- Polyrhachis halidayi :
Latin Name:Polyrhachis halidayi
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to escapeprevention
Queen:Size: 8mm Colour: black, legs reddish brown
Worker:Size: 6 - 7mm Colour: black, legs reddish brown
Soldier:Size: - Colour: -
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets),
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: day: 28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:nest arboreal between leaves
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: - Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to forest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:This species is a small Polyrhachis from asia with large nests between leaves. They react very aggressive against nestdisturbance
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few thousand workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
Pheidole sinica

- Polyrhachis shixingensis :
Latin Name:Polyrhachis shixingensis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to escapeprevention
Distribution:South China, Provinces Guangdong, Guangxi and Hongkong, Vietnam
Habitate:closed shrubland, closed canopy forest
Queen:Size: 9 - 10mm Colour: shiny dark-brown/black, legs light yellow, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 6,5 - 7,5 Colour: shiny dark-brown/black, legs light yellow
Soldier:Size: - Colour: -
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets)
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: day: 28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:build there nest between wood and stones and cover them with plantmaterial
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:This species is a beautiful shiny black ant which build there nests between . They are a little bit smaller as Polyrhachis dives with small spines on the Thorax and Petiolus.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: -
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)

- Tetraponera allaborans :
Latin Name:Tetraponera allaborans
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmecinae, Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitate:tropical to subtropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: 9 - 10mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in wood and hollow stems
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Cork, Softwood Arena: Sand-loam, Humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork
Description:distinctly narrow and slim ant species, seems very delicately
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral, but mainly through adoption
colonysize: 500 to 1000 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Tetraponera Allaborans 2016-4-3
- Camponotus cf. selene :
Latin Name:Camponotus cf. selene
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:India, Myanmar, China
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: black, hairy, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 6 - 10mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 80% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil, rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Black Camponotus with spines similar to Polyrhachis.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 1000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Crematogaster biroi :
Latin Name:Crematogaster biroi
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Crematogastrini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southern China, India, Sri Lanka
Habitate:moderate rainforest
Colonyform:monogyne, ergatoid colonies also polygyne
Queen:Size: 3 - 7mm Colour: yellowish gaster light brown
Worker:Size: 2.5 - 3.5mm Colour: yellow, gaster light brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to moderate rainforest
Decoration:stones, leavelitter, twigs, cork
Description:Crematogaster biroi is a small Crematogaster species which nests only in soil under stones. They are active but show only little aggression against other ants.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Aphaenogaster smythiesii :
Latin Name:Aphaenogaster smythiesii
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:India, Nepal, China, Korea
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 6,5 - 7mm Colour: dark castaneous brown to black
Worker:Size: 4,5 - 5,5mm Colour: dark castaneous brown to black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 4mm Colour: black
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropicalforest with moss and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Aphaenogaster smythiesii is a fast moving ant from southern Asia with their maindistribution in South East Asia. Because of their long legs they show a very fragile and gracile look.
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 1.000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Pheidole cf. indica :
Latin Name:Pheidole cf. indica
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:India, Japan, China
Habitate:open land, dry
Queen:Size: 7 - 8,5mm Colour: reddish brown
Worker:Size: 2 - 3mm Colour: reddish brown, Gaster darker
Soldier:Size: 4,5 - 5,5mm Colour: castaneous red, Gaster darker
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), grains e.g. sesame, amaranthus or millet
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil, with sometimes a small mound
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadow
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs,
Description:These Pheidole is very common in the southwestern regions of Japan. They establish smaller colonies then other Pheidole species. They are specialist in escaping so you will need a good escapeprevention.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: approx. 1000 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Pristomymrex punctata :
Latin Name:Pristomyrmex punctata
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Myrmecinini
Keeping Level:(2) set higher requirements towards climate and nutrition
Distribution: China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo, Indonesia, New Guinea, Philipines, Singapore
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: - Colour: normaly queenless they can also have ergatoid queens which can be distinguish through there large heads and ocelli
Worker:Size: 2,5 mm Colour: brown to reddish-brown, gaster dark
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:insects (e.g. fruitflies, house flies and small crickets), honeywater
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 26°C
Nestform:soil nests under stones, dead wood, roots move frequently
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Decoration:stones, Leaves, Twigs, Cork
Description:This antspecie is often called queenless and normaly the worker produce through thelotoky they can produce ergatoid queens and also males.
Development:matingflight: during summer
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few thousand to hundred thousand workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pristomyrmex punctatus

