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7-Chameleon Plant
Houttuynia cordata variegata

  • Hardy zones 5 - 11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 6-12".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-4" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • White flowers in summer.

  • This is the variegated form of Orange Peel Plant. Beautiful green foliage with red and cream highlights are the feature quality of the Chameleon Plant.

Chameleon Plant.  

  • Approximate height: 20cm (8 inches)

  • Recommended water depth over crown of plant: 0 - 3cm (0 - 1 inch)

  • Flowering time: June - August

  • Flower colour: White

  • Supplied bare root 

This plant is best known for its vivid variegated foliage, in shades of green, yellow and red, with simple white flowers in early summer. The strongest coloration is achieved in full or partial sun; in shade the leaves are a more subtle green and gold. A good plant for ground cover, it is best kept in a pot if you do not want it to spread. It is sometimes known as "Orange Peel Plant", because its leaves give off a strong orange scent if crushed.  

8-Katie Ruellia
Ruellia brittonia 'Katie'

  • Purple flowers in summer.

  • Full sun to shade.

  • Height: 5-10".

  • Hardy zones 9-11 [See Map]

  • Planting depth: 0-3".

Common Name:Dwarf Blue Bells

Scientific Name:Ruellia brittoniana 'Katie'

Flower Color:Bluish Purple

Leaf color:Green

Height:12 inches

Hardiness Zone:8 - 10

Native To:Cultivar

Available As:2" or 4" pots


Ruellia brittoniana 'Katie' is very similar in appearances to Ruellia brittoniana. The main difference is the maximum height. Katie will reach a height of only 12 inches which makes this a good variety for layering in front of taller plants in the water garden. Ruellia brittoniana 'Katie' flowers continuously throughout the summer months adding a bright spot to any pond or water feature. A great marginal plant it can also be used outside of the water garden so don't be afraid to experiment with different ideas.

9- Red-Stemmed Parrot's Feather

  • Recommended Pot Size:

    • Minimum – 8” Fabric Pot or 8”x5” Plastic Pot

    • Better - 14” Fabric Pot or 12”x5” Plastic Pot

    • Hardy Zones 6-11 [See Map]

Red stemmed Parrot Feather Pond Plant

  • Use As Free Floating Or Submerged Plant

  • Increases Shade Across Pond Surface

  • Promotes Natural Filtration

Red Stemmed Parrots Feather is a member of the water-milfoil family, and is a herbaceous aquatic perennial that gets its name from the feather-like appearance of its grey-green leaves. Red Stemmed Parrots Feather may be used as a submerged or floating pond plant. It has feathery grey-green foliage and its stems can grow from 2-6" long.

Red Stemmed Parrots Feather has lush green texture that assists in shading the pond and also provides a hiding place plus spawning material for koi and goldfish. Because of its capability of establishing itself in wet soil above the water, Red Stemmed Parrots Feather Floating Plant can be used in waterfall and streams, as well as along pond edges. Sold in bundles of 5.

10-Siberian Pink Cup
Baldelia ranuncloides repens

  • Hardy zones 2 - 9 [See Map]

  • Growing height: 2-5".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-2" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • Tiny pink flowers in summer.

Siberian Pink Cups are a low growing bog plant with multiple ½" pretty, pale pink flowers with yellow centers. The flowers resemble little poppies with dark green foliage. Tufts of foliage with spreading branches will form new plant-lets.
Siberian Pink Cups (Baldellia ranuculoides)
Hardiness Zone: 5-10
Light Requirements: Full sun to part shade
Height: 3" to 6"
Water Depth: Moist soil

11-Water Mint :
Mentha aquatica

  • Hardy zones 6 - 11 [See Map]

  • Growing height: Up to 6".

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-3" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • Lavender flowers in summer.

  • Strong minty fragrance.

Aquatic Mint is an edible herbaceous herb that will flower all summer attracting butterflies to the water garden. Mentha aquatica is a fast grower and is well suited for stream beds and bog areas. Enjoy the fragrance of mint and an abundance of lilac-pink flowers. A favorite with water gardeners. Can be used to flavor tea, water or anything needing a sprig of mint.


