5- Androngo trivittatus :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Androngo is a genus of skinks (family Scincidae). It contains a single species, Androngo trivittatus.
It is usually placed in the subfamily Scincinae which seems to be paraphyletic however. Possibly fairly closely related to Paracontias and Amphiglossus, it belongs to a major clade which does not seem to include the type genus Scincus. Thus, it will probably be eventually assigned to a new, yet-to-be-named subfamily.(Austin & Arnold 2006)
Scientific classification:
Class:Reptilia (paraphyletic)
Subfamily:see text
Species:A. trivittatus
Binomial name:
Androngo trivittatus

-Austin, J.J. & Arnold, E.N. (2006): Using ancient and recent DNA to explore relationships of extinct and endangered Leiolopisma skinks (Reptilia: Scincidae) in the Mascarene islands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39(2): 503–511. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.12.011 (HTML abstract)
Other Websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/172938/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Pygomeles&species=trivittatus
Scientific classification
Laurenti, 1768
About 30, see above ..
6- Chalcides :
Chalcides is a genus of skinks (family Scincidae).
It is usually placed in the subfamily Scincinae (= Scincidae sensu Hedges 2014), a monophyletic clade of primarily African skinks.
Species :
The following species are recognized as being valid.
Chalcides armitagei Boulenger, 1922 – Armitage's cylindrical skink
Chalcides bedriagai (Boscá, 1880) – Bedriaga's skink
Chalcides bottegi Boulenger, 1898
Chalcides boulengeri J. Anderson, 1892
Chalcides chalcides (Linnaeus, 1758) – Italian three-toed skink
Chalcides coeruleopunctatus Salvador, 1975
Chalcides colosii Lanza, 1957 – Riffian skink
Chalcides delislei (Lataste & Rochebrune, 1876)
Chalcides ebneri F. Werner, 1931 – Ebner's skink
Chalcides guentheri Boulenger, 1887 – Günther's cylindrical skink
Chalcides lanzai G. Pasteur, 1967 – Lanza's skink
Chalcides levitoni G. Pasteur, 1978 – Leviton's cylindrical skink
Chalcides manueli Hediger, 1935 – Manuel's skink
Chalcides mauritanicus (A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1839) – two-fingered skink
Chalcides mertensi Klausewitz, 1954 – Algerian three-toed skink
Chalcides minutus Caputo, 1993 – small three-toed skink
Chalcides mionecton (Boettger, 1874) – Mionecton skink
Chalcides montanus F. Werner, 1931
Chalcides ocellatus (Forskål, 1775) – ocellated skink
Chalcides parallelus Doumergue, 1901 – Doumergue's skink
Chalcides pentadactylus (Beddome, 1870) – five-fingered skink
Chalcides pistaciae Valverde, 1966 = C. bedriagai pistaciae Valverde, 1966 – cylindrical skink
Chalcides polylepis Boulenger, 1890 – many-scaled cylindrical skink
Chalcides pseudostriatus Caputo, 1993 – Moroccan three-toed skink
Chalcides pulchellus Mocquard, 1906 – Mocquard's cylindrical skink
Chalcides ragazzii Boulenger, 1890 – Ragazzi's cylindrical skink
Chalcides sepsoides (Audouin, 1829)
Chalcides sexlineatus Steindachner, 1891 – Gran Canaria skink
Chalcides simonyi Steindachner, 1891 – East Canary skink
Chalcides sphenopsiformis (A.H.A. Duméril, 1856)
Chalcides striatus (Cuvier, 1829) – western three-toed skink
Chalcides thierryi Tornier, 1901 – Thierry's cylindrical skink
Chalcides viridanus (Gravenhorst, 1851) – West Canary skink
Chalcides ocellatus

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Examples :
- Armitage's cylindrical skink ( Chalcides armitagei ) :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :
Chalcides armitagei, commonly known as Armitage's cylindrical skink, is a species of skink endemic to West Africa.
Chalcides armitagei
Scientific classification :
Species:C. armitagei
Binomial name :
Chalcides armitagei
E. Boulenger, 1922
Etymology :
The specific name, armitagei, is in honor of Cecil Hamilton Armitage (1869-1933), who collected the type specimen while he was Governor of the Gambia.[1]
Geographic range :
C. armitagei is found in Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal.[2]
Note :
There have been several errors in the scientific literature concerning C. armitagei. For the year of description, Frank & Ramus (1995) give 1896, while Pasteur (1981)[3] gives 1920 and 1921 respectively.[2]
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Other Websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/13152303/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=armitagei
- Chalcides guentheri - Günther's cylindrical skink :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chalcides guentheri, or Günther's cylindrical skink, is a species of skink, which is endemic to the Near East.[1]
Chalcides guentheri
Conservation status
Scientific classification :
Species:C. guentheri
Binomial name :
Chalcides guentheri
Boulenger, 1887

