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Medium Height Shallow Water Plants

The Water Garden sells a full range of aquatic plants in our Chattanooga store. This page is presented for informational purposes.

1- Arrow Arum
Peltandra virginica

  • Hardy zones 5 - 9 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 12-24".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-5" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • White arum-like flower in summer - sporadic bloomer.

  • Arrow-shaped leaves that produce arum-like flowers give this plant its name.

  • Native to eastern United States

Arrow Arum or Peltandra virginica, is an attractive native aquatic plant that is great for ponds. The dark green glossy arrowhead shaped leaves make for a beautiful background edge plant or specimen plant in a pond. Very reliable bloomer, although it is grown more for its foliage.

  • Very hardy perennial from zones 5 - 10, very desirable due to its "clumping" nature making it easy to control and maintain, slow to mature and can reach heights up to 2 ft. - 3 ft.

  • Relatively insignificant yellow-green flowers are reliable and will produce many dark purple seeds which are enjoyed by many forms of wildlife, especially ducks

  • Will thrive in sunny to shady light conditions which makes it versatile when planting

  • Having a bog plant already planted in aquatic soil provides a big advantage in terms of an established root system which makes the transition into your pond very easy and reduces the risk of failure

Arrow Arum (Peltandra virginica)
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Shade
Height: 1' to 2' - Spread: 24"
Water Depth: Moist Soil or water up to 6" deep (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plants)

2-Aztec Arrowhead
Sagittaria montevidensis

  • White flowers spring to fall.

  • Full sun to partial shade.

  • Height: 24-36".

  • Hardy zones 8-11 [See Map]

  • Planting depth: 0-5".

  • Prolific bloomer.

  • Also known as Tropical Arrowhead

  • Arrowhead Aztec Sagittaria montevidensis

  • Aztec Arrowhead grows 2 to 3' tall.

  • Flowers July, August and September.

  • White flowers with a pansy-like flower that is burgundy in the center.

  • Very showy pond plant, indeed.

  • Full sun to part shade

  • Hardy zone 7 or higher.

  • These plants are shallow water plants, meaning they want the top of the pot even with or slightly above the water level.

3- Bog Lily
Crinum Americanum

  • Hardy zones 8-11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 18-24".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-2" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to partial shade.

  • White flowers in summer.

The Red Bog Lily, also known as the String Lily, Southern Swamp Lily, and Swamp Lily, is a perennial herb with an onion-like bulb. The leaves are erect to spreading and strap-like in appearance. Foliage is approximately 2 inches wide and may reach from 18 to 24 inches in length. Flowers have six, long petals, and are white with burgundy pistils and stamens. They grow on long stems, separate from the leaves. The Red Bog Lily will add a pleasing fragrance to the pond. Reaches heights of 24".


Bog Lilies should be potted in 5-gallon containers and placed in sun or partial shade. Water depths of 1 to 6 inches are recommended, but they will grow in water depths of up to 12 inches. In colder zones, bring the plant to a greenhouse or indoors with adequate light and water before the first frost. Repot in the garden when outdoor temperatures have steadied to 70°F or higher in late spring or early summer. Zones 9-11.


Bog Lily (Crinum americanum)
Hardiness Zone: 8-11
Light Requirements: Full Sun or Part Shade
Height: 12" to 36" - Spread: 12" to 24"
Water Depth: Wet soil to 1" (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plants)

4- Corkscrew Rush
Juncus effusus spiralis

  • Hardy zones 3 - 8 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 10-18".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-6" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to partial shade.

  • Thin green stems grow in a spiral giving this plant the corkscrew name.

Add a unique twist to your pond or container garden this season with Corkscrew Rush! Ideal for bog edges or standing water up to 4" deep, this grassy perennial features clumps of cylindrical stems which spiral upward to 24" tall. Very tiny green flowers bloom in summer near the tips of each stem.


While Corkscrew Rush may take a while to establish, it is generally easy to keep in wet conditions under full sun. Rhizomes will spread by creeping roots; contain to control unwanted propagation.


Water gardeners use this plant to create a natural looking bog habitat, and the interestingly shaped stems are often clipped and used to add architectural flair to flower arrangements and center pieces. This dense Rush can also help control pond shoreline erosion. Zones 4-11.


Approximate Purchase Size: 12" to 18"


Click here for more information : 

5-King Tut Papyrus
Cyperus percamenthus

  • Hardy zones 9-11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 18-24".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-4" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • This papyrus has large tufts to top the foliage like Egyptian Papyrus, yet is compact like the Dwarf Papyrus.

  • Also known as: Oxymoron Papyrus and Dwarf Giant Papyrus.

