Special requirements aquarium:
Due to the difference in some aquarium creatures (fishes , invertebrates , plants ) circumstances and ecological Environmental conditions we need to replicate the same environment of the nature and it is requirement in the tank in order to let the fish thrive and grow ..
First we need to study carefully the sources, books and the internet to know the creature and what is needs - then think to transform these knowledge into aquarium tanks starting from components and then construction of the tank ..
We will review some examples of these aquariums :
1- Hillstream Loaches Aquarium :
Back in 1998, I wrote this article when I came up with the concept for the River-Tank manifold. While this article is somewhat superceded by my later article, "Hillstream Loaches - The Specialists at Life in The Fast Lane", I was asked to move this article over here to the new site. This gave me pause for thought. I realized the old article still has value because it basically chronicles the development of my concept that in the 8 years that's passed has seen many people build their own versions of my design. This has allowed them to successfully keep and in some cases breed Hillstream Loaches that people had difficulty in keeping alive before.
It's also a historical record of the most significant period in my long fishkeeping hobby. In the time that I've been involved with Loaches Online a lot of things have happened.
It also chronicals my improvement in the art of fish photography. The pictures in the original article were taken with an SLR film camera. I'm somewhat better with a digital camera now.
I have left the article pretty much as it was written. I've changed a couple of nomenclature items.....fish that were wrongly identified for instance, plus I've added some additional comments to some of the pictures.
This is the original design concept I drew in 1998. I realize now that the intake sponges I drew were blue because I intended to use Fluval 4 Internal Power-filter sponge inserts. Subsequently, I found some 4" diameter black Pond-pump pre-filter sponges. I am still using those very same sponges 8 years later. Obviously made of a durable material.
A River Runs Through It.:
The design and experiences of a tank designed for fish from fast flowing Rivers and Streams.
Hill stream loaches need very high speed water
This was my first ever River-Tank setup in England. Rocks came from local Garden Cetres and the roots were collected in the local Thetford Forest.
Because of the specialized environmental physiological adaptations of the so-called Torrent Fish or Hillstream Loaches, I felt that if I wanted to keep them I should provide, as near as was possible within a closed tank environment, conditions that approximated those in the wild. I wanted to provide a tank with vigorous water movement that was primarily in one direction , and strong aeration.
Most Power-heads and Power-Filters used in regular tanks give a tumbling effect to the water, but don't give a uni-directional flow. I felt that a fairly long tank was needed and a way of ensuring rapid intake of water from one end, that would then be blasted back down the tank.
Design Elements :
I had a spare tank 44"long, 18.5"wide, and 15" deep. It's large surface area would give a good floor ideal for fish that don't need great depth to the tank. This hold approximately 44 Imperial Gallons. To give a good turnover, I used 2 Aquaclear 802 Power-heads.
To produce the unidirectional flow, I devised a tubular manifold that would draw water through 3 Pond-Pump intake sponges to provide mechanical and biological filtration, and transfer it back to the tank via the Power-heads. This sits under the gravel like a regular Under-gravel filter. I have 4 tubes that run the length of the tank to carry the water.
Schematic of Intake and Powerhead Manifolds
These are the sponge intakes that I used on my first tank. I bought a few more shortly afterwards, figuring they would need replacement and I could not buy them locally. This was in England.
Now, I've been in Canada since 2001 and I'm still using those very same sponges.
The tubing is three-quarter inch domestic overflow piping, and is assembled using "Osmaweld" glue. This effectively welds my melting the two joining pieces, and gives about 30 seconds working time before it won't move again, so positioning of components is vital. I test fitted everything before final gluing and put reference marks on each part to ensure correct alignment. After 24 hours, this is safe to use once flushed and cleaned in fresh water. A short length of 1" ID flexible plastic tubing was used as an adapter to better link to the conical uplift adapter provided by Aquaclear with the Power-heads.
The manifold was covered by about 1.5" of 4mm gravel, and the tank filled with Rainwater, topped up with water from two other established tanks. The décor consists of numerous gray slate caves, and several large cobbles that range from 4" to 6" in size. A piece of Bogwood with Java-Fern growing on it, sits on an elevated area filled with gravel. This is about 6" deep and some Vallisneria is planted in it.
Intake sponges.
Aquaclear 802 Powerheads.
Intake syphon for Fluval 303.
Spraybar from Fluval 303.
Grey Slate caves.
Large, rounded cobbles.
Bogwood with Java-Fern (Yellow area is raised)
Tree root.
Turbolator 2" Airstones.
It was discovered that the venturi action of the Power-heads didn't operate 6" below the surface, so a positive air-feed from the air-pump was provided.
The right-hand end from above.
This is an overhead view of the left-hand end of the tank showing the sponge intakes at left and arrangement of rocks and roots.
6 White-cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes)were introduced for the cycling process. The use of some old water, plus small pebbles and the Bogwood from an established tank aided in rapid "seeding" of the system. I've just added a Fluval 303 to the system, again following the flow. This provides further water movement, and the facility of easy use of Carbon, etc., as well as giving further mechanical and biological filtration. I believe that the 3 sponge filters actually provide sufficient filtration for the stocking levels in the tank, as I've only cleaned them once, yet no reduction in flow ever happened. I just cleaned them to see how they were doing out of interest.
4 Gastomyzon were introduced after about 2 weeks. These took care of some blue/green algae that had developed on the root and on some of the rocks. As time has passed, a patina of reddish-brown algae has replaced it, and lately there has been the development of some greyish-green calciferous looking algae in places. The whole tank looks very natural and reminds me of a Reef tank in some respects.
Liniparhomaloptera disparis.......note the patina on the rocks.
Later, I bought 3 Nemacheilus masyai (originally thought they were Shistura savona), and 3 Shistura scaturigina, then 6 Liniparhomaloptera disparis and an odd-ball Nemacheilus/Shistura type Loach. The whole tank is very lively, and all the fish seem extremely happy. Apart from the Gastromyzon, they all seem to be growing well, but many say thatGastomyzon never seem to grow in tanks. My primary reason for creating this tank was to keep Homaloptera orthogoniata, as I had one once, and I'm determined to provide the best conditions for the next time I come upon these very rare fish.
Nemacheilus masyai .......note the red algae growing on the rocks
Schistura scaturigina
(Close focus, but the little bugger moved)
Facts and figures:
Several people have expressed an interest in the performance data for this tank.