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Ant keeping
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Final Thoughts :
Here’s a picture of what the digging will look like. Over weeks and months these tunnels will grow and become more complex. Which will make it more exciting the longer you own it. Unfortunately ants live for about 6 months so keep an eye on your newborns. They will be necessary to make the colony stand the test of time. The seller says that there is no need to feed the ants, but you can if you wish. All together a fun and kid friendly little piece of equipment.
What You Need To Know
The most important thing to mention is that this antquarium doesn’t come with the ants themselves. You either need to order them separately ($6.78 for 25 of them) or get them from somewhere else. You’ll come across the option to buy in case you decide to get one of these. The outer measurements of the tank are 4.25 x 4.25 x 4 inches so it should fit almost every room without a problem. The biggest area is the working space where the ants will dig their tunnels. It is filled with a nutritious seaweed gel. Interesting enough is the nursery hall where you can watch baby feeding and see them grow.
One of the things that we ourselves love about this antquarium is the fact that it’s a complete ant world where all the necessary compartments are combined. This system allows enough fresh air to come into the ants working area, it has a feeding hole and even a separate space for their nests. Watch them build their own habitat, eat, drink, sleep and repopulate. A very interesting and fascinating toy that kids will absolutely adore! Even though it’s not huge, this is one of the bigger farms in it’s price category.
Ideas and Photos for Antarium or Ant disply :
Recommended Websites :

We have a wide range of ant habitats to suit all your needs from ant habitats for kids just starting out to professional glass and acrylic habitats for anyone wishing to start off their own ant empire in style.
1 - Surface Nest :
ou can keep your ants on the surface in a tank. Simply place the test tube they are delivered in onto the surface of a shallow layer of sand and loam. Although this may not be how most ants live in nature it does provides a natural environment for them to forage and search for food whilst having a safe home with the correct conditions. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to see everything that goes on in the colony. As time passes sand and loam could be added to increase the nesting space or a vertical ant farm could be connected to the tank.
2 - Tank Nest :
A tank nest is the most natural approach to keeping ants and usually provides a colony with ample space for many years. It ensures that there is a large body of soil to help retain moisture in the nest and acts as both a nesting and feeding area. The main disadvantage with this approach is that you can't see everything that is going on underground but this is usually advantageous to the ants as they are disturbed less and can grow without interuption.
3 - Vertical Nest
This is the most common approach to keeping ants and is the design used by many commercially available ant habitats. It provides easy viewing of the ants, their chambers and tunnels as well as the activitities they get up to. Vertical nests can also be connected to an additional tank or surface nest to provide ants with an area to forage for food and dump rubbish.
- A DIY Project :
A simple ant farm can be made from two pieces of glass fitted into four sections of grooved wood and set on a wooden base. Fill the assembled farm two-thirds full with soil found near an anthill. A colony must contain a queen and should also have eggs, larvae, pupae, and parasites, along with the other ants. Ants should be fed bits of ground beef, dead insects, bread crumbs, and watered honey. The cork or sponge stoppers should be kept moist; ants must have moisture.

- Formicarium :
Some time the Ants display or habitat called Formicarium .. Some photos for Formicarium !