Aquatic Mint (Mentha aquatica) 
Hardiness Zone: 5-11
Light Requirements: Full sun to part shade
Height: 3"-12" - Spread: Running Habit
Water Depth: Moist soil or water up to 2" deep (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plant)

  • Buy in a 9cm basket (9cm/3" high)

  • British Native Water Mint (Mentha aquatica)

  • Vigorous aromatic rafting plant (horizontal stem growth) covered with globular lilac flower heads

  • Height 30cm (12") Flowers June - September

  • Plant in wet mud in a stream edge/bog garden (it will colonize water freely) or with up to 5cm (2") of water over the top of the basket in a sunny or partially shaded pond. Suitable for shelf 0

Mentha aquatica is a member of the Mint family and roots readily either in wet ground or in water. It can raft across the water some distance from its original basket. Cut back unrequired growth at any time. As a British Native Mentha aquatica is good for colonizing areas to encourage wildlife and gives plenty of habitat opportunities for newts. As a rafting plant that is allowed to grow freely it will use plenty of surplus nutrients so help to keep pond or container water free from algae. The flowerheads are loved by bees, hoverflies and butterflies.

12-Water Wisteria
Hygrophila difformis

  • Growing height: 6-10"

  • Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-6" below the water surface.

  • Thrives in full sun to shade.

  • Small lavendar flowers in summer

  • Hardy zones 8-10

How to grow Water Wisteria, Hygrophila difformis, Species Sunday

subscribe : Dustin's Fish Tanks 

Scientific Name: Hygrophila difformis "Wisteria"
Size: 20-50 cm tall

Temperature: 22-28 °C
pH: 6.5 – 7.5
Ease of Care: Easy
Pot Included: 5cm

How easy are they to care for?

We would class these plants as an easy level of care.
How large can they grow?
Hygrophila difformis grows to be up to 50 cm tall.
What water conditions do they require?
Hygrophila difformis, often called water Wisteria, grows well in medium lit aquariums; although, higher light wattage will encourage faster growth. For the fastest growth of the aquatic plant, make sure it has high lighting, CO2 and added nitrate & phosphate. The speed of growth of this plant makes it a great choice for newly planted tanks – it will absorb excess nutrients and compete with algae. Water hardness and pH are unimportant, and growth is equally as impressive in aquariums without CO2 supplementation. Due to its potentially large size, H. difformis is inappropriate for aquascapes in smaller tanks.

Adding a Wisteria to Your Water Garden

courtesy to :

You can enhance your water garden by adding water wisteria to it. Water wisteria grows submerged under water, transplants easily and is very simple to propagate. Water wisteria can be found at most aquarium supply stores and is now becoming more available at outdoor garden supply and pond equipment centers. This hardy plant is very easy to care for and adding it to your water garden will serve as an oxygenator contributing to the biological needs of the animals living in your water garden.




Also known as hygrophila difformis, ruellia triflora and ruellia difformis, water wisteria features light green leaves that resemble the shape of ferns.  The leaves grow opposite each other from thin branches and can grow to ten centimeters long. The leaves on vertical branches that reach the water surface change in shape and continue growing floating on water surface.  If you cultivate your water wisteria to float on the surface, it can eventually flower. The leaves and branches are very fragile. Branches will shoot vertically and horizontally. The horizontal runners take root in the gravel bed and can shoot vertical branches along the way. The runners will eventually turn upwards themselves and become vertical branches.


Growth Environment


Water wisteria grows fastest under water in medium light conditions. It will also live well and grow slowly under low light as well. This hardy plant will tolerate a margin of PH levels from five to nine and water temperatures from 20 to 28 degrees centigrade. Keep in mind that water wisteria is a tropical plant.




Water wisteria propagates itself very easily. The ends of the floating branches eventually break off into small pieces. The small floating pieces that can find their way into gravel will easily take root and become new plants.


Water wisteria can also be cultivated from cuttings. Simply cut off a branch with at least six leaves on it. Trim the bottom two leaves off and then secure the cut end to a stone with a rubber band. Then bury the stone in gravel.  Your cutting should take root quickly.


How to Plant in your Water Garden


Use a rubber band and bunch together a group of water wisteria stems. Secure the bunch to a pond basket or fabric pot with a twist tie or another rubber band. Fill the basket or fabric pot with gravel that matches the décor of your garden then submerge the basket and water wisteria in a suitable spot. This can be done any time of year.



If your water garden freezes over the winter, you can winterize the water wisteria by simply trimming it back below the ice line. This should keep it alive over the winter.


Water wisteria is a very hardy tropical plant that was first introduced for use as an ornamental aquarium plant but has now become popular for use in outdoor water gardens. The plant originated from India, Thailand and Malaysia. It is extremely easy to maintain and cultivate and contributes essential nutrients to the ecosystem in your water garden.


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