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Shrimp : 

One Stop Guide for Your Shrimp!


General Information about Shrimp:


Shrimp are widespread and are quite abundant as they can be found near the seafloor, shallow coasts, estuaries, and even as deep as the Marianas Trench. They are classified as decapods, belonging to the class of Crustacea, along with crabs and lobsters. Shrimp are quite diverse. Some species form the base of the eco-system, while others are higher on the food chain or provide cleaning services to fish.


All shrimp have an exoskeleton and subsequently molt it every few weeks (the molting frequency depends upon the species and water conditions.) They require proper iodine and calcium levels in the tank in order to molt properly, as they use these trace elements to have their exoskeleton harden. Please do not dose your tank with iodine and calcium unless you are checking iodine parameters. If you dose too much, this can lead to excessive molting and eventual death.  All shrimp require a stable specific gravity. A quick swing in salinity can easily kill your shrimp, so be sure as to when you add them, use drip acclimation and maintain appropriate salinity levels. Shrimp can tolerate a specific gravity of 1.021-1.022, however prefer a higher specific gravity of 1.023-1.025. Shrimp cannot tolerate copper.



Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Crustacea

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda









Here is a pretty good picture of the anatomy of a shrimp. Be aware, all shrimp have a different number of teeth on their rostrum, depending on the species and often differentiates many similar looking species. Here is the basic function of the major components on a shrimp-

Antenna and flagella- Its function is for “touch”, they will use it for sensory information

Eyes- Like insects, shrimp possess compound eyes

Pleopods- Also known as “swimmerets,” are used for swimming, and in females, they are used to hold, fan, and then disperse the eggs into the water column

Carapace- Provides protection and support, it is part of the exoskeleton

Maxillipeds (not diagramed)- Primary mouthparts

Mandibles (not diagramed)- Secondary mouthparts, contains a muscular jaw

For those of you who have too much time on your hands, here is an excellent resource on shrimp anatomy-http://www.chucksadd...impanatomy.html

Breeding Your Shrimp and Raising Your Larvae :


It is pretty easy to get your shrimp to reproduce. Many species are sequential hermaphrodites, such as the genus of Lysmata.However, many species are not hermaphroditic and sexing between the two can be difficult (I will tell you how to sex your shrimp in each profile below.) The shrimp will generally spawn once per month around dawn. They will release their eggs into the water column where the larvae will perish, unless moved to another tank. In nature, the larvae would become part of the zooplankton, until they matured.


Raising your larvae is difficult, and few have succeeded. You need a dedicated tank, with a sponge filter and pristine water conditions. The larvae are quite sensitive to sudden salinity swings, so constant monitoring of specific gravity is a must. Perhaps the most difficult part of raising the larvae is giving them proper food, The larvae require a constant supply of live foods, which can be difficult. In the early stages of development, the larvae require rotifers. As they mature they accept larger prey, such as baby brine shrimp. Be aware that the brine shrimp should be gut loaded to provide nutrition for your larvae. Larval development varies upon species, and also is dependent on the amount of food is provided for the larvae.


YG= Yes/Groups; they are compatible and should be kept in groups

Y= they are compatible

C= possibly compatible; with caution

MP= only compatible as a mated pair

MP-H= only compatible as a mated pair, however are hermaphroditic, and will pair up as long as there are only two specimens in a given tank

N= not compatible


Abbreviated Common Names-

CBS= Coral Banded Shrimp

Yellow L.= Yellow Line Shrimp 

Venus A.= Venus Anemone Shrimp

SS Cleaner= Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp



-This chart applies to smaller tanks (like 20gal and under) as the larger the Tank gets, the more likely compatibility is, as there is more room and therefore less conflicts.


-I had to omit the word shrimp and abbreviate common names in order to fit all the all the names.


How this Thread is Organized: I organized this by alphabetical order using scientific name. That way, all species in the same genus will be in the same place. For those of you who do not know scientific names, do not worry, the common name is right next to the scientific name.


