti (Schmidt & von Wirth, 1991) New Guinea
Selenocosmia aruana Strand, 1911 Aru Islands
Selenocosmia barensteinerae (Schmidt, Hettegger & Matthes, 2010) Borneo
Selenocosmia compta Kulczyński, 1911 New Guinea
Selenocosmia crassipes (L. Koch, 1874) Australia
Selenocosmia deliana Strand, 1913 Sumatra
Selenocosmia effera (Simon, 1891) Moluccas
Selenocosmia fuliginea (Thorell, 1895) Myanmar
Selenocosmia hasselti Simon, 1891 Sumatra
Selenocosmia hirtipes Strand, 1913 Moluccas, New Guinea
Selenocosmia honesta Hirst, 1909 New Guinea
Selenocosmia insignis (Simon, 1890) Sumatra
Selenocosmia insulana Hirst, 1909 Sulawesi
Selenocosmia javanensis (Walckenaer, 1837) Malaysia to Sulawesi
Selenocosmia javanensis brachyplectra Kulczyński, 1908 Java
Selenocosmia javanensis dolichoplectra Kulczyński, 1908 Java
Selenocosmia javanensis fulva Kulczyński, 1908 Java
Selenocosmia javanensis sumatrana Strand, 1907 Sumatra
Selenocosmia jiafu Zhu & Zhang, 2008 China
Selenocosmia kovariki (Schmidt & Krause, 1995) Vietnam
Selenocosmia kulluensis Chamberlin, 1917 India
Selenocosmia lanceolata Hogg, 1914 New Guinea
Selenocosmia lanipes Ausserer, 1875 Moluccas, New Guinea
Selenocosmia mittmannae (Barensteiner & Wehinger, 2005) New Guinea
Selenocosmia obscura Hirst, 1909 Borneo
Selenocosmia orophila (Thorell, 1897) Myanmar
Selenocosmia papuana Kulczyński, 1908 New Guinea
Selenocosmia peerboomi (Schmidt, 1999) Philippines
Selenocosmia pritami Dyal, 1935 Pakistan
Selenocosmia raciborskii Kulczyński, 1908 Java
Selenocosmia samarae (Giltay, 1935) Philippines
Selenocosmia similis Kulczyński, 1911 New Guinea
Selenocosmia stirlingi Hogg, 1901 Australia
Selenocosmia strenua (Thorell, 1881) New Guinea, Queensland
Selenocosmia strubelli Strand, 1913 Java, Moluccas or New Guinea
Selenocosmia subvulpina Strand, 1907 Queensland
Selenocosmia sutherlandi Gravely, 1935 India
Selenocosmia tahanensis Abraham, 1924 Malaysia
Selenocosmia valida (Thorell, 1881) New Guinea
Selenocosmia xinhuaensis Zhu & Zhang, 2008 China
Selenogyrus africanus (Simon, 1887) Ivory Coast
Selenogyrus aureus Pocock, 1897 Sierra Leone
Selenogyrus austini Smith, 1990 Sierra Leone
Selenogyrus brunneus Strand, 1907 West Africa
Selenogyrus caeruleus Pocock, 1897 Sierra Leone
Selenotholus foelschei Hogg, 1902 Northern Territory
Selenotypus plumipes Pocock, 1895 Queensland
Sericopelma angustum Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma commue F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 Panama
Sericopelma dota Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma embrithes (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) Panama
Sericopelma fallax Mello-Leitão, 1923 Brazil
Sericopelma ferrugineum Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma generala Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma immensum Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma melanotarsum Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma panamanum (Karsch, 1880) Panama
Sericopelma panamense (Simon, 1891) Mexico, Guatemala, Panama
Sericopelma rubronitens Ausserer, 1875 Central America
Sericopelma silvicola Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sericopelma upala Valerio, 1980 Costa Rica
Sickius longibulbi Soares & Camargo, 1948 Brazil
Sphaerobothria hoffmanni Karsch, 1879 Costa Rica, Panama
Stichoplastoris angustatus (Kraus, 1955) El Salvador
Stichoplastoris asterix (Valerio, 1980) Costa Rica
Stichoplastoris denticulatus (Valerio, 1980) Costa Rica
Stichoplastoris elusinus (Valerio, 1980) Costa Rica
Stichoplastoris longistylus (Kraus, 1955) El Salvador
Stichoplastoris obelix (Valerio, 1980) Costa Rica
Stichoplastoris schusterae (Kraus, 1955) El Salvador
Stichoplastoris stylipus (Valerio, 1982) Costa Rica, Panama
Stromatopelma batesi (Pocock, 1902) Cameroon, Congo ♂
Stromatopelma calceatum (Fabricius, 1793) West Africa ♂♀
Stromatopelma calceatum griseipes (Pocock, 1897) Sierra Leone ♂♀
Stromatopelma fumigatum (Pocock, 1899) Equatorial Guinea ♀
Stromatopelma pachypoda (Strand, 1908) Cameroon ♀
Stromatopelma satanas (Berland, 1917) Gabon, Congo
Pachistopelma bromelicola

Pamphobeteus nigricolor
Phlogiellus inermis
Phoneyusa sp.
Phormictopus atrichomatus

Phormictopus cancerides

Phormingochilus everetti

Phrixotrichus jara
Poecilotheria rajaei

Poecilotheria metallica
Pterinochilus simoni
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Reversopelma petersi
Psednocnemis davidgohi
Poecilotheria vittata
Sickius longibulbi
Sericopelma angustum
sericopelma generala

Selenocosmia javanensis
Selenocosmia SP
Schizopelma bicarinatum

Tapinauchenius gigas
Typhochlaena amma
Stromatopelma sp

Trichognathella schoenlandi
Trichopelma corozali
Thrixopelma sp.
Xenesthis immanis
Vitalius dubius

Vitalius paranaensis
Typhochlaena seladonia
Vitalius roseus (Giant Pink Starburst)

Xenesthis monstrosa
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PART One .... Species list - with redhighlighted the popular ..
PART two ... Species list - with redhighlighted the popular ..countinued
PART Three ... Species list - with basic care conditions ..
PART Four ... Species list - with basic care conditions .. countinued
It is more than 700 species of tarantulas discovered more than half of this number kept in captivitey .. we will try to cover most of them :
Below list is courtesy to : www.tarantupedia.com/list