9- Test Day : After I finish My First Tank and Before starting with Another one Time Now to test The Tank and See if there are any Leak , and If my method of Acryfix and bubbles happen or the design , thickness is good and can tolerate the water quantity .. I put the tank in the Balcony near to Balcony drain to let the water drained after the test , I closed the inlet pipe , Then I fill with water until the middle opening , and leave it for 48 hours .. I thank God that The first tank successes without any problem..

10- Second tank : Now I have an enough enthusiasm and encourage to build the another tank which will be the same method and process ..

Now Testing the tank in Balcony because it is close to Balcony drain then any leak or if I want to drain the water .. it will be simple with flexible hose ..
In the second tank the watchman get angry due to the flood on the street !! .. the balcony drain connected directly to the street in International City instead of sewer network .. !!??

11- At that time I think and then planning for the plumbing materials for drain and return water and products needed , When I search about it I discover that Some products may be not available or need time to find it and my time very limited , So I made Some orders by Internet from( US plastic I ordered the half inch gate valve to control the water delivered to both tank , and Marine depot for Non return valve or Check valves for the same to avoid any water come back and make a flood ..

The Gate Valves Come from US Plastic Take longer come by US postal services - Not good in Packing .. However Marine Depot is Amazing they Ship by second day through UPS to International destinations ..

12- Sump tank : Now the time to design and build the Sump tank , due to the tank is wide and limited space and I need to put Chiller next year , I decided to turn the water around the tank before it is pumped again , The method of building is the same but the tank size little smaller then the thickness is 10 mm , I keep in my mind space for the Pump ,refrigium , My old protein skimmer , space for 6 pipe 1 inch will drop the water ( 4 duty , 2 stand by ) ..

When I make the Test Everything is right .. Without any leaks .. Thanks Evonik for Acryfix .. Really unbelievable product ..
But When I drain the water .. I select a time of 3 AM to drain the water through the Balcony drain .. When the watchman sleeping ( We are now in the End of Ramadan Month ) ..and I DID MY CRIME
The water will be gone by hot weather on tomorrow ..
Second day the watchman become very angry of that and I fight with him . .. He threatening me by calling the Real estate main office ..
I don't know Why he is angry for the water outside of his building .. !!!???
13- Rebuild the New Stand: After I finished all the three tanks and put them all in the stand, I felt It is not good or the shape is ugly specially the upper one also I discover some decline, I dream to put a Kessil Light but need at least 30 to 40 Cm up the level of water, serving the tanks from up , Also the paint very ugly .. So I decided to make one new stand to remove the upper shelf with original colour white (Which will be the basic colour for pipes, Doors and stand) .

14- Relocating the tanks : Now I need to shift the tank from shelf to another one , it is hard work and cost me 2 hours for the upper two tanks ..
I am not Happy with this Stand the painting is ugly ( I did it by my self ) .. declined or curved .. will be stored for my future project ..