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 Aquarium is intended to fish and aquatic plants and creatures and other objects in glass basin   (or one of its facades a display interface at least be a glass) and raised these objects in the water and have at least   80 % water  , arranging the wood , logs ,  plants and soil to replicate the original envirnoment name : aquascaping .. the original environment in the rivers  and basin which we will replicated name bio topic .. biotopics different from area to another .. what we care about is the tropical areas around the world from amazon river basin , cenral Africa and south East Asia 

 Aquariums types can divided base to the environment come from ..  


 Fresh water aquarium 

Salt water aquarium 

Tropical Fresh water aquarium 

Sub Tropical Fresh water aquarium 

Tropical Salt water aquarium(Marine aquarium )

Reef aquarium 

Fish only tank or aquarium 

Fish only with live rock aquarium  (FOWLR)


 Brackish water aquarium 

 Fresh water aquarium: It means the ordinary fresh water such as rivers, lakes and tap water   and Not the salt water from seas .. this type is widely spread and  ease of construction, design and  the technical equipments used  and   ease of   maintenance also ..  لإropical which means  environment-like river beds tropical lakes such as South America, Central and West and East Africa and Southeast Asia any tropical regions of the world where colorful tropical fish  ..

 Salt water aquarium: It means the salt water  or sea water aquarium     this type is less widely spread due to it is diffeculty in technicals and information backround needded for the hobbyist yet still this type booming in the last decade thanks to cheaper equipment , coral farming around the world .. Normally these aquariums and it is types Imitates the tropical sea areas around the world from Red sea to the Carabian sea and the famous South East Asia ..  

 Aquarium replicate the bottom of Amazon river or basin with Peranha fishes and root of wood and sandy bottom 

 Aquarium replicate the bottom of Malawi river in Central africa Rocks and African Cichlidae are the icons of this type of aquarium 

  Zoo keeper donig her job in cleaning the glass of large Amazon aquarium 

Most of the Salt water or marine aquarium are reef aquarium .. these came either live coral or artificial one

 For More information about Aquariums : 

 Brackish-water Aquariums  

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