Alpheus Genus : 


The family Alpheidae (family of pistol shrimp) consists of at least 46 genera with more than 600 species. Most do not exceed 1 inch in length and often hitchhike on live rock. These shrimp are the most common shrimp found in coral reefs, however are often never seen as they live in their burrows for most of their life.


The Alpheus genus is characteristic of one large claw, properly called a dactylus that acts as a defense and for hunting prey. The dactylus has the capacity to close quickly, causing an air bubble to form and subsequently a sonic wave. It is considered to be one of the fastest things in the animal kingdom, occurring in about 300 microseconds. The dactylus is in fact so strong, that it produces a flash of light (not visible to the naked eye) along with a blast of heat. Researchers suggest the temperature inside these bubbles produced may reach up to 8,540 degrees Fahrenheit for less than a second. It has the same force as a .22 pistol and will instantly stun or kill their prey.


The Alpheus genus also forms many symbiotic relationships with other species on the reef, including echinoderms, sponges, corals, sea anemones, mollusks, and other crustaceans. For example, Alpheus lottini lives in Pocillopora corals and will protect their host from the crown-of-thorns sea stars, a deadly menace on the coral reef. Alpheus heterochaelis also form symbiotic relationships with Panopeus herbstii or black-clawed mud crab. Some pistol shrimp have even been known to live with mantis shrimp. However, the most known partnership occurs between at least 30 species in the genus Alpheus and about 130 different species of watchman gobies. The Alpheus genus’ unique symbiotic relationship between goby and shrimp has helped the species to become quite popular in the aquarium industry.


Pistol v. Mantis: Which hitchhiker do I have?


A common question among beginning aquarist is if they have a pistol shrimp or a mantis shrimp which has hitchhiked on their new live rock. Distinguishing the two is often quite difficult as the sounds are quite similar. However, there are some clues that help give away what you have. Most pistol shrimp are nocturnal and will use their dactylus as a warning against potential predators. So when a large fish gets too close to a rock, you should hear warning shots. Also, you should only hear the pistol at night.


Alpheus bellulus (Tiger Pistol Shrimp)







Other Common Names: Tiger Snapping Shrimp, Snapping Shrimp

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Moderately aggressive. This shrimp are known for being more aggressive compared to other species of theAlpheus genus due to its larger size. They will kill other, smaller species if not fed properly and have been responsible for disappearances in tanks, especially other shrimp species. I would recommend this species to pair with a larger species of goby, and not to house it with smaller or even similar sized shrimp.

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size:  3”

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish. Also, I would not recommend any shrimp smaller than or similar size with the tiger pistol as the pistol shrimp may kill that shrimp. Also, do not keep small fish as they may fall victim to tiger pistols as well.

Origin: They are native to Eastern Asia 

Potential Lifespan: 5+ years

Family: Alpheidae 

The tiger pistol shrimp is known for their unique symbiotic relationship with watchman gobies, such as the yellow watchman goby as seen in this picture. The pair will become bonded and the tiger pistol will continuously dig a burrow for the pair to live in. In return, the goby will remain on the lookout for predators, providing protection for their near blind symbiotic partner.  The pistol shrimp will usually have an antenna on the goby in order to know where the goby is. Please be aware that the shrimp/goby will not always partner up with each other, so for best results, introduce them at the same time, or purchase an already bonded pair. Also keep the sand bed at about 3-4 inches, as this will provide a deep enough burrow for you pistol shrimp to live.


Often times , this shrimp will remain in its burrow and will not be seen, generally, a smaller tank is preferred, no smaller than ten gallons as this will ensure that you will see the pair more often and will be able to witness a truly unique symbiotic relationship.


Attempted breeding is rare and limited success has been reported. Sexing any pistol shrimp is difficult as very little is known about gender, however generally the females have a broader abdomen and broader pleopods , while the males will have a larger dactyus as they will use it when fighting for a female.  Here is the only attempt to breed them I have seen online-http://www.marinebre...f6bf9ab61efedf7 It was an unknown species and the attempt to raise the zoea (larvae) failed sometime after the thirteenth day.



