Project One : Fresh water aquariums
2- The sump : The sump will be carry all the equipment like the UV , Return Pump and the filter Media , Heaters , Power heads to avoid the bad looking of these inside the aquariums ..
This year 2018 I decided to build my new fresh water aquariums which will be three aquariums with one sump to serve the the aquariums and all three aquariums will come with wood theme and connected with the sump
I want to figure out some important points :
1- I will used normal wood or stems come from normal tree !
2- The pipes for drain will be half inches which will be ERONG the drain must be one inch .. I descover that after I finsh the project and lead to slow drain
comparing with big pump and then less circulation of water .. I will explain that ..
3- The background will be from cement with brown color but this time not painted the cement color will be mixed same to my vivarium .
4- The Acrylic tank is 12 mm thicness build by Acrylic shop
5- The Aquariums will be fresh water and will be orgnised from top to down the upper one will be paludarium to reduce the wieght ..
6- The stand will be same for the Vivarium but not tropical ( wothou Foam or cement ) to observe any leak of water ..
To find out about these type of frames : click here ..
Steps :
1- Four aquariums ordered worth around 3000 USD :
three of them is :Every one is 125 cm by 50 cm by 50 cm
one is 80 cm by 50 cm by 50 cm which is the sump
3- Making Bulk head holes :
Power Drill will be used with hole saw attachment as the picture below ..
be carfull for these things :
1- The opening will be the level of the water inside the aquarium and the water level will reach around half opening So you need to know where you will put the opening.
2- Also keep at least 2 cm from the top to avoid breaking the Acrylic .
if the drain is 25 mm or 2.5 cm then you need to leave 2 cm from top and the water level will be in the half of the 2.5 Cm as we mentioned in one above Then the water level will be at 3.25 to 3.5 fom from the top of the aaquarium which is ideal .
3- the distance between hole and other to be same one hole size which mean leave 2.5 cm at least to make another hole ..

I add baffles to the sump to force the water to move through all the compartments ..
brazing added to gather all the corner and make the tank tough
To know more about the baffels , Sump and how to be calculated Please click here
Tip : Aquarium sump calculation ..
Click here for more information :
- Very Good :
The same will be repeated for the two aquariums , Paludarium will after 30 cm from the bottom of the tank , because I need less water in this tank ..
Sump Tank Calculations | Ask The Aquaponics God Ep30
How to Choose a Properly Sized Return Pump for Your Saltwater Aquarium

As I mentioned the aquariums is arraived built from 12 mm thivkness acrylic clear with 6mm top brazing ..
5- Remove the soil from the roots and cut a section of them
First of all check that the cutting fitting which is fit with the bulk head not to large and not to small ..
Here I make the drain is half inch which is very small and it is the only mistake that I make .. We need to make it one Inch diameter ..
So please for better efficent drain make it one inch ..for this tank size 125x50x50
You need two drains both of them will be on duty So if any one block can be the other work as a spare .
the third one will as a supply water ( pressure pipe from Pump ) : this one is enough to be half inch ..
Shower install...Part 2.How to cut a hole in an acrylic shower.Plumbing tips!
HOW TO: Drill Acrylic
Click here to subscribe in this channel : The king of DIY
How to and not to drill through acrylic plastic tutorial

Hungry !
4-Decoration :
Still the tanks on the ground and nt raised on the stand
After I search in the nurseries for real plants to put in the aqauarium instead of the normal drift wood I found amazing ficus plants which I will benefit from the stems in one aquarium and the branches in the other one ..
For the Paludarium I purchased different plants ( I don't know what is name actually )! ..
May be some one said it is not suitabe ? But I accept the risk let mework on it and see the result !
I magine the light reflected on these stems in the aquarium ! :-O
Removing the soil from the roots
The stem will be raised out of the tank and touch to the stand roof
As I mentioned this what we call it Braze or brazing to support the tank and made the aquarium structure tough
The bulkhead fixed
It will be cut from here just alittle bit outside the aquarium