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 -  Gnamptogenys bicolor  :


Latin Name:Gnamptogenys bicolor


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ectatomminae Tribe: Ectatommini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitate:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 7 - 7,5mm Colour: black, thorax reddish and bulky

Worker:Size: 3,5 - 5mm Colour: black, thorax reddish

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:nest in rodden wood but also in soil

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, cork  Arena: Sand-loam, turf, moss ground, dead wood

Planting:similar to moderate rainforest

Decoration:stones, leaflitter, twigs, cork

Description:Beautiul bicolored species from Asia. It's not easy to make out the queen among the workers. They're feeding mainly proteins (small insects). They've got a stinger.

Development:matingflight: July to September
founding:  claustral
colonysize: a few thousand workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Myrmicaria brunnea :


Latin Name:        Myrmicaria brunnea
Trivialname:        -
Taxonomy:        Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Myrmicariini
Keeping Level:        (2) Species from Southeast Asia with higher requirements to climate and escape prevention 
Distribution:        Southeast Asia
Habitat:        prefers closed forests
Colonyform:        monogyne
Queen:        Size: 12 - 13mm Colour: chestnut brown head and thorax, dark abdomen, big and strong
Worker:        Size: 5,5 - 8mm Colour: chestnut brown head and thorax, dark abdomen
Soldier:        not present
Males:        Size: 10 - 11mm Colour: chestnut yellow
Nutrition        Honeywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:        Arena: 50 - 90% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:        Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C
Hibernation:        no
Nestform:        Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood and on the bottom of single trees, use the excavation as fortification
Kind of Formicaria:
    Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:        Size: M - XL
Substrate:        Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:        similar to forest areas with moss, grass and other plants
Decoration:        Branches, Roots, cocos, leavelitter
Description:        If this species feels threatened, it raises its gaster and uses their strong chemical defenses. They use to visit flowers and collect flowerjuice from different plants e.g mango or passiflora.
Development:        matingflight: with beginning of the rain-season
founding:  claustral (without feeding)  colonyage up to 20 years
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals
Quantity:        one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


Myrmicaria brunnea

 - Aphaenogaster schurri :


Latin Name:Aphaenogaster schurri


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini

Keeping Level:(1) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southern Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 13 - 15mm Colour: blackishbrown

Worker:Size: 5,5 - 6mm Colour: reddishbrown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropicalforest with moss and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots,leave litter

Description:Aphaenogaster schurri is a fast moving ant from southern Asia with its maindistribution in India.

founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 1.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


Aphaenogaster Schurri

 - Lepisiota rothneyi wroughtonii:


Latin Name:Lepisiota rothneyi wroughtonii


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Plagiolepidini

Keeping Level:(1) easy to keep but higher requirements to escape prevention

Distribution:India, China



Queen:Size:  5 mm Colour: blackish brown

Worker:Size: 2 - 3mm Colour: blackishbrown, legs light brown

Soldier:Size: - Colour: -

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), 

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80% 

Temperature:Arena:  24- 30°C  Nestpart: 28 - 30°C 


Nestform:nest in soil, under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to meadows

Decoration:stones, leaflitter, cork, branches


Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral
colonysize: a few 1000

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Meranoplus mucronatus  :


Latin Name:Meranoplus mucronatus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Meranoplini

Keeping Level:(2) have higher requirements to climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand

Habitat:prefers semi dry and wet forests


Queen:Size: 8 - 9mm Colour: Head and gaster black, thorax reddish brown

Worker:Size: 6 - 8mm Colour: Head and gaster black, thorax reddish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, grains

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 24 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to forest areas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, leaflitter

Description:A small ant which uses an effective repellent against other opponents. They are very slow in their motion even when they are disturbed.

founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Camponotus dolendus :


Latin Name:Camponotus dolendus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 11 - 15mm Colour: black with a silky shimmer, bulky

Worker:Size: 6 - 9mm Colour: black with a silky shimmer

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil, under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter

Description:Camponotus dolendus is an active Asian antspecies with an interesting silky shimmer.

Development:matingflight: occurs with the first summerrains
founding:  claustral (without feeding) development: -
colonysize: up to  a few 1000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus dolendus

 - Camponotus mitus :


Latin Name:Camponotus mitus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 14 - 16mm Colour: blackish brown, bulky thorax

Worker:Size: 8 - 10mm Colour: blackish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil, under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest  with moss and tropical plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter

Description:It is a Japanese Camponotus species, which is slim and longish. The head is coloured darkbrown to black, the body is brown. Big colonies might be aggressive. This species is mainly distributed in Asia's southern areas. Its nests are between stones on  glades and in dry wood/logs, soil nests are common as well. It is rather timid and easily frightened, yet large colonies can be agressive. Just a bit upset, it is scattering and escaping criscross – it can run quite fast. Sometimes it's even jumping away a few centimetres while being upset. This is very interesting characteristics of this species.