Alpheus randalli (Randalli’s Pistol Shrimp) :


Other Common Names: Red Banded Snapping Shrimp, Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Peaceful. Unlike its cousin, the tiger pistol shrimp, Randalli’s pistol shrimp rarely will hunt any tank inhabitants

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size: 2”

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish

Origin: Throughout the Indo-Pacific 

Potential Lifespan: 5+ years

Family: Alpheidae


Alpheus sp. (Pistol Shrimp)




 They are generally paired with smaller gobies, as Randalli’s pistol shrimp will remain small and rarely get to two inches. I recommend however that you always go with a Randalli, as they are the most peaceful of all the pistol shrimp. This ensures that you will not lose any tank inhabitants as some tiger pistols may hunt their tank mates. Even a large goby will pair up with a small Randalli pistol.  


Like the tiger, Randalli will spend most of their time digging as the watchman goby will look out for predators. The pair will share their food and live in the same burrow. Keep the sand bed to 3-4 inches so the pair has adequate room to live as they dig their burrow. A smaller tank is preferred as it will be easier to observe the symbiotic relationship. The tank should be no smaller than a 10 gallon aquarium. These shrimp are mostly nocturnal, and at night you may hear a “clicking” noise, which is the pistol shrimp using their dactyus.


   Attempted breeding is rare and limited success has been reported. Sexing any pistol shrimp is difficult as very little is known about gender, however generally the females have a broader abdomen and broader pleopods , while the males will have a larger dactyus as they will use it when fighting for a female.



Other Common Names: Caribbean Snapping Shrimp, Snapping Shrimp

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Varies

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size:  2”-3” 

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish. Also, just to be safe, I would not recommend any shrimp smaller than or similar size with these pistol shrimp as the pistol shrimp may kill other shrimp or small fishes. Being that this species is “assorted,” be weary of it and monitor the pistol until you are sure it is safe.

Origin: Caribbean

Potential Lifespan: Varies upon species

Family: Alpheidae 

  I felt it necessary to include this animal in my shrimp encyclopedia as a number of online retailers sell Alpheus sp. Be aware this is not an actual species, but an assortment of species (hence the “sp.”) that the online retailor will sell you. Always be cautious of a species you are not familiar with, as you do not know its aggressiveness towards its other tank mates. Also be aware that often times, while it may be a pistol shrimp, the pistol may NOT actually pair with your watchman goby as the pistol is not actually part of the Alpheus genus which pairs with gobies. All I can say is, “buyer beware.”

The Ancylomenes Genus :



This genus belongs to the diverse family, Palaemonidae, where two subfamilies are distinguished: Palaemoninae andPontoniinae. The Palaemoninae are carnivorous and are found in most marine habitats. The Pontoniinae inhabit coral reefs, and associate with certain invertebrates, notably for cnidarians,  but also mollusks and echinoderms. This group includes cleaner shrimp and mostly feeds on detritus, however some are also carnivorous.


Members of the genus are widely distributed throughout the tropical oceans, and share a symbiotic relationship with anemones. Most members in this genus are cleaner shrimp that will come out of the anemones to clean the fish. This genus includes the popular Pederson cleaner shrimp.



Ancylomenes pedersoni  (Pederson Cleaner Shrimp)



Other Common Names: Pederson Anemone Shrimp

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size:  0.75”- 1”

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish. This is also a small shrimp, only getting to be a maximum of one inch, so be cautious when adding your Pederson, as many fish that will not typically hunt these shrimp, will eat them. It is best that these shrimp are the first creatures to be added, however if that is not possible, but them as close to the anemone as possible.

