Step 4:
To start the work in the main tank I need lighting hood and some electrical, So I start with Main Electrical in ( I name it control or service enclosure ) .
In this Project I decided to convert my old and redundant Clothes cabinet into a multiple vivarium and utilizes from some functions of cabinet by keeping one drawer and making a small door access to enclosure for the misting system , lighting , electrical , the drawer for the food and other things .

Step 1: Introduction :
In this Project I decided to convert my old and redundant Clothes cabinet into a multiple vivarium and utilizes from some functions of cabinet by keeping one drawer and making a small door access to enclosure for the misting system , lighting , electrical , the drawer for the food and other things .
The project involve with some carpentry work but I used my lovely tools ( Dremel 4000 with all its attachments . ) and also the driller .
Step 2: Construction:
After that I remove the doors , drawers , making the holes by hole saws attached to drill for drain
Opening for lighting, fans, pipes and other requirements..

Step 3:
Here also I close all
the corners gaps with black silicon in order to make it tight.
Step 10: Other Fans
Installing another fans for the other two vivariums .

Step 5:
After the converting it will be three vivariums with one drawer and cabinet for services as below :
Step 6: Lighting Hood :
Lighting hood I make it from wood plates with dimensions similar to the unused or redundant from drawers to eliminate cost and time, I cut the opening for the light food from above.
Then I used as I said before the wood pieces from drawers to built the hood and install lighting holders , I used 3 lighting holders two for fluorescent / UV bulb and the other one for Blue / night light .
Fan will be mounted above this fan can work to extract the air with lighting heat to help to prevent over heat the tank or work opposite by open it and re install it to pump the air with lighting heat into the vivarium ..

Step 8: Breathing Tube or Duct
Breathing tube or duct :
A method I think about it to inlet the air to the vivarium and then extract it be fan from the top , the pipe will be near the bottom and opening covered by mesh :

Step 9: Drain
Drain :
Two drains I installed for the main tank and one beside thanks to mist king, I drilled the bottom and installed..
Also some piece cut to let the pipe come out..