Development:matingflight: occurs with the first summerrains
founding:  claustral (without feeding) development: -
colonysize: up to  a few 100 Individuals Queen can be up to 10 years

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Camponotus vitiosus  :


Latin Name:Camponotus vitiosus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Japan, Korea, China

Habitat:open pineforest, deadwood


Queen:Size:  8 - 10mm Colour: black 

Worker:Size: 3,5 - 5,5mm Colour: shining black, legs often blackish brown, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C

Hibernation:yes, similar to mediterranean ants

Nestform:Build their nest in dead twigs

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size:  S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to pineforest with moss and grass and tree-needles

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter

Description:These ants are barely aggressive and are good climbers. They have a nice colour. They are arboreal living ants which build their nests in dead twigs.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to a few 100  Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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東京巨山蟻 Camponotus vitiosus

 - Cataulacus granulatus :


Latin Name:Cataulaucus granulatus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Cataulacini

Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size:  6 - 7mm Colour: black, legs redish brown

Worker:Size: 4 - 6mm Colour: black, legs reddish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 4 - 5mm Colour: black, slim

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in hollow tree logs of bamboo 

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size:  S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter, bamboo

Description:Cataulacus granulatus is an arboreal living ant from Asia. They have an interesting look similar to turtleants. During attacks they dodge and often fall from leaves and trees as escape behaviour.

Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: small colonies with rarely more than 100 - 200 individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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粒溝切葉蟻 Cataulacus granulatus

 Proatta butteli :


Latin Name:Proatta butelli


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Stenammini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention

Distribution:Borneo, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam

Habitate:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 4 - 5mm Colour: darkreddish brown

Worker:Size: 2 - 3mm Colour: yellow to darkred

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 5mm Colour: darkbrown, mandibles and legs light brown

Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets 

Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:nest in soil near tree bases, termite nests, most available spaces with only little excavation on there own

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: S - M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, Humus, Cork   Arena: Sand-loam, Humus

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork

Description:These small ants show a high similarity to ants of the tribe Attini but don`t either have a fungus garden nor do they feed on fungus. They are single foragers leaving the nest only for a maximum rage of 1m. 
But within this range there is a high density of workers with sometimes more than hundred workers per m². Their diet is mostly omnivore with a varity of insects other small athropods e.g isopods or termites. Proatta also shows a preference for other ants like Pheidologeton, Oecophylla or Camponotus.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral
colonysize: up to 10000 workers with 1 Queen per 100 - 500 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Proatta butelli. by

 - Camponotus singularis :


Latin Name:Camponotus singularis


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size:  17 - 20mm Colour: black 

Worker:Size: 11 - 19mm Colour: black, head red, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil 

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size:  L - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter

Description:Camponotus singularis is a beautiful Asian ant that shows high activity and an interesting recruitment behavior. They are mainly nocturnal foragers but as a result of the often lower light emission in human flats they also show activity during the day. They develop quickly and have impressive major workers.

Development:matingflight: with begin of the rain season
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to a few 1000 individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Gnamptogenys bicolor

19 01 2013 Camponotus singularis

Camponotus spec. (xiangban) :


Latin Name:Camponotus spec.


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) especially in the beginning a liltle bit panic and with a slow colony development

Distribution:South East Asia

Habitat:tropical rainforest


Queen:Size: 13 - 15mm Colour: Head and legs black, thorax orangebrown, gaster with orangebrown spots, bulky

Worker:Size: 6 - 12mm Colour: Head and legs black, thorax orangebrown, gaster with orangebrown spots, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 10mm Colour: black

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 26°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil, under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M - L

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest  with moss and tropical plants 

Decoration:Branches, roots,leave litter

Description:This species is kind of haired and has a beautiful reddish tinge. They have a rather smooth temper, but might react panicky on nest disorders. Small colonies are suitable for socialisation with other ants.