Origin: Caribbean

Potential Lifespan: 1+ years

Family: Palaemonidae

A tiny shrimp, this crustacean has received a lot of attention in the recent years. The Pederson has a mostly translucent body, with some purple, blue and white. They are very common in Bermuda, but can also be found in the Caribbean in general. They are a species of cleaner shrimp and will provide cleaning services they set up in the anemone in which they host. They will usually provide cleaning services and fish in the aquarium. They attract the passing fish by their waving of their antenna and prefer to be in groups.


 These shrimp prefer to live in anemones and generally will not do well without one in a large aquarium. As these species are quite small, you should keep them in a small tank, something as small as a two gallon would be appropriate for these shrimp, and an anemone would no longer be required as the tank would be absent of any predators. Please note, if you decide to add these shrimp into a large tank that is absent of an anemone, the chances of you ever seeing the animal again is small as they will likely be consumed or will remain in the rock work and never come out, therefor it is recommended to add an anemone or put them in a small tank. When choosing an anemone, be aware they will host most species, but in nature they hostBartholomea annulata or Condylactis gigantean. When you add your Pederson, be aware this species will take several days to acclimate itself to the anemone by progressively pressing its body against the tentacles of the anemone. If separated from its host, they will have to acclimate themselves to that anemone once again. Also, be aware that if you own clownfish, they will not tolerate shrimp in their anemone and promptly kick the shrimp out. So do not add this shrimp if you have or are planning to have clownfish.


 Something that is interesting is that if a neon goby sets up a cleaning station nearby, the shrimp and goby will both peacefully clean the fish together at the same time. I have never attempted this in captivity, so I am not sure if it can be accomplished in the aquarium, however it does not hurt to try. Researchers have also found that fish recognize Bartholomea annulata as being a place where the shrimp’s services are likely to be available and the larger the sea anemone, the more likely fish are to visit it.


 Feeding your shrimp is not difficult, as they will eat various foods their host left behind. They will also often forage for fallen foods around their anemone, and eat the parasites they took off of the fish. You can also spot feed them pellets, flakes and meaty foods.

Ancylomenes venustus (Venus Anemone Shrimp)

Other Common Names:

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size: 1.25”

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish. This is also a small shrimp, only getting only a little over an inch, so be cautious, as many fish that will not typically hunt these shrimp, will eat them. It is best that these shrimp are the first creatures to be added, however if that is not possible, but them as close to their symbiotic anemone as possible.

Origin: Indonesia

Potential Lifespan: 1+ years

Family: Palaemonidae

 A fairly uncommon species to be found, they require the same care as Pedersons. The Venus Anemone Shrimp will also provide cleaning stations for fish and have a symbiotic relationship with anemones. They will host some species of anemones and hard corals.


These shrimp prefer to live in their host and generally will not do well without one in a large aquarium. As these species are quite small, you should keep them in a small tank, something as small as a two gallon would be appropriate for these shrimp. Please note, if you decide to add these shrimp into a large tank that is absent of a host, the chances of you ever seeing the animal again is small as they will likely be consumed or will remain in the rock work and never come out, therefor it is recommended to add an anemone/coral or put them in a small tank. When you add your Venus anemone shrimp, be aware this species will take several days to acclimate itself to the anemone by progressively pressing its body against the tentacles of the anemone. If separated from its host, they will have to acclimate themselves to that anemone once again. Also, be aware that if you own clownfish, they will not tolerate shrimp in their anemone and promptly kick the shrimp. So do not add this shrimp if you have or are planning to have a clownfish


 Feeding your shrimp is not difficult, as they will eat various foods their host left behind. They will also will often forage for fallen foods around their anemone, and eat the parasites they took off of the fish. You can also spot feed them pellets, flakes and meaty foods.

The Gnathophyllum Genus 

Belonging to the family, Gnathophyllidae, this genus is known for its peculiar look and small size.

Gnathophyllum americanum (Bumble Bee Shrimp)

Other Common Names: Striped Harlequin Shrimp

Care Level: Easy 

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size:  1” 

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish. This is also a small shrimp, only getting an inch, so be cautious, as many fish that will not typically hunt these shrimp, will eat them. DO NOT add them with starfish as this is the bumblebee’s preferred diet.

