10- Scrap Window Greenhouse
This kind of diy greenhouse project just requires you to make the most of the old and unwanted window frames that are lying in your junkyard. Simply make the basic wooden structure (foundation) and with the help of screws adjust and assemble the windows on it. Add tin roofing and add glass to the windows which have broken ones. Simply add flowers to it so that beauty can be enhanced.
PROJECT Three : 25 DIY Greenhouse Plans You Can Build On A Budget
courtesy to : theselfsufficientliving.com/25-diy-greenhouse-building-plans/
3- Trampoline Greenhouse
If your kids have outgrown their outdoor trampoline and you have wondered what to do with it, here’s the answer. Use the frame to create a homemade greenhouse.
Remove trampoline tarp and springs
Take the frame apart in two equal sections to create two half circles
Place half of frame on end with rounded side facing up and legs facing inward on one end of garden.
Repeat with other frame half on the opposite end of garden.
Cover frame with plastic sheeting.
Using your DIY skills and these free greenhouse plans will enable you to grow more fresh food each year. A greenhouse will extend the growing season by allowing you to get plant seeds started earlier and keep plants producing later in the fall. Even if you only want to grow herbs or have a place to overwinter potted plants, one of these 15 DIY greenhouse plans is sure to be right for your needs and building skill level. Look through these amazing and easy to build backyard greenhouse ideas to get inspired and start growing this weekend.
Also if you are looking for some other mechanisms to extend the growing season just go through these cold frame plans.
Related articles: Hoop Greenhouse plan , diy small greenhouse, wooden greenhouse plans and Vegetables to grow in a greenhouse.

1- Fold Up Greenhouse
So easy to build and it takes up minimal backyard space.
Use PVC pipe to create a top, middle and bottom frame in desired size
Cover frame with plastic sheeting
Place potted plants under the covering of the DIY fold up greenhouse
Raise and lower as needed
Get the complete instructions at goodshomedesign.com
2- Barn Greenhouse Plan
If you want to build a small greenhouse, this wooden barn greenhouse plan would work best for you. Get started by working on the plan given below:
Cut the wall framing from the boards (wood) you have available or you can purchase it for a few dollars easily. Use roofing tin for the side paneling, it would provide strength to the house as well. Use metal flashing to trim the corners of the panels. Cover the entire greenhouse with corrugated roofing.
4- Hoop House
A hoop house is a simple structure made with a few wood boards and PVC pipe. A hoop house can be built to any size and these DIY greenhouse plans give you the instructions to build a 300 square foot structure for large gardening endeavors.
5- Mini Greenhouse Plan
Not everyone needs a large structure for growing plants, but every gardener can use a mini greenhouse made with recycled windows.
You will need 6 windows close to the same size
Measure windows and create a box frame from wood
Attach a A-frame roof support
Attach 5 of the windows to the box frame with screws
Attach last window to frame using hinges on one side only to create a door that opens and closes for access inside the mini greenhouse.
6- Lumber Frame Greenhouse
You can make a smart 8ft in height homemade greenhouse with a beautiful garden – all you need is a lumber frame for the foundation, big window frames for ventilation, and a door of course. You can nail the frame and fix it in the garden with stakes.
7- Dome Shaped Greenhouse
If you love assembling the broken triangles, you must construct this kind of a diy greenhouse – it’s beautiful. You would not see this normally everywhere because it requires time to get completed. You can simply lay the foundations by fixing it in the ground with stakes. The tough part comes in when you have to get the wood cut in equal length and width – moreover, assembling takes time. You need to have proper measurement and a diagram to get a perfect shape. However, it is fun – you can cover the entire structure with a special kind of greenhouse sheet so get the perfect desired look.
25- Tabletop Greenhouse Plan
A small space can house a lot of growing plants when the design is right. This easy to buildtabletop greenhouse is portable, so it can placed in the best location for sun reception any time of the year. The mobile design allows for year around plant growth and food production.
8- Hoop Style Greenhouse Plan
This greenhouse plan has step by step instructions and pictorial guidance to make the plan easy to follow. All you need is:
Use 2x6s wood for laying out the basic foundation or frame of greenhouse – measurements solely depend upon the area you want to cover.
Cut 10’ rebar to make a total of four 30” rabar for making the hoop stand. Take the open ended PVC pipes and fix them on the hoop stands. For the better grip, you can simply use screws to tight the PVC pipe and the stand.
Insert strong PVC pipe at the top in order to provide strength to the circular frame.
Cover the entire naked greenhouse with plastic sheet and attach it with the lathe.
Lastly, add the door and the basic wood frame which has plastic covering all around; and you are done.
9- Small Greenhouse
With the right material and location you can build 10*14 wood greenhouse from this greenhouse plan within a weekends.
Build the side frames at first also you must cut the ends of the studs keeping 8 inch difference.
Drill pilot holes in the frames and fix them with the screws.
Make the front and the back of the wood greenhouse likewise.
