German Name: Greenhouse Insect
Distribution: worldwide in greenhouses and Zoos
Origin of the breeding strain: Hamburg, Zoo
Size: ♂ / ♀: about 20 mm
Posture: 25-30 ° C, 80-90% RAH
Lining: fish food, dead insects, apple, carrot
Reproduction: lay eggs in the substrate (humus-sand mixture)
Tips / features: offering shelter as cave, including large cork tube; Males are silent
Origin: Cameroon, Africa
Origin of the breeding strain: Cameroon
Size: ♂ / ♀: about 35 mm
Posture: 25-30 ° C, 60-70% RAH
Lining: blackberry , fruit, vegetables, fish flakes, fresh dead insects
Reproduction: Single eggs are laid in the ground. It was observed that the eggs were preferably placed in fine mesh Gewebegaze. About the incubation time and the ideal Inkubationart Unfortunately we have no experience.
Other: This type is purely nocturnal and examined daytime shelter in caves. We can recommend to provide sufficient cork tubes or similar dark retreats available.

Greenhouse Camel Crickets (Diestrammena asynamora)
Distribution: Africa
Origin of the breeding strain: Tanzania
Size: ♂: ♀: about 55mm
Posture: 25-35 ° C, 60-70% RAH
Lining: Fish flake food, cat / dog dry food, insects (ideally death), fruit
Reproduction: lay eggs in the substrate (humus-sand mix), slip after 10-14 months
Tips / Features : Too dense stocking this kind tends to cannibalism. The eggs require a "dry-wet period" for a successful hatching. The males of this species produce extremely loud Stridulationsgeräusche in the evenings
- Eupholidoptera chabrieri :
courtesy to : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eupholidoptera_chabrieri
Eupholidoptera chabrieri is a species of 'katydids crickets' belonging to the family Tettigoniidaesubfamily Tettigoniinae.
This cricket is mainly present in France, southern Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia and in Romania. The adults reach 20–30 millimetres (0.79–1.18 in) of length. They can be encountered from July through September in forest edges, clearings, thickets and shrubs.
The basic coloration of the body varies from green to light green and yellow green. The top of the head is orange, with a few black spots in the front. The compound eyes are pale brown. The antennae are longer than the body. The flat, extended pronotum shows a black band, with an orange-yellow lateral contour. The abdomen is green and quite thick, with a yellow bottom and a black last segment. This species is remarkably long-legged, with a striking pattern of black spots and drawings and small spines on the hind legs.
In the females the tiny dark brown wings are partially hidden under the pronotum, while the males have very short tegmina. The females have a slightly curved ovipositor, which is somewhat shorter than the body. This species start breeding in July. Only eggs overwinter, hatching in next April.
The song of these crickets consists of short, high-frequency single sounds, usually presented in series at a distance of a few seconds.
Subspecies :
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri bimucronata (Ramme, 1927)
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri brunneri (Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881)
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri chabrieri (Charpentier, 1825)
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri galvagnii Adamovic, 1972
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri garganica La Greca, 1959
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri schmidti (Fieber, 1861)
-Eupholidoptera chabrieri usi Adamovic, 1972
for the refrences and external links click .. to read the Wikipedia article ..

Eupholidoptera chabrieri, male
Eupholidoptera chabrieri, female
Eupholidoptera chabrieri, dorsal view
Eupholidoptera chabrieri

Distribution: New Zealand
Origin of the breeding strain: New Zealand
Size: ♂: ♀: about 40-70mm
Posture: ! About 15 ° C, 60-80% RAH
Lining: Buddleia, euonymus ( Euonymus ), leaves, cabbage, carrot, apple, insects (eg grasshoppers, crickets, Zophobas), fish flake food, flowers, pollen, cat / dog food. Under literature to find more information (s. Griffin et al. 2011 ).
Reproduction: The elongated 5-6,5mm large eggs are used individually at a depth of approximately 5 cm into the substrate (humus-sand mixture) stored. Slip after an incubation of about 8 months at about 14 ° C in a coconut humus substrate.
Tips / features : to keep permanently successful this Weta kind, must have a temperature of 10-20 ° C can be guaranteed. Longer periods with below or above these values may result in the loss of the animals.
Animals of this species live in harems of one male and several females. Males meet each other aggressively.
When hiding places and to better control can "Weta Cave" build, with hiding places for individual animals or for males with several females. A construction manual can be found in the section literature in articles by Trewick & Morgan-Richards (2000) .

