- Pheidole fossimandibula :
Latin Name:Pheidole fossimandibula
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Costa Rica
Habitat:wetforest up to 800m
Queen:Size: 8 - 10mm Colour: dark brown to black, shiny with dense hairs
Worker:Size: 3 - 5mm Colour: dark brown to black, shiny with dense hairs, mandibles, Antenae and Tarsi yellowish brown,slim
Soldier:Size: 7mm Colour: larger head, Head and Thorax reddish brown to dark brown, Gaster blackish
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoney and Sugarwater, Fruits, small insects like Houseflies and crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 25 - 30°C
Nestform:nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: S - M
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest with different tropical plants
Decoration:Branches, Roots, leaves
Description:Pheidole cf. fossimandibula is very common in the lowland of Costa Rica and can be found all around moisture habitats. They make only small nest most times not much deepen than 10cm. Also their colonies are small than in other Pheidole species. They are omnivores scavengers and take everything that they can found.
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 1000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
- Acromyrmex echinatior :
Latin Name:Acromymex echinatior
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Attini
Keeping Level:(3) through their large Space- and Foodrequirements as well as their climateconditions only for experienced antkeepers
Habitat:lowland rainforest
Colonyform:facultative polygyne
Queen:Size: 11 - 14mm Colour: reddishbrown
Worker:Size: 5 - 9mm Colour: reddishbrown with 4 pairs of spines
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: yellow ferrugineous
Nutrition:a home-grown fungus (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) is cultivated by the workerswith the leaves and flowers of Rosaceae plants and fruits. Specific protein bodies to the fungal hyphae are harvested and fed to queen and brood. The administration ofsugar or honey Water is recommended
potential foodplants are: blackberries, raspberries, roses, boxwood, elderberry, oak, lime-tree, wild wine next to apples, orange, banana, grapes in an emergency also oatflakes
It`s recommended to moisten the leaves before feeding.
The feeding of sumach leaves should be avoided at all costs, as these are toxic to the fungus.
Airhumidity:Arena: 40 - 70% Nestpart: 80 - 90% garbagechamber: 30 - 40%
Temperature:Arena: 20 - 28°C Nestpart: 20 - 28°C
Nestform:build there nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL !!! with growing of the colony a least 3 Basins for Fungus, Feeding and Garbage !!!
Substrate:Farm: - Arena: Potterclay, Perlite, Humus, Sand-Loam
Description:Acromyrmex echinatior is a small leafcutter from Centralamerica. They are very common in urban dry habitats and open wet forest.
Development:matingflight: with the first summerrains
founding: claustral with a piece of fungus from the mothercolony which is first fertilized with droppings of the Queen. A Queen can be between 8 and up to 15 years old.
colonysize: up to 20 000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pheidole sp. (Big-headed Ant)
- Camponotus cf. femoratus :
Latin Name:Camponotus cf. femoratus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Habitate:moderate Rainforest
Queen:Size: 12mm Colour: black with silver hair on their body, legs reddish
Worker:Size: 4 - 11mm Colour: black with silver hair on their body, legs reddish
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 20 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil, under rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:tropical rainforest with different epiphyts and more
Description:Campontus cf. femoratus is a beautiful antspecie from Southamerica. They are very common and can often be seen togehter with Crematogaster. Together with Crematogaster carinata they build large Antgarden with different Epiphyts and are important for spreading these plants.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 100 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Atta texana :
Latin Name:Atta texana
Trivialname:Texas Leaf cutting ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Attini
Keeping Level:(3) through their large Space- and Foodrequirements as well as their climateconditions only for experienced antkeepers
Distribution:United States, Mexico
Habitat:plains and meadows
Queen:Size: 17 - 18mmColour: reddishbrown, mandibles black
Worker:Size: 1,5 - 9mm Colour: reddishbrown, mandibles black, polymorph
Soldier:Size: 10 - 12mm Colour: reddishbrown, mandibles black
Males:Size:13 - 14mm Colour: reddishbrown, small head
Nutrition:fungi which the ants cultivate of plantleaves and fruits.
possible Feedingplants: Blackberry, Raspberry, Roses, Boxtree, Elder, Lime- Tree, Oakleaves, Chestnut, Virginia Creeper, also Appels, Oranges, Bananas, Grapes only without any other food oat flakes.
It`s recommended to moisten the leaves before feeding. Also feed sugar or honeywater to support the workers
Do not use staghorn sumac leaves because there leaves are toxic for the Fungus.
Airhumidity:Arena: 40 - 70% Nestpart: 70 - 90% Garbagechamber: 30 - 40%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder
Formicaria size:Size: XL !!! with growing of the colony a least 3 Basins for Fungus, Feeding and Garbage !!!
Substrate:Farm: - Arena: Potterclay, Perlite, Humus, Sand-Loam
Description:Atta texana is a leavecutterant from northamerica and is commonly found in plains and urban areas. In agriculture, they are often considered pests because of their highdemand of leaves.
Development:matingflight: april and may in the evening
founding: claustral with a piece fungus from the mothercolony which is first fertilized with droppings of the Queen. A Queen can be up to 15 years old.
colonysize: up to 8.000 000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Pogonomyrmex angustus :
Latin Name:Pogonomyrmex angustus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Myrmicini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and can seldomly cause allergicreactions
Distribution:Argentina, Chile
Habitate:desert, opengrassland, savanna
Queen:Size: 6mm Colour: brownish black, Gaster black
Worker:Size: 5,5mm Colour: brownish black, Gaster black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos but mainly seeds like gras,Amaranth, millet, Suncup
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 22 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes similar to mediterranean antspecies for 2 -3 month at 15 - 18°C (unheated room)
Nestform:Build their nest in soil with mount of stones and calcium
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam,
Planting:similar to grassland and desert
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels,
Description:desert-dwelling species of north- and middle america. They store seeds in up to 2m deep stores, making ant-bread out of it, such as species of Messor. The pain of a sting can long for 4 hours and longer.
Development:matingflight: July to August
founding: claustral
colonysize: 10. 000 to 20. 000 worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pogonomyrmex angustus

