The lighting bulbs connected with bamboo and by rope I fixed to the long trunk to give some natural view ..
12- The third (Upper aquarium) will be installed now and I raise it to the top of the aquarium rack Just I make the holes and fix the bulkheads .. and that because:
- I have open space above So I can work easly with this Paludarium .. Also
- It will be havey and very difficult to put the aquarium up with more than 2 meters high and I am lonely .. No one can help me :-(

The Lighting hoods will be as a DIY from Bamboo wood or trunks .. I have these long trunks from long time ago ..
I cut it and I used a rope to fix it to each other ..
15- All the tanks now are on the rack or frame ..

13- Lighting for the upper tank ..
Before I move to work on the aquariums .. I need to build the frame as you can see from the below photos and also I need to install a lighting for the upper tank ..
Work must be done and I need to think about all these issues before I raised the tanks .. because once I raised and put the tanks on the rack or the frame then it will be very heavy to move the whole system ..
The reason why there is no Background .. Because it is a paludarium and I am afraid the the creatures like crabs can easly climb to out side .. So I decided to leave it without any background and also the trunks as you can see above will be away with gap from the aquarium tank and avoid any touch to not let the crabs climb out ..

14- The supply pipe is done in the upper tank with long pipe for best water circulation from the right end of the tank while the drain will be in the other end. ..
supply pipe is done in the upper tank with long pipe for best water circulation from the right end of the tank while the drain will be in the other end. ..
Upper is the best photo showing the lighting hood for the upper tank
Upper tank or the third tank .
Midde or the second tank .
Lower tank or the first tank .
Sump tank

Upper tank or the third tank .
Midde or the second tank .
Lower tank or the first tank .
17- Plumbing :
As I mentioned before the in Every Tank there is Two drains and one inlet plus 3 tanks will be 9 pipes
All these will be end in the sump .. as photos below
Then the sump have three compartment one for recieving the water and supplied to the filter media , the other compartment will be for the power heads and filters and the third one for return pump ..
Here is the last compartment showing the return pump with power head to pump the water back to the second compartment through the UV .
Just for the information I put these trunks before I raised the tank to the rack .. .. You need to think before you attend to any steps the next stage ..
16- Lighting for other tanks will be by spot light LED 7 watt - 6500 K - 220 volts / 50 hertz ..
Simply will be attached to the frame near the top of the trunks , These light is not water proofing .. but it of course out of the water and I protect it by add some tape on it ..
Update : till 01-06-02018 after around six month only two lights are stop working out of 8 .

Water become brown color ..
Need ciculation by wave makers
Wave makers will be added to move the water ..
Submersible pump EHIEM :
2.4 Meters Head
2700 liters per hour
220 volts / 50 hertz
UV from JBL 7 Watt
First Compartment with filteration Media
Second compartment with power heads
Outlet ( Discharge ) pipe from UV
First compartment
Second compartment
Third compartment
18- Electricals :
Two Electricals cord dividers will be used with 10 Electrical power sockets inputs to supply the electrical power to the equipment like power heads , return pump , heaters , sump lights ..
Timer for lights of the aquarium ..
Put some identification card or paper to know which wire and where it is goes

19- The return pump manifold :
Due to the water discharge need to be controlled and distrburted equally to all three aquariums .. So manifold with Ball or gate valves will be used on the discharge line to the aquariums .. as the below photos :
Don't forget to use Unions in plumbing work So . You can replace or change any parts easly ..
These diffusers will be used to diffuse the water on the media
You can use also valves on the drain pipes So you can control the drain water ..

20- Filling the Water :
Now After we test all the equipment . light is on , all decoration works is finish ..
It is the time now to fill the water and we reach the Critical event ..
I used a filter pipe connected to my Tab water Filter With RO/DI stage to fill the water slowly
I try to monitor the tanks and frames or the rack very carfully .. Because I add load to the aquariums and the stand and carefull looking to the frame and the tank untill fill it all and take it shape ..
Start from the bottom tank ( Sump ) and then the first and second tank to keep the stability ..
The new roots will be rotten temporarily by water and I hope it will not take to long time ..
until be recycled and looks like a drift wood ..
21- Now the cabinets door which is simply attached to the rack or the frame and it is Acrylic white color sheet and attached used white plastic bolts .
All tanks filled without any problems ..
Below is photos for different filling stages ..
I change the water for 2 times every week for the first two weeks and then one time every week .. Complete water change
This time I used the normal Tap water .. Untill the tanks will be recycled and algae appear which take long time ..then I will put RO/DI water
Below is the new photos
I add some gravel ..