- Pheidole sinica :
Latin Name:Pheidole sinica
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:China (Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi Provinz)
Habitate:open land, woodland and woodmargins
Queen:Size: 12mm Colour: darkbrown
Worker:Size: 4,6 - 4,7mm Colour: reddish brown to yellowish brown
Soldier:Size: 8,2 - 9,2mm Colour: reddish brown
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), grains e.g. sesame, amaranthus or millet
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 60% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil, under stones
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to forest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs,
Description:These Pheidole are very aggressive against Nestdisturbance and other ants. The often attack other colonies. They are also known under the old name Ceratopheidole sinica which isn`t valid any more.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral, Queen can be up to 10 years and older
colonysize: a few 1000 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Harpegnathos saltator :
Latin Name:Harpegnathos saltator
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and nutrition
Habitate:tropical dryforest
Queen:Size: 17mm Colour: head, thorax and legs reddish, abdomen blackish brown
Worker:Size: 14 - 17mm Colour: head, thorax and legs reddish, abdomen blackish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 9,5mm Colour: head, thorax and legs reddish, abdomen blackish brown
Nutrion:Insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in loamground
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: (M) L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam, turf, moss ground, dead wood
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:stones, leavelitter, twigs, cork
Description:This ant may jump about 8-10cm while hunting or when threatened, it also has got a good vision. When they find some food they start to waggle with their gaster.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: app. 100 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Harpegnathos saltator (Formiga-Saltadora)

- Camponotus sericeus :
Latin Name:Camponotus sericeus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Africa, Arabian Peninsula, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand
Habitat:open sunexposed areas, dry forest
Queen:Size: 11mm Colour: black with a gold shinning gaster, head sometimes reddish brown, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 7 - 11mm Colour: black with gold shinning gaster, head sometimes reddish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 8 - 9mm Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 80% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 25 - 32°C Nestpart: 24 - 30°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to meadows with moss and differents xerophyts
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Black Camponotus species with a golden shine on its gaster. They are diurnal and show high foraging activity. They use tandem running to guide other colony members to food resources. Like most Camponotus species they have a preference for sugar-rich nutrition.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus sericeus

- Camponotus variegatus :
Latin Name:Camponotus variegatus
Trivialname:Hawaiian carpenter ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia, Hawaii
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 12 - 13mm Colour: yellowish brown with dark brown stripes on their gaster
Worker:Size: 5 - 12,5mm Colour: yellowish brown with dark brown stripes on their gaster, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 24 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in dead and rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to rainforest with moss and tropical plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:These ants are beautiful big ants from southeast Asia. The are mainly nocturnal and forage at night for small insects and honeydew. They often walk in small groups and react very aggressive against intruders. They can intrude wooden material inside house so a good escape prevention is nessecary.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding) development: egg to larvae 20 days, larvae to pupae 28 days, pupae to imago 22 days
colonysize: up to a few 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus variegatus - Test tube view

