Project 3 : Medium difficulty paludarium
Rock and root paludarium type ( number 4 in part one)
I made the misteake of use corkboard instead of real cork and after a week being soak in water it finally came off, I'm using concret for the structure, I already builded the small structures wich I seal with concret sealant to stop the leaching of calcium I also mix the concret with concret aditive (supposed to help to stop the leaching of calcium), I'll do water changes weekly, I also add fish to have ready for plants, here are some pics, enjoy and pls let me know your thoughs.
Courtesy to :

Materials used in construction .. Cement or tiles grout , Styro foam and concrete sealer
Styro foam board cut and glue together.
Cutting some styro foam block for the artificial rock ..
Shapping by using fire .
Mixing the cement , concrete sealer , add cement color .
Apply the mixture on the styrofoam .

Making the main structure by using piece of Play wood and fix the chicken wire on it ..
Applying the first layer of cement .
fix the chicken wire .
applying some stuffing materials and wraooed with chicken wire and apply with cement .. but with different color .

preparing and cleanning the tank
gluing te wood as a background
More pics ofthe main structure :

Making another wall
The idea is put a temporary stuff then removed to make these walls ..

Removing the stuffing from the work ..
Almost done
the caves in the water or aquatic area the land area

Placing the whole work in the aquarium
plants and animals will be added

the complete work with fog system
Project 4 : difficulty paludarium
Rock and root paludarium type ( number 4 in part one)

River Section Paludarium : In this project the hobbyist mimic the stream of the river from the river bank with water falls in three different levels of water .. Glass sheets used in diffrent hights to ensure the small water falls .. also the water is speed by using power pump
The material used is same : 1- Heater 2- External filter 3- Lighting hood 4- Glass cover
Below is a front view of the river section paludarium , Decorating is done by slate rocks .
First section with higher bottom
second section
third section
Bog or drift wood
the first glass section higher than the second one
The second glass section
Water inlet from external or Canister filter .
Water outlet to filter
- In case of use an internal filter - the transfer pipe will be hidden and attached to the back glass side of the tank
Water inlet from Internal filter
Land - terrarium area
Flexiable pipe
Project 5 : Medium difficulty paludarium
Rock and root paludarium type ( number 4 in part one)
90 x 45 x 60 exo terra terrarium

Got the PVC pipes which closed by cups which will work as supports in place..
Used a cardboard template to cut my false bottom.
Finally tried the front edge in place, will be cable tide into place ..

I've siliconed the PVC supports in place and leaving it over night to cure before I start any more.

Using the construction foam to fill all the Background ..
Fix the drift wood ..

It has been long tradition to use the construction foam (or foam spray which is based on foam material usually used to close the holes and cracks in the building industry).. We can use it here to build the backgrounds and making the Terrain which is necessary to replicate or mimic the forest piece.. Every hobbyist of the world need to know how to use this material..
You can also install the plants pots and foam around .. to planting air and humidity plants ..
After that you need to shape the foam to be more natural looking and for easy soil , grout mixture attach
Video : DIY Realistic Vivarium Background (Spray foam)
Video : How To: DIY Foam Terrarium Background
Using foam in Paludarium , Terrarium and vivarium ..
We can use foam in aquarium also , But must be sure it is safe for water and you should select the proper foam for that ..

Great Stuff is one of the foam products which is designed and manufactured specially for aquarium and terrarium , ponds and fountains hobby ..
Back yo our Project :
Background will be covered by silicone and then soil ( coconut ) will be attached ..

the upper edge between the aquatic part and the land part will be by pebble edge
Black silion will used to hide the yallow color of foam and to hide any gaps ..
The aquatic part which is only 20% of the tank size will bw covered by wood background attached by cable ties
Background of the aquarium part
The Completed Paludarium