- Dwarf Papyrus  Cyperus haspens percamentus


Dwarf Papyrus  Cyperus haspens percamentus  only grows 18 to 24 inches tall.

Because of its smaller size it is much more popular.

The Dwarf variety does not "weep" while in bloom because the shorter stems are well able to hold the foliage up.

It is hardy zone 8 or higher. Will winter in the home in lesser zones

Full sun or shade.  Likes moving water  Place the pot so that it is even with the top of the water but no more than 4 inches deep.

This plant can be potted, or the rooted ends tucked into the rocks of a streambed or water fall.

- Egyptian Papyrus  Cyperus papyrus


Egyptian Papyrus  Cyperus papyrus  grows 8’ tall so it needs a large pond to look like it “belongs”. The stems are stiff and triangular shaped. At the top of these stems grows a “tuft” of needle like foliage that kind of resembles a broom. When they are in bloom the stems actually weep in a graceful way.

This plant can be potted, or the rooted ends tucked into the rocks of a streambed or water fall.

Bottom photo is 8 weeks later after placement in my streambed!

Hardy zone 8 or higher.

Will winter in the home in lesser zones

NOTE: This plant is commonly used to make paper!

King Tut papyrus  Cyperus papyrus King Tut®


King Tut papyrus  Cyperus papyrus King Tut®

This is a newer plant that is often referred to as the dwarf giant papyrus. It is ideal for those who love the Egyptian papyrus but don't have a large pond to accommodate a larger plant.

It has "tufts" just like the Egyptian Papyrus and the dwarf papyrus but with more compact growth.

The dwarf giant papyrus grows 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 ' tall.

Thrives in full sun to shade making a more versatile plant.

Keep the pot so that the water is no more than 4 inches over the top of the pot.

Hardy zone 9 or higher. Will winter in the home in lesser zones

5- Dwarf Umbrella Palm :
Cyperus alternifolius

  • Hardy zones 7-11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 18-30".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-4" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

Cyperus Umbrella Houseplants: Growing Information And Care For An Umbrella Plant

courtesy to :  

By Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist


Cyperus (Cyperus alternifolius) is the plant to grow if you never quite get it right when you water your plants, as it requires a constant moisture at the roots and cannot be over watered. The tall stems have umbrellas of radiating bracts that look like leaves (the true leaves clasp the stem so closely you can hardly see them), giving the plant an oriental appearance.


Cyperus Umbrella Plants


The umbrella plant is a sedge and a member of the ancient Papyrus family. Cyperus umbrella plants are in a family of over 600 grass-like plants, most of which are native to the east coast of Africa and tropical zones. As such, the plant is not hardy and can only tolerate outdoor living in the tropical to sub-tropical zones of the United States. Umbrella houseplants will need moist, warm conditions such as those around an indoor pond.


Umbrella plants are native to the swamps of Madagascar. The riparian plants thrive in boggy conditions or even with roots fully submerged in water. The name for this plant comes from the arrangement of the leaves at the ends of the stems. The slender, rigid, serrated leaves are arranged in a ray around a central core, much like the spikes of an umbrella.


In ideal conditions, this central area produces a tiny cluster of florets. There is no special umbrella plant care necessary for outdoor plants. As long as the plant is moist and warm in slightly acidic soil, it will thrive. Prune off dead stems as necessary and fertilize annually with a diluted liquid plant food.


Growing Cyperus Houseplants


Cyperus umbrella plants are best suited to a moist, warm outdoor environment, but are adaptable to the home. If you are a gardener in zones below USDA hardiness zone 8, you can grow this fascinating plant inside. They can grow up to 4 feet tall outside, but umbrella houseplants generally are half that size.


Because this plant is an aquatic species, it needs to have the roots as wet as possible. In fact, leaf tips become brown if the roots become even slightly dry. One way to achieve this is to put the potted plant inside another pot with water at the root level. Use a planting mix rich in peat to provide an acidic medium. A mix comprised of two parts peat, one part loam and one part sand provides a perfect housing for the aquatic roots. You can put small plants in a terrarium.


Umbrella Plant Care

Care for an umbrella plant indoors follows that of outdoor plants but is also similar to any tropical houseplant. The main concern about Cyperus houseplants is the moisture level and consistency. The umbrella houseplants must never be allowed to dry out.


Apply a half dilution of fertilizer once per month during the growing season and suspend in winter. Watch for splashing on the leaves, as fungal diseases can spread in this manner.

Propagating this plant is easy. Just take a 4- to 6-inch cutting and suspend it upside down in water. Roots will emerge and you can place the new plant in soil.


Divide your houseplant every three years. Remove the plant from the pot and cut out the outside growth. Save and pot up this newer growth and discard the old central older plant.





