Introduction :
This project is back to more than two years, When I try to use a space with unusual angle which is difficult to put a furniture or any other piece. In that time I really inspired by Paul Duranton – Eco sculpture website ( I put in the cover of my instructables the project which I saw in his Website ) , and the method he use .. So I decided to make a rock wall indoor with mini waterfall and fish tank ..
Step 5: Foam Boards
Now We will start the work with installing the Foam board ( this white colored foam board in some countries name it styro foam or polystyrene )

Step 1: Installing the Hinges
1- here I put the hinges which will normally used for curtain , I use it to hinge the entire work :

Step 2: The Wood Panels Base
2- Second thing is to fix the wood : I used and thin , cheap hard wood available , because the wood will not be appear and will be worked as a base only to hold the work ..

Step 3: The Lights Fixtures
3-The lights: I used the same IKEA lights, this lights will easily fixed to the wood and it will be the first step to give me the lights need to work .

Step 4: Flexible Piping :
Then the flexible pipe to be fixed for the water fall .
Step 6: Foam Boards :
Temporally the foam fixed by nails and masking tapes and then I will apply the Foam in all corners and gaps to fill , shape and install or fix the big pieces of foam board ..also pots for plants will be mounted and ensure the drain to be coming through the foam to outside ..

Step 7: Using Tools :
Then I used My lovely tool ( PROXXON manual or hand foam cutter ) to
sculpture or shape the foam with required curves , shapes to reflect the natural rocks ..

Step 8: Carving and Forming
Then the work is completed but in some times we need to fix some foam pieces by tooth picks and nails

Step 9: The Mixture
Now the painting by laying the mixture of( Peat Moss , Sand , Cement and color ) and mix with water the recipe will be half peat moss and the second half will equal fractions of the other materials , color is just one eat spoon ..
Step 10: Covering or Plating :
By several type of brush the work will be done perfectly..

Step 11: The Bottom Tank
Then I used one of my old tank to make the pool for the water, pump which will be connected to the flexible pipe .Also the submersible lights in the tank .

Step 12: Last Word ....
Wiring : shall be all controlled simply by one electrical divider ( Pump , Light , Submersible lights ) , then , I fill the water to check .. You can use the normal silicon on the water stream to avoid any leaking or you can use water proofing materials.
After that the planting which will be the happiest day..
I hope you will enjoy the project!!
You can do it in the indoor or outdoor it is a time consuming not only in construction but also in some sources name it fake rocks also ..
Unfortunately due to the shifting from this flat I don’t have the time to put the fish..