- Dinomyrmex gigas :
Latin Name:Dinomyrmex gigas (ehem.Camponotus gigas)
Trivialname:Giant Forestant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(3) they react very sensitive towards climate conditions
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical rainforest from peat swamps to mangrove forests
Queen:Size: 31mm Colour: Head, Thorax and Legs black, Gaster brown, bulky
Worker:Size: 21 - 28mm Colour: Head, Thorax and Legs black, Gaster brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 18mm Colour: -
Nutritionmainly honeywater (90%) but also insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 60 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in deadwood and under roots
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss, tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter, cork
Description:Dinomyrmex gigas is one of the largest ants in the world. They are nocturnal foragers and show ritual battles along their territory borders.
Development:matingflight: shiffting twice a year approx. every 188 days
founding: claustral (without feeding) development: -
colonysize: up to a few 1000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Oecophylla smaragdina (asian weaver ants) :
Latin Name:Oecophylla smaragdina
Trivialname:Red Treeant, Weaverant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Oecophyllini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:southeast Asia
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 15 - 17mm Colour: vigorous, often green, brown
Worker:Size: 6 - 14mm Colour: reddish brown to brown, slim with long extremities
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, Insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in the canopy of trees using the silk of there offspring
Kind of Formicaria:Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL depending on the chosen hostplant
Substrate:Farm: - Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam suitable for Hostplant
Planting:similar to tropicalforest with moss and e. g. Money tree (Pachira aquatica), Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamini), Coffee (Coffea arabica), Citrusplant (Citrus)
Decoration:Branches, Roots
Description:This antspecie lives in the canopy of different Plants. There they build nests with the silk of the larvae. The worker often build long chains between the leaves and "weave" with the silk. Through the Transpiration of the leaves there is always the right condtion inside the nest. Oecophylla is very aggressive and defend there territory against any Intruder. In asia they were used as biological agent for hundreds of years. They are searching for on the tree and on the ground.
Together with the leafcutter ants they show one of the most complex communication system in all social insects. It contains of pheromones, tactile and optical communication. If there a lack of food or other unsuitabel conditions they often try to escape. Large colonies with there hundreds of bites and formicacid can also defend large Intruders( Keeper).
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 100 000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Odontomachus cf. kuroiwae (trap-jaw) :
Latin Name:Odontomachus cf. kuroiwae
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: brown, slim
Worker:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: brown, slim
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, small crickets and Spring tails)
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:under dead wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs,
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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My Current Asian Weaver Ant Colony (Inside An Oecophylla smaragdina Nest)
Odontomachus trap jaw ants

- Cryptopone sauteri :
Latin Name:Cryptopone sauteri
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:China, Korea, Japan
Habitate:moderate rainforest
Queen:Size: 4mm Colour: brownish yellow, slightly darker than the workers
Worker:Size: 3,5 - 4mm Colour: brownish yellow
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in rotten wood and in leaflitter
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to moderate rainforest with moss and grasses
Decoration:stones, leaflitter, twigs, cork
Description:Cryptopone sauteri is a small ponerine ant from Japan which is specialised to prey on underground larvea of different colleopteran- and dipteranspecies. Through there cryptic lifestyle there isn't many knowledge about their biology present.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: rarely more than hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus cf. albosparsus :
Latin Name:Camponotus cf. albosparsus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements towards climate and temperature
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:open land and grassland
Queen:Size: 9 - 11mm Colour: darkbrown, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 5,5 - 8mm Colour: castaneous brown, legs and thorax more lighten
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 10mm Colour: black
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical forest with moss and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Camponotus cf. albosparsus is a common ant from Southeast Asia.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 1000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Ectomomyrmex spec. - Pachycondyla spec. from Malaysia :
Latin Name:Ectomomyrmex spec.
Synonym: Pachycondyla spec.
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae, Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia/Malaysia
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 14mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: 14mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small house flies,mosquitos and crickets)
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil and under rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, Twigs,
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Leptogenys cf. diminuta :
Latin Name:Leptogenys cf. diminuta
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and nutrition
Distribution:Southeast Asia, Northern Australia
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 11mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: 6 - 7mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 5mm Colour: brownish black
Nutrion:insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in loamground
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: (M) L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam, turf, moss ground, dead wood
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leavelitter, Twigs, Cork
Description:These interessting ants forage as single individuals. They attack small preys actively and transport them to their nest. When the nest is disturbed they easily change their nests and search a new one.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: app. 200 - 400 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus spec raving

- Polyrhachis wolfi (weaver ants) :
Latin Name:Polyrhachis wolfi
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Taiwan, China
Queen:Size: 15 -16 mm Colour: silver/black big and strong
Worker:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: silver/black
Soldier:Size: - Colour: -
Males:Size: 9mm Colour: silver/black
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets),
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: day: 28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:large nests, they weave moss and gras into it
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadows
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:They often live at ground level, build their nests willingly on stones or on barks. They use their larvae to spin of the nest.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: -
colonysize: -
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Quellenverweis
Polyrhachis wolfi feeding on cocroach (weaver-ants)

