- UV : Vecton 600 is my Choice I purchased one and install it in this sequence : from sump to external filter ( I have one old ) then to UV and after that back to sump ( Return Pump side ) , It will be work maximum 6 to 10 hours per day to let some safe bacteria live..the UV will mounted in wood on the back of stand as follow in photos :

- Lighting : For refrigium : I have on old T5 lights , Also other fluorescent light for the sump used to inspect , check , maintenance … etc .
- RO-DI : I take one and Install it in my Bathroom

- I Guess that Protein skimmer is low capacity, they write 300 but the size and shape not seems like this !
- Heaters : Also I put two heaters of 150 Watt In case of any degrease in temperature

17- I received the Loc line from Marine depot..Flexible pipe for the return water , with fitting and tool to install these kinds of pipe with several shapes of outlets.. Also Bulkhead , I need to change this bulkheads which I used now , It is not made from PVC and due to the thickness of the Acrylic I used ( 12 mm ) it will be less thread to connect with pipes inside the aquarium ..

18- I will use the UFO pump for return water , But I am worried for the inlet it is 1 ¼ size with high speed of the pump it will be swallow anything in front , imagine if a piece of rock , snail or any derbies come in .?!. So I decided to connect some screen method which I have it if old power head.. What Do you think?
My mistake from the beginning is to put two pumps instead of one, as a spare if it is stop working .. So it is better to put two pumps instead of one.

19- Another Problem : Now I disconnect the old Bulkhead ,I need the new one : I discover that the new one is larger ( what he mean in the website of marine depot it is ½ inch is mean the inner diameter not the outer one ), I need now to enlarge the hole of the inlet .. I make one Yesterday 9-9-2014

In The Photos below You Can see the difference between the old local made Bulkhead in your left and the new one US made from Life guard aquatics ..
the website of this company below and it's products seems to me good :
http://www.lifegardaquatics.com/product ... ings-kits/
Second thing is the Acrylic .. Think that this tank is glass tank .. How difficult to make a hole like this .. I just did it with 10 to 15 minutes .. with Smoe attention ..
Received what is equivalent to Mercedes Benz S type in our Car world : VERTEX Skimmer Alpha 170