Development:matingflight: with the first summerrains
founding:  claustral (without feeding) development: 28 days ( depending on temperature)
colonysize: up to  a few 1000 Individuals, Queen can become 25 years 

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus spec. (xiangban)

 - Pseudoneoponera rufipes - Pachycondyla rufipes :


Latin Name:Pseudoneoponera rufipes
Synomym: Pachycondyla rufipes


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention

Distribution:India to Southern China

Habitate:tropical Rainforest


Queen:Size: 16 - 17mm Colour: black, last 2 Gastralsegments red, mandibles, antennae and legs reddishbrown

Worker:Size: 13 - 16mm Colour: black, last 2 Gastralsegments red, mandibles, antennae and legs reddishbrown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrion:honeywater, insects (e. g small crickets, Houseflies )

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:in soil and under dead wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs, 

Description:These small pachycondyla are very active and show high activity . They are not able to walk on smooth surfaces.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Pseudoneoponera rufipes (Ex Pachycondyla rufipes)

 - Ectomomyrmex leeuwenhoeki - Pachycondyla leeuwenhoeki :


Latin Name:Ectomomyrmex leeuwenhoeki 
Synomym: Pachycondyla leeuwenhoeki


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention

Distribution:India, South East Asia from South China to Borneo including the Philipines

Habitate:tropical Rainforest


Queen:Size: 11mm Colour: brownish black, Gaster reddish black, legs, antennae and mandibles red, Thorax lightly bigger 

Worker:Size: 7,5 - 8mm Colour: brownish black, Gaster reddish black, legs, antennae and mandibles red

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrion:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, Crickets and Houseflies)

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:under dead wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs, 

Description:Small Pachycondyla specie from Asia. It is crepuscular. Max. colony size about 100 workers.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  semiclaustral
colonysize: up to hundred workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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- Tetraponera nigra :


Latin Name:Tetraponera nigra


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmecinae, Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini

Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention

Distribution:India, Java, Sri Lanka

Habitate:tropical to subtropical Rainforest


Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: darkbrown to black

Worker:Size: 12 - 13mm Colour: darkbrown to black

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets

Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:nest in wood and hollow stems

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: S - M 

Substrate:Farm:  Cork, Softwood  Arena: Sand-loam, Humus

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork

Description:distinctly narrow and slim ant species, seems very delicately

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral, but mainly through adoption
colonysize: 500 to 1000 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Odontomachus rixosus (trap-jaw) :


Latin Name:Odontomachus rixosus


Taxonomy:Subfamily:Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini

Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention

Distribution:South China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Mayanmar, Thailand, Borneo, Indonesia, Philipines, Singapore

Habitate:tropical Rainforest


Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: brown, head a shade lighter up to reddish, legs yellowish, slim

Worker:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: brown, head a shade lighter up to reddish, legs yellowish, slim

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: yellow

Nutrion:honeywater, insects (e.g. small fruit flies, small crickets and Spring tails)

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:under dead wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs

Description:This is a typical termite hunter in the forest of southeast asia. They use their mandibles for hunting other insects and to escape a threat. They can jump up to 20 cm

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Trap-jaw ants jump forward and backward (Odontomachus rixosus)

Camponotus tonkinus :


Latin Name:Camponotus tonkinus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia



Queen:Size:  13 - 14mm Colour: shining black , legs yellowish brown, bulky Thorax

Worker:Size: - Colour: shining black, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil and dead wood e.g bark, bamboo

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size:  M - L

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to forest with moss and differents kinds of grass

Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter

Description:Gorgeous black and glossing species of Camponotus with brown legs. 

Development:matingflight: with begin of the Rainseason
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 2000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus tonkinus zerren an einer Fliege

Latin Name:Meranoplus laeviventris


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Meranoplini

Keeping Level:(2) have higher requirements to climate and escpae prevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitat:prefers semi dry and wet forests


Queen:Size: 8 - 9mm Colour: Head and gaster black, thorax reddish brown, 

Worker:Size: 3 - 5mm Colour: Head and gaster black, thorax reddish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, grains

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size:  S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to forest areas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, leaflitter

Description:A small ant which uses an effective repellent against other opponents. They are very slow in their motion even when they are disturbed. They are very similar to Meranoplus bicolor. 

founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 10.000 individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Polyrhachis spec. :


Latin Name:Polyrhachis spec.