- Anochetus subcoecus (trap jaw) :
Latin Name :Anochetus subcoecus
Trivialname:trapjaw ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keepinglevel:(2) show higher requirements towards climate and nutrition
Distribution:China (Yunnan), Taiwan
Habitate:inhabits rainforest but also parks in urban areas
Queen:Size: 4 - 5mm Colour: reddishyellow to amber, thorax more developed
Worker:Size: 2- 3,5mm Colour: reddishyellow to amber
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, small fruitflies, micro- crickets are the best for these ants
rel. AirhumidityArena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 26°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
FormicariasizeSize: M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss, orchids and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leaves
Description:The genus Anochetus belongs to the so-called trapjaw ants and shows similar behavior like Odontomachus. With their mandibles they catch small flies and other small athropods. The movement of their jaws is one of the fastest movements in the animal kingdom.
Development:matingflight: with start of the rainseason
founding: semiclaustral (feeding nessecary)
colonysize: small colonies with rarely more than 100 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus jianghuaensis :
Latin Name:Camponotus jianghuaensis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southern China
Habitat:moderate rainforest
Queen:Size: 10 - 13mm Colour: reddish brown, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 7,5 - 9,6mm Colour: reddish brown, gaster darker, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 18 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to moderate rainforest
Decoration:Branches, roots, leafe litter
Description:These ants haven't been known for long and their biology is still not researched very well. They are not very aggressive and show a beautiful brownish red colour.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 100 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Polyrhachis rastellata :
Latin Name:Polyrhachis rastellata
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to escapeprevention
Distribution:China, Taiwan, Borneo, Indonesien, Indien, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nordaustralien
Queen:Size: 6,8 - 8mm Colour: shiny black, legs red, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 5,5 - 6,2mm Colour: shiny black, legs red
Soldier:Size: 5 - 6mm Colour: -
Males:Size: - Colour: black, slim
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets),
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 28- 30°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:build silknest between leafes and hollow branches
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:These beautiful black ants build there Nest made of silk and Plantfibres. Similar to Oecophylla the larvae don?t produces a silkcocoon.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral often in Pleometrosis
colonysize: e few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Crematogaster vagula :
Latin Name:Crematogaster vagula
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Crematogastrini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Central and eastern China, Korea, Japan
Habitate:Forest edges, woodfarms
Queen:Size: 6mm Colour: brownish yellow, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 2,3 - 3mm Colour: brown to blackish brown,
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in hollow twigs and branches, under bark
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, Cork Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to mixed forest
Decoration:stones, leavelitter, twigs, cork
Description:Crematogaster vagula is an arboreal ant from Asia. They are active foragers and can often be seen holding their gaster up to the sky.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Pseudolasius cibdelus :
Latin Name:Pseudolasius cibdelus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Plagiolepidini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:China (Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Henan)
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 8mm Colour: yellow
Worker:Size: 2,6 - 4,6mm Colour: yellow (polymorph)
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil, under stones
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadow
Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork
Description:looks similar to Lasius niger. The workers are polymorphic, so there are minor and major workers
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few thousand workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Tetraponera rufonigra :
Latin Name:Tetraponera rufonigra
Trivialname:The Arboreal Bicolored Ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmecinae Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:India, Java, Sri Lanka, Nicobar Island, Myanmar, Vietnam, China,
Habitate:tropical to subtropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 12 - 15mm Colour: head and gaster black, Thorax orange
Worker:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: head and gaster black, Thorax orange
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 12 - 15mm Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in dead hardwood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Cork, Softwood, Hardwood Arena: Sand-loam, Humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork
Description:distinctly narrow and slim ant species, seems very delicately. They are high adapted to arboreal living. They have a potent sting which they use easily against intruders.
Development:matingflight: jan to march
founding: claustral
colonysize: 300 to 500 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Tetraponera Rufonigra 2016-4-9

- Camponotus compressus :
Latin Name:Camponotus compressus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(1) easy to keep but higher requirements towards climate
Distribution:United Arab Emirates, India, Nepal, Southchina, Borneo, Philipines
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 14 - 18mm Colour: Head, thorax and gaster black, antennae, mandibles and legs reddish brown or red, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 6 - 16mm Colour: Head, thorax and gaster black, antennae, mandibles and legs reddish brown or red
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 10 - 13mm Colour: like the females
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil sometimes under rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to cropland and forestedges
Decoration:Branches, roots, leaf litter, stones, cork
Description:Camponotus compressus is a large bicolored ant from Asia. They are active foragers collecting honeydew and insects. They are aggressiv against disturbance. Unlike many Camponotus the colonies' growth is fast.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding) development: approx. 6 weeks
colonysize: 5000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus compressus colony
- Camponotus festinus :
Latin Name:Camponotus festinus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements towards climate
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 19 - 21mm Colour: castanaeous brown to black, bulky Thorax
Worker:Size: 10 - 14mm Colour: castaneous brown to black, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. flies, mosquitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in hollow stems, rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to rainforest with moss, grass and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Nice coloured large Camponotus from Southeast Asia. They are very active and develope quickly and have big colonies. They build their nest in hollow stems.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: ca. 2000 - 4000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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My ants Camponotus festinus

Camponotus largiceps :
Latin Name:Camponotus largiceps
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements towards climate
Distribution:South China (Anhui, Henan, Hunan)
Habitat:subtropical forest, meadows, crops
Queen:Size: 15 - 16mm Colour: shiny black, legs reddish brown, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 5 - 14mm Colour: head and thorax brown, gaster black, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. flies, mosquitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, for 2 -3 month at 15 - 18°C (unheated room)
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to meadows with moss, grass and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leaf litter
Description:Small Camponotus from China. Actually there is not much knowledge available about their biology. But they behave similar to the European Camponotus ligniperdus.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 100 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus largiceps - Test tube view
- Camponotus obscuripes :
Latin Name:Camponotus obscuripes
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(1) for beginners small colonies with 10 or more workers recommended
Distribution:China, Korea, Japan, Russia
Habitat:forest margins, closed forests
Queen:Size: 17 - 19mm Colour: Head, legs and gaster blackish brown, thorax reddish, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 5 - 14mm Colour: Head, legs and gaster blackish brown, thorax reddish, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. flies, mosquitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, from October to March at 5 - 8°C (cooler)
Nestform:Build their nest in dead or rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to meadows with moss, grass and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leaf litter
Description:Camponotus obscuripes is a large ant species from the cooler parts of Asia. They live in dead and rotten wood. They are very similar to our European Camponotus ligniperdus.
Development:matingflight: May to August
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 100 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Velvet Ant (Mutilla mikado) and Ant (Camponotus obscuripes) Muneaka ants and bees