6-Iris Louisiana
(Blue Shown)
There may be variations in the colors due to hybridization.


for more information about Iris .. Please click here 

7- Variegated Iris

Japanese Variegated Iris
Iris kaempferi variegata

  • Hardy zones 5 - 10 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 24-36".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-3" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to partial shade.

  • Purple flowers in spring.

  • Sword-like foliage half green and half a creamy white.

for more information about Iris .. Please click here 

8- Star Grass
Dichromena colorata

  • Hardy zones 7 - 10 [See Map]

  • Height: 16-24"

  • Planting Depth: Top of pot should be 0-3" below water surface

  • Full sun to partial shade

Star Grass has dark green grassy foliage topped with white star shaped flowers spring through fall. This attractive perennial grass makes a nice addition along the pond edge, in a stream bed or bog garden. Also known as 'white topped sedge'.

Star Grass (Dichromena colorata)
Hardiness Zone: 7-11
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 1' to 2' - Spread: 12" to 24" Wide
Water Depth: Moist soil or water up to 6" deep (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plants)

9-Velvet Leaf
Limnocharis flava

  • Full sun to partial shade.

  • Height: 20-26".

  • Hardy zones 9-11 [See Map]

  • Planting depth: 0-6".

White Pickerel Rush

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Pontederia cordata 'Alba'
Grows upright to 30" and will tolerate shade, partial sun or full sun. White blossoms bloom thru the summer into early fall and are complemented with broad arrow shaped foliage. Shiny bright green, heart-shaped leaves with multiple spikes of white flower clusters combine to create a beautiful plant that is a standard of water garden ponds everywhere. Grows very quickly and easily will outgrow normal plant containers in a season, so annual transplanting is advised for best results. Similar to Pickerel Rush in all aspects except flower color.
Habit/ Height: Vertical to 30", spread to 24"
Water depth: 0-12" over the soil
Light: Full to partial sun
Bloom: Summer
Flower color: Blue
Hardiness: Zones 3-11
Recommended container size: 7.5 qt or larger.

Family Name : Limnocharitaceae

 Synonyms : Hydrocleys flava, Limnocharis emarginata

 Common Names : Sawah Lettuce, Velvetleaf, Yellow Burrhead, Hermit’s WaterLily

Plant Division :Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Dicotyledon)

Plant Growth Form :Shrub (Herbaceous), Aquatic & Hydrophyte (Emergent; Waterside / Marginal)

Mode of Nutrition :Autotrophic

Desirable Plant Features :Ornamental Flowers

Plant & Rootzone Preference/Tolerance :Waterlogged Soils (Drains Site), Fertile Loamy Soils

Landscape Uses :Riverine, Aquarium / Aquascape

Thematic Landscaping :Water Garden

Seed / Spore Dispersal :Abiotic (Water)

Light Preference :Full Sun, Semi-Shade

Water Preference :Lots of Water

Planting Distance :30 m

Propagation Method :Seed

Mature Foliage Colour(s) :Green, Yellow / Golden

Mature Foliage Texture(s) :Smooth

Foliar Arrangement Along Stem :Rosulate / Rosette, Basal

Foliar Shape(s) :Non-Palm Foliage (Ovate; Elliptical; Orbicular / Round)

Foliar Margin :Entire

10-Water Snowball
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides

  • Excellent plant for attracting butterflies.

  • Full sun to partial shade.

  • Height: 12-30".

  • Hardy zones 8-11 [See Map]

  • Planting depth: 0-6".

Water Snowball (Gymnocoronis spilanthoides)

Water Snowball is a leafy plant with thick stalks, not like typical submerged plants. The stalks are filled with air. If submerging water snowball we recommend it being planted, so that it won't float. Since water snowball easily floats it makes for a great floating plant as well. When grown floating or planted, so that stalks are growing up above the water level, water snowball will grow fragrant snowball like flowers in the summer months. These flowers are known for attracting Monarch butterflies during their fall migration.

Note: Water snowball will grow too tall for covered aquariums.

Planting Instructions: For ponds we recommend planting in small baskets with pea gravel or small pots with a clay based soil. While water snowball can be left free floating or weighted to the bottom of a pond, it will be more cold tolerant if planted.

Hardiness Zone: 8-11
Light Requirements: Full Sun to part shade
Spread: Medium spread; Height: up to 3'
Water Depth: floating - 2 feet

11-White Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordata

  • Hardy zones 3 - 11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 18-30".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-6" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to partial shade.

  • White flowers spring through fall.

  • Glossy heart-shaped flowers are highlighted by white flower spikes. Long blooming season.

  • Also known as: Pickerel Weed.

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