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to escapeprevention




Queen:Size:  12 - 13mm Colour: dark-brown/black, gaster is furrily haired

Worker:Size: 10mm Colour: dark-brown/black, gaster is furrily haired

Soldier:Size: - Colour: -

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), 

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80% 

Temperature:Arena: day:  28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C  Nestpart: 28 - 30°C 


Nestform:nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to meadows

Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches

Description:This species is distinctly bigger than Polyrhachis dives. It has small thorns on the thorax. Max. colony size probably about 100-200 workers.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  -
colonysize: -

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)

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Polyrhachis spec. gold

Anochetus graeffei (trap-jaw) :


Latin Name :Anochetus graeffei

Trivialname:trapjaw ant

Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini

Keepinglevel:(2) show higher requirements towards climate and nutrition

Distribution:indo-australian archipel

Habitate:inhabits rainforest but also parks in urban areas


Queen:Size: 7,5 - 8mm Colour: legs shining yellowish brown, rest darkbrown

Worker:Size: 5 - 7mm Colour: shining yellowish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, small fruitflys, micro- crickets is the best for these ants

rel. AirhumidityArena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 26°C


Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

FormicariasizeSize: M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand-Loam, 

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest  with moss, orchids and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, leaves

Description:The genus Anochetus belongs to the so-called trapjaw ants and shows similar behavior like Odontomachus. With their mandibles they catch small flies and other small athropods. The movement of their jaws is one of the fastest movements in the animal kingdom.

Development:matingflight: with start of the rainseason
founding:  semiclaustral (feeding nessecary )
colonysize: -

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Carebara affinis - Pheidologeton affinis :


Latin Name:Carebara affinis 
Synomym: Pheidologeton affinis

Trivialname:Marauder ants, Asian Army ants

Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Solenopsidini

Keeping Level:(3) shows highest requirements to climate, nutrition and escapeprevention

Distribution:Southeast Asia

Habitate:open sunexposed but moist areas, cropping areas like ricefields

Colonyform:polygyne (up to 16 queens)

Queen:Size: 14 - 16mm Colour: chestnut brown to black

Worker:Size: 2 - 2,5mm Colour: chestnut brown to black, extremly polymorph

Soldier:Size: 5 - 11mm Colour: chestnut brown to black, work as foodstorage

Males:Size: 10mm Colour: darkbrown, legs reddish brown

Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets), grains e.g. sesame, amaranthus or millet, nuts, also tuna in oil, biscuits and ricecrisps, fruits like grapes or apples

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80% there should be a permanent offering of watertubes or something similar

Temperature:Arena: day:  28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C  Nestpart: 28 - 30°C with a small temperature gradient

Hibernation:even when they are tropic they will benefit from a small winterrest.  there should be a cooldown for ca. 6 weeks where the nighttemperature is set to 20 °C this allows the queen to regenerate and slow down the brooddevelopment

Nestform:nest in soil, using lost burrows of other animals but also excavate on their own

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - XL

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam  Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to meadows

Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches

Description:Carebara affinis (Pheidologeton affinis) is mainly known for having the biggest size differences between the minor and the major workers. They are high aggressive ants which attack everything within their  territorium. Pheidologeton need a high amount of nutrition. During the drier season their diet persists up to 50% of small seeds. 
Pheidologeton is very prone to mites so old food must always be taken out of the arena. The balance between humidity and ventilation is very fragile and should always be controlled to avoid mold and mites.

Development:matingflight: dry areas once a year, wetter areas every three month possible 
founding:  claustral but also budding and adoption are possible. Broodcycle: minors :egg to larvae 9 days, larvae to pupae 9 days, pupae to worker 10 days. Majors need a little bit longer with approx. 45 days of development.
colonysize: monogyne 20. 000 to 30. 000, polygyne up to  50.000 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)

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- Myrmoteras cuneonodum (trap-jaw) :


Latin Name:Myrmoteras cuneonodum (trap-jaw)


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Myrmoteratini

Keeping Level:(2) set higher requirements to climate and nutrition 

Distribution:Southern China, Thailand, Vietnam

Habitate:tropical Rainforest


Queen:Size: 7mm Colour: brown, head a shade lighter up to reddish

Worker:Size: 5- 7mm Colour: brown, head a shade lighter up to reddish

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

Nutrition:honeywater, insects (fruit flies, spring tails, small insects)

Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 26°C


Nestform:nest in soil, under rotten wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size:  M - L

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:similar to tropical rainforest

Decoration:stones, Leaves, Twigs, Cork

Description:can latch with their mandibles lightning-fast. The mode of life of this genus hasn't been much researched yet.

Development:matingflight: with beginning of the Rainperiod
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)

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Anochetus graeffei (trap-jaw)

Myrmoteras cuneonodum

Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ...    1   -   2   -   3


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                           Asia   :     1    -    2   -    3  -   4   -   5   -   6   -   7 

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                           Australia :  1    -    2  

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Ants Species : Africa  :    1    -    2  

                           Asia   :     1    -    2   -    3  -   4   -   5   -   6   -   7 

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