- Cataglyphis aenescens :
Latin Name :Cataglyphis aenescens
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Formicini
Keepinglevel:(1) easy to keep but with a high demand of food
Habitate:inhabits steppe, semi-desert
Queen:Size: 10 - 11mm Colour: shiny black
Worker:Size: 7 - 8mm Colour: shiny black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 10 - 11mm Colour: shining black-brown
Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
rel. AirhumidityArena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 40 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 26°C
Hibernation:yes, october to march at 8 -10°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
FormicariasizeSize: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to meadows with grass and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leaves
Development:matingflight: April - May
founding: claustral (no feeding nessecary)
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Cataglyphis aenescens in formicarum

- Pheidole flaveria :
Latin Name:Pheidole flaveria
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:China (Guangxi, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi)
Habitate:moist crops, forestedges, meadows
Queen:Size: 5 - 7mm Colour: reddish brown
Worker:Size: 2 - 3mm Colour: yellow, mandibles dark brown
Soldier:Size: 3,5 - 4mm Colour: yellow, mandibles dark brown
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), grains e.g. sesame, amaranthus or millet
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, for 2-3 month at 15 - 18°C ( unheated room)
Nestform:nest in soil, with sometimes a small mound
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadow
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs,
Description:These Pheidole inhabits the subtropical parts of China. Similar to mediterranian species it's recommended to reduce the temperature for 2 - 3 month.They are specialist in escaping so you will need a good escape prevention.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: approx. few thousand workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pheidole Flaveria
My new Pheidole Flaveria colony moving into their nest.
- Pheidole aphrasta :
Latin Name:Pheidole aphrasta
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southchina (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei, Sichuan)
Habitate:open land, Forest edges, cropmargins
Queen:Size: 7,5mm Colour: reddish brown, gaster darker
Worker:Size: 2 - 3,5mm Colour: brownish yellow,
Soldier:Size: 3,5 - 5mm Colour: reddish brown, mandibles darker, gaster darkbrown with yellow margin, large heads
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), grains e.g. sesame, amaranthus or millet
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, for 2 -3 month at 15 - 18°C (unheated room)
Nestform:nest in in soil, under stones
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to forest and meadows
Decoration:stones, leaf litter, Twigs
Description:These Pheidole build there nest in soil and under stones. Most of their biology is still unresearched.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 1000 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus pseudolendus :
Latin Name:Camponotus pseudolendus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 18-19mm Colour: mattblack with a greengold glimmer
Worker:Size: 8mm (polymorph) Colour: mattblack, Majors:
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, ground rainforest Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Camponotus pseudolendus is a very beautiful ant species from South East Asia, they look similar like Camponotus singularis but much darker coloratio.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rain season
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus sp. "chinensis" :
Latin Name:Camponotus sp. "chinensis"
Trivialname:- Camponotus chinensis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: ca. 18mm Colour: black, gold glimmering
Worker:Size: ca. 9mm Colour: black, gold glimmering
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Camponotus singularis is a beautiful Asian ant that shows high activity and an interesting recruitment behavior. They are mainly nocturnal foragers but as a result of the often lower light emission in human flats they also show activity during the day. They develop quickly and have impressive major workers.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rain season
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus lasiselene :
Latin Name:Camponotus lasiselene
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 8-9mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: ca. 3mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in trees
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:tree-dwelling, small Camponotus species from Southeast Asia.
Development:matingflight: unknown
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: unknown
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus Lasiselene
- Polyrhachis thompsoni (weaver ants):
Latin Name:Polyrhachis thompsoni
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) high requirements to escape prevention
Queen:Size: ca. 13-14mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: ca. 10mm Colour: black
Soldier:Size: - Colour: -
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets),
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: day: 28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:large nests, they weave moss and gras into it
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadows
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:They often live at ground level, build their nests willingly on stones or on barks. They use their larvae to spin of the nest.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: -
colonysize: -
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Polyrhachis thompsoni

Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ... 1 - 2 - 3
Asia : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Europe : - Central Europe : 1 - 2 - 3
Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ... 1 - 2 - 3
Asia : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Europe : - Central Europe : 1 - 2 - 3