Origin: Throughout the Indo-Pacific

Potential Lifespan: 1+ years

Family: Gnathophyllidae

   Not a normal looking shrimp in the traditional sense, this crustacean remains a very small size. The bumble bee shrimp get their name from the yellow/black pattern that resembles a bumble bee.  These shrimp prefer to live in pairs, but can live alone. I would recommend a smaller aquarium so you can see these shrimp more as they are extremely tiny.


    When feeding your bumble bee, feed them a variety of meaty foods and shrimp pellets. I find that many people do not realize that bumblebees will eat the tubed feet of starfish, only to find their beloved linkia starfish killed the next day. Do not add bumblebees to a tank with starfish, unless you are trying to rid your tank of nuisance asterina stars.

The Hymenocera Genus

Hymenocera genus, is found throughout coral reefs in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans. It is a rather exclusive group, only belonging to two species, H. picta and H. elegans, which are both commonly referred to as the harlequin shrimp. This genus helps to control the dreaded crown-of-thorns starfish which has been partly responsible for the destruction of some coral reefs.


H. picta v. H. elegan: What’s the Difference?


Hymenocera picta and Hymenocera elegans have been hotly debated on whether they are the same species, or they are different species. In the end, they differ only where they are located and their color scheme. H.picta originates from Hawai’i whileH.elegans is native throughout the Indo-Pacific. Also, H.picta tends to have a lot more purple-orange than H.elegans. However, behavior and feeding remains the same between the two. H. elegans is much more readily available as well and will rarely ever see their Hawaiian counterpart sold in your average LFS. In fact, some marine biologists believe that the two species are the same having migrated to or from the Indo-Pacific.

Hymenocera elegans (Harlequin Shrimp)

Other Common Names:

Care Level: Moderate

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes 

Water Conditions: 75-82° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025 

Maximum Size:  2”-3” 

Compatibility to other species: Do not house with fish that will hunt shrimp, such as groupers, anglers or lion fish.

Origin: Indian Ocean, and western Pacific Ocean

Potential Lifespan: 3+ years

Family: Gnathophyllidae

Indisputably the most beautiful shrimp found in the hobby, the Harlequin shrimp is magnificent creature to add in any marine aquarium. They have large claws, known as chelipeds, which are used for display. They prefer to live in mated pairs and are sometimes reclusive. Do not house Harlequins of the same sex together as they will often fight with each other. They will also stay in one particular cove when they become established in you aquarium and will return to their cave each day. They are pretty methodical and low key, unlike the hyper and agile scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp.  


 There is a catch to this shrimp however, they EXCLUSIVELY eat the starfish’s tube feet. This forces the aquarist to either continually replenish the supply of starfish or the better method (which is more cost effective and much more humane) you feed the Harlequins starfish arms. Essentially you buy multiple starfish (usually chocolate chip starfish as they are inexpensive) and cut an arm off once a week to feed your Harlequins. Do not be alarmed though, as the starfish will regrow its arm within a few weeks. You do this about once a week and rotate among the different individual starfish.  People use Harlequins to rid their tanks of asterina stars, however I do not recommend this as the tank will not be able to support your Harlequins long term as they will consume the asterinas in mere weeks.


Like with all shrimp, breeding is difficult and raising the larvae to adulthood is limited at best. Sexing a male from a female is fairly easy as males are smaller and if you look at the underside of their abdomen, you will notice that it is all white. Females are colored, having blue spots (look at pictures below.) I recommend buying two similar sized shrimps or an already mated pair as the larger female may kill the smaller male. Breeding takes place after they have molted, so their breeding rate is restricted to how fast they molt, which is generally once a month. Here is an excellent resource for caring and breeding your Harlequins- http://www.chucksadd...quinshrimp.html

Sexing a male from a female is fairly easy as males are smaller and if you look at the underside of their abdomen, you will notice that it is all white. Females are colored, having blue spots.



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