Welcome to Paludariums!
The word paludarium comes from the Latin words "paludal" meaning marshes or swamps and "arium" meaning a closed enclosure. These environments can represent a surplus of habitats including tropical rainforests, jungles, riverbanks, bogs, or even the beach. The Paludarium is like a mix between an aquarium and a terrarium, encompassing both water and land environments into a tank.
terrarium is a land tank without water most of the terrarium are tropical ( depending on the humidity and heavy planted ) other which replicate desert named desert terrarium or dry terrarium

Paludaria can range in size from small, easily displayed boxes to biospheres large enough to contain entire trees. A prominent example of a very large paludarium is the rainforest exhibit at the Montreal Biodome.
Flora and fauna:
Since paludaria encompass water, land and air, many different types of fauna can be encompassed in the enclosure. While amphibians, fishand reptiles are the most common, people have kept insects and even birds in them. The animals that are most suited for a paludarium are the animals that naturally live in water/land type environments, swamps, marshes or mangroves.
Flora suited for paludaria include plants that thrive in very humid environments or wetland areas. A common plant is the genus Anubias which is hardy and easy to maintain. The water-filled portion can also support many aquatic species.

In this Paludarium More than 70 % is water land is less , You can designed the tank :
Tropical land plants
land Area or section
Water or Aquatic area or section
Water or Aquatic area or section
Tropical land plants with smal land area
General photos and video for Paludarium :

To know more about paludariums World .. it's components , construction and maintenance Please click on the links below :
Paludarium Components and materials ..
Paludarium Design and build ..
Avery Large Paludariums !