3- Internal decoration with Rocky mountains of Africa will start .. I used cement + sand with Bitmoss soil and water with some glue .. You must put At least one third of cement .. also you can add color to the mixture ..
5- Pictures of the completed work :
These type of tortoises called Pancake tortoises need a gaps and holes in slate rockes , So I used normal natural slate rocks ( I purchased from a nursery nearby me ) .. I put ome leaves , plants ..

I paint the vivarium with white color before I apply the internal decoration ..

4- Lighting : Clips ( I found it in ACE hardware ) will be used to tighten the pipe
Then wires will be run through the pipes for both hoods as below :
The last photos of the tortoises in the vivarium : this back to 2015
I install the Viv above other vivarium because the space limitation also upper space can be hot for the african tortoises ..
6- The tortoises arraived on 01-08-2015 : some photos of it;s box come from Tanzania by Air Cargo .. and I receive it in the Airport ..

Up date : in 2017 these tortoises become bigger and shifted to new vivarium ..
In the winter 2017-2018 the gave me 2 eggs ..