- Pseudomyrmex lynceus:
Latin Name:Pseudomyrmex lynceus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmicinae Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and can seldomly cause allergicreactions
Queen:Size: 7 - 9mm Colour: black
Worker:Size: 5 - 8mm Colour: black
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos and small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 22 - 35°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood and hollow twigs
Kind of Formicaria:
Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: cork, softwood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam,
Planting:similar to rainforest
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels,
Description:These wasp - like ants are fast moving collecting insects and nectar on different plants. They build there nests in hollow twigs and sometimes in rotten wood. They use there large eyes for orientation and make also small loops.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Acromyrmex cf. coronatus :
Latin Name:Acromymex cf. coronatus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Attini
Keeping Level:(3) through their large Space- and Foodrequirements as well as their climateconditions only for experienced antkeepers
Distribution:montane cloudforest of Central- and Southamerica between 500 and 2000m
Habitat:montane cloudforest
Queen:Size: 14 - 16mm Colour: orangebrown
Worker:Size: 8 - 11mm Colour: orangebrown to darkbrown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:a home-grown fungus (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) is cultivated by the workerswith the leaves and flowers of Rosaceae plants and fruits. Specific protein bodies to the fungal hyphae are harvested and fed to queen and brood. The administration ofsugar or honey Water is recommended
potential foodplants are: blackberries, raspberries, roses, boxwood, elderberry, oak, lime-tree, wild wine next to apples, orange, banana, grapes in an emergency also oatflakes
It`s recommended to moisten the leaves before feeding.
The feeding of sumach leaves should be avoided at all costs, as these are toxic to the fungus.
Airhumidity:Arena: 40 - 70% Nestpart: 80 - 90% garbagechamber: 30 - 40%
Temperature:Arena: 20 - 28°C Nestpart: 20 - 28°C
Nestform:nest under dead wood and in Epiphyts, only small parts in soil. They fungus is covered with leaf fragments.
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder
Formicaria size:Size: L - XL !!! with growing of the colony a least 3 Basins for Fungus, Feeding and Garbage !!!
Substrate:Farm: - Arena: Potterclay, Perlite, Humus, Sand-Loam
Description:Acromyrmex cf. coronatus is a small to lower temperature adapted Leafcutter ant from Central and Southamerica. They forage mostly nocturnal often change their nestingsides after disturbance.
Development:matingflight: with the first summerrains
founding: claustral with a piece of fungus from the mothercolony which is first fertilized with droppings of the Queen. A Queen can be between 8 and up to 15 years old.
colonysize: up to 20 000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus novaeboracensis :
Latin Name:Camponotus novaeboracensis Synonym: Camponotus noveboracensis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to escape prevention
Distribution:Canada to south of New Mexico
Habitate:rocky places with low shrubby vegetation, open Forests
Queen:Size: 15 - 18mm Colour: Head and Gaster black, Thorax red
Worker:Size: 5 - 12mm Colour: Head and Gaster black, Thorax red, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, from october to march at 5 - 8°C (cooler)
Nestform:nest in rotten wood but also in soft soil
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, cork Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to pineforests
Decoration:Roots, Stones, Moss, Twigs,
Description:Campontus novaeboracencis is very common in nothern more temperate parts of Northamerica. They are typical carpernter ants similar to Camponotus ligniperdus or Camponotus herculeanus building there nest in rotten wood. They are one of the larger Camponotus in Northamerica showing diurnal behavior.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 100 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Acromyrmex echinatior timelapse