Hemideina crassidens
The typical display for this type of cricket is by carved wood with entry from narrow vivarium as shown in these photos ..
Taxonomy: In this type, the (ca. 2005) was imported from Ethiopia probably originally and now widely used in breeding is (under the name Homoeogryllus indicus ), is actually
Homoeogryllus xanthographus Guerin Méneville 1847
We have the way to the work of Desutter (1985) nachbestimmt.
Below the relevant characteristics for unambiguous identification are displayed.

Distribution: Known Not sure
Origin of the breeding strain: Not sure known, probably Cuba
Size: ♂: ♀: about 30 mm
Posture: 22-27 ° C, 80-90% RAH
Lining: Gemischtkostler (eg fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, fish flakes lining).
Reproduction: lay eggs in the substrate (humus-sand mix), slip in a few weeks.
Tips / Features : males stridulate for a short period of about one hour lasting at dusk. There are very good terrarium with a small ventilation area for entertainment. Terrariums with fireplace ventilation can be taped well-sided. The animals should hiding places in the form of holes or bent / tubular pieces of cork are offered.This will be examined in larger groups during the day and only left at night.


- Macroxiphus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Macroxiphus is a genus of Tettigoniidae, distributed in South-East Asia and Micronesia. The larval stages of the insects mimic ants.
Camouflage and mimicry
Young instars of Macroxiphus, such as M. sumatranus, have an "uncanny resemblance" to ants, extending to their black coloration, remarkably perfect antlike shape, and convincingly antlike behaviour. Their long antennae are camouflaged to appear short, being black only at the base, and they are vibrated like ant antennae. Larger instars suddenly change into typical-looking katydids, and are entirelynocturnal, while the adult has bright warning coloration.[1]

Taxonomy: After Ingrisch (1998) there are of Macroxiphus sumatranus (Haan, 1842)
3 subspecies. Besides the nominate Macroxiphus sumatranus sumatranus (Haan, 1842) subspecies Macroxiphus sumatranus siamensis Helfert & Singer, 1995 and Macroxiphus sumatranus raapi Griffini, 1908th
The is located in breeding animals from Malaysia could not be clearly assigned to a subspecies. It is believed that they subspecies Macroxiphus sumatranus siamensis 1995 Helfert & Singer, most similar.
Distribution: Japan
Origin of the breeding strain: Japan
Size: ♂: ♀: about 16 mm
Posture: 20-25 ° C, 60-70% RAH
Lining: Omnivorous: fruits, vegetables, fish food flakes
Reproduction: lay eggs in the substrate (humus-sand mixture), depending on the attitude up to 2 generations per year, slipping after a few weeks or after approximately 4-8 weeks winter (10-15 ° C).
The overwintering eggs is recommended for the set in the fall of eggs. If you renounce to a wintering, the slip rate and the stability of the young nymphs decreases significantly. In repeated omitting the winter so it usually comes to a complete collapse of the tribe.
Tips / Features : The males reach by evening Stridulationsgeräusche sustained volume (see below, retakes).
Meloimorpha japonica We also called Japanese Sing Grille; in Japan "Suzumushi" called.

Dissemination India, Thailand
Origin of the breeding strain: Thailand
Size: ♂ / ♀: about 20 mm
Posture: 25-30 ° C, 70-90% RAH
Lining: Gemischtkostler (eg fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, fish flakes lining).
Reproduction: lay eggs in the substrate (humus-sand mix), slip to 2-3 weeks.
Tips / Features: young fit through conventional perforated plate. It should be based on well-sealed and escape-proof containers for breeding are respected.
There are short and langgeflügelte animals.


Distribution: Northern South America
Size: ♂: about 50mm
Origin of the breeding strain: Curacao (Netherlands Antilles).
Attitude: temperatures of about 25-30 ° C at a humidity of about 70%.
Lining: Gemischtkostler: dead and live insects, fish flake food, fruits and vegetables (preferably corn, cabbage, carrot)
Reproduction: lay eggs in palms, weißfaulem wood, floral foam.
Tips / features: The animals seek shelter during the day in caves. Immediate withdrawal at fault.

Due to the large quantity of katydids species and the new yearly discoveries we will shortlisted the famous and most colorful and strange shape of these creatures . yet this hobby is at the beginning and may be challenging for the most of hobbyists ..