Odontomachus cf. monticola (trap-jaw) :
Latin Name:Odontomachus cf. monticola
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitate:tropical Rainforest
Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: brown, slim
Worker:Size: 10 - 13mm Colour: brown, slim
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater, insects (e.g. small fruit flies, small crickets and Spring tails)
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:under stones and rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, cork Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:stones, Leaf Litter, Twigs,
Description:This a large common Odontomachus in Southeast asia. When they want to escape they often use their mandibles to jump backwards. Theyare very active and agressive against any threat.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus japonicus :
Latin Name:Camponotus japonicus
Trivialname:Japanese carpenter ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Russia
Habitat:open habitas
Queen:Size: 14 - 17mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: 6 - 14mm Colour: black, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies, mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:No, but as the most Camponotus the queen shows an endogenic diapause
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to meadows with moss and gras
Decoration:Branches, roots,leave litter, stones
Description:Camponotus japonicus is a complete black ant from East Asia similar to the European Camponotus fallax. Camponotus japonicus is one of the main host ants forPolyrhachis lamellidens.
Development:matingflight: between May and June
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a few 100 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Логово Японикусов. Messor structor and Camponotus japonicus

- Crematogaster osakensis :
Latin Name:Crematogaster osakensis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Crematogastrini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Korea, Japan
Habitate:moderate rainforest
Queen:Size: 4,8 - 5,5mm Colour: brownish yellow
Worker:Size: 2,5 - 3,5mm Colour: brownish yellow
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 2 - 2,5mm Colour: brownish yellow, legs and antenna whitish yellow
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil and under stones
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to moderate rainforest
Decoration:stones, leavelitter, twigs, cork
Description:Crematogaster osakensis are small ants from Japan which build their nests in soil. They are active foragers and can often be seen holding their gaster up to the sky.
Development:matingflight: evenings in september
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Meranoplus bicolor :
Latin Name:Meranoplus bicolor
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Meranoplini
Keeping Level:(2) have higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia
Habitat:prefers semi dry and wet forests
Queen:Size: 8 - 9mm Colour: Head and Gaster black, Thorax reddish brown
Worker:Size: 3- 5mm Colour: Head and Gaster black, Thorax reddish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, Insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos, Grains
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil also in rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to forestareas with moss, grass and other plants
Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, leaflitter
Description:A small ant which uses an effective repellent against other opponents. They are very slow in their motion even when they are disturbed.
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Meranoplus bicolor raving / swarming
- Polyrhachis illaudata :
Latin Name:Polyrhachis illaudata
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) easy to keep but higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Borneo, Indonesia, Philipines, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, southern China
Queen:Size: 14 - 15mm Colour: silver/black big and strong
Worker:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: silver/black
Soldier:Size: - Colour: -
Males:Size: 9mm Colour: silver/ black
Nutrition:honeywater, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets),
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: day: 28- 30°C night: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 28 - 30°C
Nestform:large nests, they weave moss and gras into it
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder,Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to meadows
Decoration:stones, Leaflitter, cork , branches
Description:They often live at ground level, build their nests willingly on stones or on barks. They use their larvae to spin of the nest.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: -
colonysize: -
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Polyrhachis illaudata by www.antdealer.com

Camponotus spec. (from Malaysia)
Latin Name:Camponotus spec.
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) higher requirements towards climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southeast Asia (Malaysia)
Habitat:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: 13mm Colour: blackish brown, bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 6 - 10mm Colour: blackish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 60 - 80% Nestpart: 60 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with moss and tropical plants e.g passiflora
Decoration:Branches, roots, leave litter
Description:Nice-looking Camponotus species with beige dots on its gaster.
Development:matingflight: with begin of the rainseason
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to a couple of 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Diacamma ceylonense :
Latin Name:Diacamma ceylonense
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) shows higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:India, Sri Lanka
Habitate:tropical rainforest
Queen:Size: - Colour: mainly called queenless. They can be distinguished from normal workers by some small glands which are homolog to the forewings. These glands are called gemmae.
Worker:Size: 12mm Colour: black with silver pubescense, mandibles reddish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: orange to red
Nutrion:honeywater and insects like flies and cricket, fruits e.g. grapes
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in moist loam-soil and under stones
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:stones, leaflitter, twigs,
Description:Diacamma ceylonense is an Asian antspecies which shows high activity outside the nest. They need a high amount of proteins for their brood. Insects are paralysed and killed with their effective stinger. Humans often show local pain-reactions after they get stung by these ants. When they find a larger foodsource workers guide each other by tandemruns to the foodsource.
The genus Diacamma is often termed queenless. But correctly it has to be said that all newborn ants are ergatoid queens and become workers by amputation of their gemmae. These gemmae are special glands which enable the reproduction. After the old gamergate (Ergatoid) has died newborn workers are able to mate and start egg production.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral through budding
colonysize: a few hundred workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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