- Pseudomyrmex gracillis :
Latin Name:Pseudomyrmex gracillis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmicinae Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and can seldomly cause allergicreactions
Distribution:Southern United States to Argentina
Habitate:open disturbed areas to open wet forest
Queen:Size: 11 - 13mm Colour: black to bicolored orange - black
Worker:Size: 8 - 10mm Colour: black to bicolored orange - black, these are different ecotypes
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos and small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood and hollow twigs
Kind of Formicaria:
Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: cork, softwood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to rainforest
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels, hollow twigs e.g Sambucus
Description:These wasp - like ants are fast moving collecting insects and nectar on different plants. They build there nests in hollow twigs and sometimes in rotten wood. They use there large eyes for orientation and make also small loops. Pseudomyrmex gracillis is very agressive but show differences between the ecotypes.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pseudomyrmex gracilis

- Pseudomyrmex pallidus:
Latin Name:Pseudomyrmex pallidus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Pseudomyrmicinae Tribe: Pseudomyrmecini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and can seldomly cause allergicreactions
Distribution:Southern United States to Argentina
Habitate:open disturbed areas to open wet forest
Colonyform:facultive polygyne
Queen:Size: 5 - 6mm Colour: yellow to brown
Worker:Size: 3 - 4mm Colour: yellow to brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrition:honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos and small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood and hollow twigs
Kind of Formicaria:
Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: cork, softwood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to rainforest
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels, hollow twigs e.g Sambucus
Description:These wasp - like ants are fast moving collecting insects and nectar on different plants. They build there nests in hollow twigs and sometimes in rotten wood. They use there large eyes for orientation and make also small loops. Pseudomyrmex pallidus is very common and can be found in a high variety of plants from Acazia to Oak.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral
colonysize: a few hundred worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Twig Ants eating honeydew from Aphids

- Pogonomyrmex rugosus :
Latin Name:Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Trivialname:Rough Harvester ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Myrmicini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and cause in some cases allergic reactions
Distribution:United States, Nothern Mexico
Habitate:desert, grasland
Queen:Size: 12 - 14mm Colour: reddishbrown to blackishbrown
Worker:Size: 7 - 9,5mm Colour: reddishbrown to blackishbrown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrion:Mainly seeds e.g. millet, amaranthus, suncup, gras and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 22 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes like mediterranean antspecies for 2 -3 month at 15 - 18°C (unheated room)
Nestform:Build their nest in soil which can reach down to 2m and have a small mount with 10cm height
Kind of Formicaria:
farm-arena, center, combi, ytong, gypsum
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam,
Planting:similar to desertareas with grass and different cactuses
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels,
Description:desert-dwelling species of north- and middle america. They store seeds in up to 2m deep stores, making ant-bread out of it, similar as species of Messor. This is why they're so-called harvesting ants. In nature they're building huge subterraneously nests and tunnels. To be able to grind up hard seeds they have a brawny head with strong mandibles.
Development:matingflight: july to august
founding: claustral
colonysize: up to 8 000 worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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My Pogonomyrmex rugosus colony 1 year 5 months

