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PROJECT Four : Wood Vivariums


1- Vivarium one  :Desert vivarium for Arabian uromastyx

You need to build a wooden box by screws and angles .. Don't forget to take the exact measurements  to fit inside the frame or the rack .. 

In this project we will introduce you to the method of building a tropical vivarium of a wooden structure completely and is lined with insulation material and with all the animal needs facilities.


This vivarium is completely made from waste wood boards .. I found it in the/ or beside the garbage trash !!!!


Structure :

We will use natural rocks and sand from my area which I  live.. to reflect the desert biotope for the Arabian uromastyx .. 

These natural rockes are very heavy ..

It will be impossible to raise the vivarium to the stand after that .. 

So, Must be raise it now before adding any rocks and sand 

The Frame is completed if you want to know more about who I make these tropical frames 

The uromastyx like heat and baskin area with ultimate dry areas and the climate drop in the night to be cold .. This ranging in temperature is the desert climate and wet  areas can be kill them ! 

Fans will through the air inside and other one will exhaust the air from the vivarium to Outside to keep  good air circulation and ensure the high  dry vivarium .. These two holesprotected  by screen net or chicken wire will be the air inlet holes while the other side will be for the fans ..

Angles and wood supported boards ..  

Angles from different kind and shapes are availabe in every hardware or wood retails  ..

This time I don't use the liner because it will be no water inside ( Even no water for drinking for uromastyx ( The uromastyx not drink water they take thecwater from food ! only very rare when the female have eggs .. )


So , I use double layer ( Or two ) garbage bags or any large plastic sheet .. to avoid the sand ( Here we will use sand not soil )  to go out of the vivarium ..

These Two joles from the other side which will be for the two fans .. 

The top will be covered by screen while the lighting hoods will be external One hood for the UV light and the other for the Heat sun lamp .. This for more humid air to go out  .. 

Beam between two sides are important for robust structure..

Garbage bags is cutted  to be like sheet with two bags ( Two Layers ) 

Attached by glue and tape .. 

Decoration : 

 Polystyrene sheet ( The whit foam sheet or board or you can use any color because it will be covered and colored after that ) , will be used to lining around .
The openings or the holes of the fans will be open - Don't forget to mark the opening by any marking method ( Normaly we use marking pen ) .

It is no drain here because it a desert vivarium and no water will be used for plants or animals ..

Glue and tape ( Masking tape ) Used to attach the foam or the polystyrene sheet , but we need a tight supports to avoid the sheet to pop up by the expandable foam spray which will be used later .. the expanded foam is glue in the same time ..

If it is your first time to work with expanded foam .. Then you need some practice with it before any project  .. try to use one pack and use foam gun with other sample or mockup .. 

Tip : 



Use gloves and mask with safety eye guard when you deal with foam and foam gun for polystyrene ( PS) .. You can use the polystyrene foam without gun also .. 

A lot of types and with different prices .. it is very important to use it when you work with foam 

How to Use and Care for GREAT STUFF PRO™ Dispensing Guns

GREAT STUFF PRO™ Accessories

Thin layer  of cement is covered the outside of the tank or vivarium to hide the ugly ( Un natural ) view of the wood and screw and to fill all the gaps and the cracks between the pieces of wood combined .. Then colored by brown .. also you can put some stems , roots , vines or wood to put some natural effects .. 

Top view

Above is the tank before to be raised up on the stand ..
I used foam and polystyrene to make the decoration I put it randomly , Only the box with opening or hole ..  I manage to be a small cave .. 

Opening ( side of foam box I remove it to be an entrance ) 

The vivarium raised up to stand ..

I am lonly and very hard work .. Yes some pieces of external layer of brown cement will be falling down ,  but no problem can be fix .. 

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