Anchor the wooden studs to the top and bottom plats and in the similar manner, fix them with screws.
Lastly, make the door with basic wooden frame and place it on the front side – in order to provide the perfect professional touch, you can coat the entire joint area with the paint of your choice.
11- Fiberglass Panels :
These free greenhouse plans show you how to build a modified A-frame greenhouseusing fiberglass panels. Detailed instructions enable you to build a permanent structure that will last for years and grow healthy plants.
12- Solar Heated Greenhouse Plan
This wooden greenhouse idea is so well built and attractive, it can double as a guest house. The solar powered wood structure cost under $4,000, and it’s multi-function usage makes it invaluable on a homestead. The covered front porch is the perfect spot for relaxing after a day of garden chores.
13- Staggered Roof Greenhouse
Build your own greenhouse with these greenhouse plans that feature a staggered roof for optimum light reception. The sturdy wood frame is covered with clear plastic and the large interior space will enable you to grow plenty of vegetables and flowers.
14- Tomato Fort Greenhouse Plan
This is a simple structure to build and can be taken down and stored year after year when it’s no longer needed. Called a tomato fort because it is ideal for sheltering tomatoes from late or early frost and non-stop rain. An hour and less than $50 is all you need to build this greenhouse. You may also like to see diy tomato cage.
Tutorial: sowanddipity.com
15- Recycled Windows Greenhouse :
Visit a local flea market for old windows (or you may already have some on hand) to build this attractive and highly efficient greenhouse. Various sizes of old windows can be pieced together like a puzzle and connected with screws to create this inexpensive greenhouse. Top it off with any type of roofing material you have on hand, since the interior will receive all the sun light needed through the four walls of glass windows.
Get the plan for this recycled windows greenhouse at Instructables.com
16- Wood Frame Greenhouse
Follow this instructional YouTube video and build your own wood frame greenhouse. Step by step instructions make the build easy to accomplish in a short amount of time.
How To Build A Greenhouse pt 1
17- Scrap Door Greenhouse
You must be having some old doors in your storeroom – it is the perfect time to take them out and make most of them. Follow this simplest greenhouse plan and instead of side paneling, simply use the old doors – add tin roofing or plastic sheets to make a gorgeous and effective greenhouse for your west garden.
18- Pyramid Shape Greenhouse
You can also make a diy greenhouse, a stylish one by doing:
Take two doors and attach them from the hinges. Place them on the ground in such a way that it looks like an inverted “V” – you can simply keep your plants under this – enjoy gardening!
19- Plastic Bottle Greenhouse
I am not sure whether you would be able to collect a 1000 bottle – it is very interesting though! Within the simplest greenhouse structure made from wood, you can insert the collected plastic bottles to get the desired kind of greenhouse. I think this idea can work best for small space; you would need to add fewer bottles and get the task done easily.
20- $50 Greenhouse Plan
Hoop like greenhouse are very popular – here is another greenhouse plan for getting a tunnel type greenhouse, these are ideal to have a small greenhouse garden too.
Construct the basic frame from pressure or compressed lumber. They last for at least 3 years even if the weather it at worst.
Leave the door open while making the structure.
Use clear sheets or plastic for the covering or top. In the market you can easily find a special type of greenhouse sheets too.
Insert or attach PVC pipes at the sides of the wooden structure so that it maintains the shape of the hoop.
21- Lean-To Greenhouse
You will only have to build three sides and a roof for this lean-to style greenhouse. Perfect style for building against the backside of a shed or garage that has a southern exposure. Plenty of interior room for growing a wide array of plants and the exterior fits well into the landscape design.
22- 8×8 Greenhouse Plan
Standard design and size, these building plans stick with a tried and true design that maximizes interior space without sacrificing a lot of landscape space. Detailed greenhouse plans make the DIY build go smoothly and the sturdy design will last for years.
23- Bamboo Greenhouse
Use bamboo poles for building a DIY greenhouse for the ultimate in sustainability. Bamboo is a renewable resource that is strong and easy to build with, lasting for several years before it needs to be replaced.
24- PVC pipe Greenhouse
This ingenious design creates a cover made from PVC pipe and plastic that is raised and lowered as needed over garden beds. This style of PVC pipe greenhouse can be built to fit existing raised bed gardens. Hinges hold the covered PVC top to the wood frame bottom and the lightweight material makes it easy to raise and lower as needed.
Greenhouse Design ,Construction and DIYs
PROJECT One :Building a Low-Cost Greenhouse
PROJECT Three : 25 DIY Greenhouse Plans You Can Build On A Budget
PROJECT Four : Underground Greenhouse
PROJECT Five : Orchid Greenhouse
Greenhouse Design ,Construction and DIYs
PROJECT One :Building a Low-Cost Greenhouse
PROJECT Three : 25 DIY Greenhouse Plans You Can Build On A Budget
PROJECT Four : Underground Greenhouse
PROJECT Five : Orchid Greenhouse