- Camponotus cf. brevis :
Latin Name:Camponotus cf. brevis
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guayana, Panama, Venezuela
Habitate:Low shrubby vegetation, open low land forest
Queen:Size: 6 - 7mm Colour: black with a bicolored yellow - reddish head
Worker:Size: 3,6 - 7mm Colour: black with a bicolored yellow - reddish head
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 3,6 - 4mm Colour: -
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 20 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in dead stems, somestimes on the ground
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, cork Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to tropical Rainforest
Decoration:tropical rainforest with different epiphyts and more
Description:Campontus cf. brevis is very common the lowland of southamerica. They live in dead stems and sometimes on the ground. They are diurnal forgagers and can sometimes be seen sharng their nesting sites with Azteca spec. . They have a black body with a smooth bicolored yellow - reddish head.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 100 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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AntsCanada Ant Movie HD) Random Scenes of a Camponotus noveboracensis Colony
- Camponotus pennsylvanicus :
Latin Name:Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Trivialname:eastern black carpenter ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Southern Canada to the Gulf Coast States
Habitate:woodland, urban parks
Queen:Size: 15 - 18mm Colour: dark brown to black, shiny, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 6 - 14mm Colour: darkbrown to black, shiny with golden hairs on their gaster, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, from october to march at 5 - 8°C (cooler) endogenic biorhythm
Nestform:nest in dead and living trees, rotten logs
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam, cork Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to pineforests
Decoration:Roots, Stones, Moss, Twigs,
Description:Campontus pennsylvanicus was the first nothamerican ant described ever. The are very common in the eastern parts of northamerica and a well known house ant causing much trouble in houses.
They are also able to establish in european houses so a good escapeprvention is needed. They are very calm and show only low aggression. The forage day and night with a activity peak in the evening.
Development:matingflight: May to july
founding: claustral development: from egg to worker approx. 2 month
colonysize: up to 3000 individuals, approx. 15 years
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Camponotus pennsylvanicus feeding
- Camponotus cf. planatus :
Latin Name:Camponotus cf. planatus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escape prevention
Distribution:Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela
Habitate:second growth forest, open forest areas, very common in disturbed areas
Queen:Size: 8 - 10mm Colour: dull reddish brown, gaster black, covered whitish yellow hairs, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 3 - 6mm Colour: dull reddish brown, gaster black, covered whitish yellow hairs, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 5mm Colour: shiny black
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 24 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:nest in hollow twigs, termite buildings in deadwood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: cork , soft wood Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to rainforest
Decoration:Roots, Stones, Moss, Twigs
Description:Campontus cf. planatus is a common canopy ant in the tropical lowland of central and south america. It forage diurnally on low vegetation using trails or forage singly.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 1000 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Camponotus festinatus :
Latin Name:Camponotus festinatus
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to escape prevention.
Distribution:central Texas to southern California, south into central Mexico
Habitate:primaly oak woodland
Colonyform:monogyne possibly polygyn or at least oligogyn
Queen:Size: 12 - 14mm Colour: yellowish brown, gaster darker brown, Thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 4 - 10mm Colour: yellowish brown , gaster darker brown, polymorph
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos, small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 80%
Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes, from october to march at 5 - 8°C (cooler)
Nestform:nest in soil, under stones and other covering material
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand-loam
Planting:similar to pineforests, meadows
Decoration:Roots, Stones, Moss, Twigs,
Description:Campontus festinatus is part of a complex of six northamerican species. They are very shy and react not aggressiv to nestdisturbance. They have a beautiful yellowish brown color. As northamerican ants the need to overwinter and a good escape prvention is necessary.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: claustral
colonysize: a few 100 individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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- Ectatomma edentatum :
Latin Name:Ectatomma edentatum
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ectatomminae Tribe: Ectatommini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Costa Rica to tropical Argentina
Habitat:tropical rainforest and lowland rainforest
Queen:Size: 12- 14mm Colour: dark reddish brown
Worker:Size: 11 - 13mm Colour: dark reddish brown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, Insects e.g. Flies or Mosquitos or small crickets
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Nestform:Nest in soil often under rotten wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to rainforest with extrafloral bearing plants like Passiflora or Inga
Decoration:Branches, Roots, leafes, cocofiber
Description:Ectatomma edentatum is very common and often confused with Ectatomma ruidum. In the lowland of Costa rica they are one of most Ectatomma specie. They are shy and show only little aggression.
Development:matingflight: -
founding: semiclaustral (feeding nessecary) colonyage appr. 9 - 12 years
colonysize: 400 Individuals and more, approx. 200 workers
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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08 - 10 - 2013 Camponotus festinatus

- Myrmecocystus mexicanus (Honeypot ants) :
Latin Name:Myrmecocystus mexicanus
Trivialname:Honeypot ants
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southwestern United States, Mexico
Habitat:varity of xerothermic habitats from Woodland, Savanna to Grassland
Queen:Size: 15 - 18mm Colour: yellow with the thorax more darker bulky thorax
Worker:Size: 6 - 10mm Colour: yellow with black eyes
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour: -
NutritionHoneywater, Nectar, Pollen, Insects e.g. Flies or Mosquitos or small crickets insects should be dead,
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 40°C Nestpart: 28 - 35°C
Hibernation:yes from november to end of Februar at 5 to 8°C ( Cooler)
Nestform:Nest in soil with a typical crater entrance mainly with a wide u to 2 cm diameter
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam
Planting:similar to meadow and savanna
Decoration:Branches, Roots, leafes
Description:This beautiful ants are known for there honeypots. Special worker which are used as foodstorage. They are very active and aggressive but show especially in the beginning a slow colony development.Myrmecocystus mexicanus is the largest Honeypot ant in the USA.
Development:matingflight: summer and fall after evening rains
founding: claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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My Largest Honeypot Ant (Myrmecocystus mexicanus) Colony 9-11-15

