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Public Aquarium Engineering , design and construction : 


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Exhibitions are conceived out of the desire to show something. We will make sure that "something" attains its full potential, always within the parameters of the project.


Ecological matching, landscaping, visit continuity, public facilities, contents and information... Whether in-tank or along the public spaces, both physical and multimedia, we develop integrated projects giving special care to educative and conservational issues.


Also, by planning and designing progressive improvements, we can help you guarantee the aquarium works well and becomes better every year.





Depending on the project characteristics, from minimalistic to spectacular, realistic or abstract, we will always design thinking high quality decoration and thematization are essential for a successful public aquarium. Our team of builders and sculptors will materialize any kind of rockwork and ambientation, desired to satisfy visitors and inhabitants alike.



To achieve a genuine successful display, while maximizing public enjoyment, the most importance must be given to the ecological welfare of its inhabitants, and a comfortable maintenance for their keepers.

To achieve this, we make sure our tanks provide the organisms with the physical and ecological factors to stimulate full natural behavioural richness, reducing stress and increasing diversity and available niches to match the desired environments.

We also think about the divers and keepers comfort by designing our tanks to optimize maintenance costs and efforts.

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