- Pogonomyrmex occidentalis :
Latin Name:Pogonomyrmex occidentalis
Trivialname:Western Harvester ant
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Myrmicini
Keeping Level:(2) can sting painful and cause in some cases allergic reactions
Distribution:United States, Nothern Mexico
Habitate:higer elevation grassland,oak forest, pine forest avoids complete arid areas
Queen:Size: 12 - 14mm Colour: yellowishbrown
Worker:Size: 6,5- 10mm Colour: yellowishbrown to reddishbrown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: - Colour:
Nutrion:Mainly seeds e.g. millet, amaranthus, suncup, gras and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos
Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%
Temperature:Arena: 22 - 28°C Nestpart: 24 - 28°C
Hibernation:yes like mediterranean antspecies for 2-3 month at 15 - 18°C ( unheated room)
Nestform:Build their nest in soil which can reach down to 2m and have a small mount with 25cm height
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/ Plaster
Formicaria size:Size: M - L
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam,
Planting:similar to desertareas with grass and different cactuses
Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels,
Description:desert-dwelling species of north- and middle america. They store seeds in up to 2m deep stores, making ant-bread out of it, similar as species of Messor. This is why they're so-called harvesting ants. In nature they're building huge subterraneously nests and tunnels. To be able to grind up hard seeds they have a brawny head with strong mandibles.
Development:matingflight: july to august
founding: claustral
colonysize: up to 8 000 worker
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Caring for Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

- Pachycondyla harpax :
Latin Name:Pachycondyla harpax
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Southern USA to North Argentina
Habitat:wetforest and lowland rainforest
Colonyform:monogyne, reproductive worker produce males
Queen:Size: 9 - 11mm Colour: black, legs reddish, has fulldeveloped females and ergatoid queens
Worker:Size: 7 - 10mm Colour: black, legs reddish
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 9mm Colour: Head and Thorax black, Gaster and legs yellowish brown
Nutritionliving insects like fruit flies,spring tails, mealworm and sugar-, or honeywater they have no socialstomach so honeywater or sugarsolution must more fluend.
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 25 - 30°C
Nestform:nest in soil, often under rotten logs, stones or wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, humus, Sand Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:Branches, Roots, leaves
Description:Pachycondyla harpax is a small Pachycondyla common from Southern Northamerica to the tropical parts of Argentina. They are active predators looking for small athropoda especially termites. Besides there stinger they produce a foam from their gaster similar to Pachycondyla rufipes or P. striata.
Pachycondyla harpax is not aggressive and react very calm on nestdisturbance.
founding: semiclaustral (with feeding)
colonysize: up to 500 Individuals in captivity
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pachycondyla harpax

- Pachycondyla striata :
Latin Name:Pachycondyla striata
Taxonomy:Subfamily: Ponerinae Tribe: Ponerini
Keeping Level:(2) show higher requirements to climate and escapeprevention
Distribution:Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
Habitat:wet myrtaceous forest and rainforest, open grassland
Colonyform:monogyne, reproductive worker produce males
Queen:Size: 15mm Colour: black, legs brown, thorax bulky
Worker:Size: 13mm Colour: darkbrown
Soldier:not present
Males:Size: 9mm Colour: darkbrown
Nutritionliving insects like fruit flies,spring tails, mealworm and sugar-, or honeywater. They have no socialstomach so honeywater or sugarsolution must more fluent.
Airhumidity:Arena: 50 - 70% Nestpart: 50 - 70%
Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 25 - 30°C
Nestform:nest in soil, often in rotten logs, under stones or wood
Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest
Formicaria size:Size: M - XL
Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus, Sand, Cork Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus
Planting:similar to tropical rainforest
Decoration:Branches, Roots, leaves
Description:Pachycondyla striata is strict ground forager and collecting small athropods and seeds. They produce a foam as defence mechanism. They are active foodcollector but react calm to disturbance.
Development:matingflight: august to september
founding: semiclaustral (with feeding)
colonysize: up to 500 Individuals in captivity
Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)
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Pachycondyla striata
Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ... 1 - 2 - 3
Asia : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Europe : - Central Europe : 1 - 2 - 3
Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ... 1 - 2 - 3
Asia : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Europe : - Central Europe : 1 - 2 - 3