Etymology :
The specific name, guentheri, is in honor of German-born British herpetologist Alfred Günther.[2]
Geographic range :
C. guentheri is found in Israel, Lebanon, and parts of western Jordan and Syria.[1]
Habitat :
C. guentheri is usually found in woody or shrubby areas and cannot live in modified habitats. Members of the species may be found burrowing in grasses.[1]
Reproduction :
Sexually mature females of C. guentheri give birth to an average of three live young.[1]
Conservation status :
C. guentheri is suffering under major habitat loss as a result of agriculture in the area, and its population is in decline. It is protected by legislation in Israel.[1]
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Video :
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chalcides lanzai, or Lanza's Skink, is a species of skink endemic to Morocco, which is sometimes considered a subspecies of Chalcides montanus.
נחושית נחשונית - Chalcides guentheri (Günther's cylindrical skink)
Other Websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61476/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=guentheri
- Chalcides lanzai,- Lanza's Skink :
Other websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61477/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=lanzai
- www.inaturalist.org/taxa/37234-Chalcides-lanzai

Chalcides lanzai
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Species:C. lanzai
Binomial name
Chalcides lanzai
G. Pasteur, 1967
Etymology :
The specific name, lanzai, is in honor of Italian herpetologist Benedetto Lanza.[2]
Habitat :
C. lanzai is usually found in forest and grassland areas, and is common in the areas where it can be found.
Conservation status :
C. lanzai is unlikely to be under serious threat, though it has been affected from habitat degradation due to overgrazing.
Reproduction :
Females of the species give birth to live young.

Chalcides ocellatus lanzaiG. Pasteur, 1967
Chalcides lanzai— Caputo & Mellado, 1992
Chalcides montanus lanzai— Schlüter, 2004[1]
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- Chalcides parallelus - Doumergue's skink :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doumergue's skink (Chalcides parallelus) is a species of skink in the Scincidae family. It is found in Algeria, Morocco, and Spain. Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, rocky areas, rocky shores, sandy shores, and plantations . It is threatened by habitat loss.
-Geniez, P., Miras, J.A.M., Joger, U., Pleguezuelos, J., Slimani, T. & El Mouden, H., 2005. Chalcides parallelus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 10 July 2007.
Doumergue's skink
Conservation status
Endangered (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification:
Species:C. parallelus
Binomial name:
Chalcides parallelus
Doumergue, 1901

Other Websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61484/0
- fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalcides_parallelus
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=parallelus
- many-scaled cylindrical skink (Chalcides polylepis)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The many-scaled cylindrical skink (Chalcides polylepis) is a species of skink in the Scincidae family. It is found in Morocco and Western Sahara. Its natural habitats are temperate forests, temperate shrubland, Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, rocky areas, sandy shores, and pastureland. It is threatened by habitat loss.
-Geniez, P., Miras, J.A.M., Joger, U., Pleguezuelos, J., Slimani, T. & El Mouden, H. 2005. Chalcides polylepis. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 10 July 2007.
Many-scaled cylindrical skink
Conservation status
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification:
Species:C. polylepis
Binomial name :
Chalcides polylepis
Boulenger, 1890

Other websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61485/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=polylepis
- www.inaturalist.org/taxa/37205-Chalcides-polylepis
The Gran Canaria skink (Chalcides sexlineatus)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gran Canaria skink (Chalcides sexlineatus) is a species of skink in the Scincidae family which is endemic to Gran Canaria. Its natural habitats are temperate forests, temperate shrubland, Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, temperate grassland, rocky areas, sandy shores, pastureland, and plantations. The adults measure 16 – 18 cm out of which the tail forms 50%. Their legs are tiny, slim, and have five fingers. They live solitarily and only seek a partner during the mating season. They are ovoviviparous; females give birth to 2 - 4 babies after three months of pregnancy. They are kept as pets by terrarists.
Brown, R. P. and J. Pestano. 1998. Phylogeography of Canary Island skinks inferred from mtDNA sequences. Molecular Ecology 7: 1183-1191.
Miras, J.A.M. & Pérez-Mellado, V. 2005. Chalcides sexlineatus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 10 July 2007.
Kubát, J. [1]
Pestano, J. and R. P. Brown. 1999. Geographical structuring of mtDNA in Chalcides sexlineatus within the island of Gran Canaria. Proceedings of the Royal Society (Lond.) B: Biological Sciences 266: 815-823.
Gran Canaria skink

Conservation status
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Species:C. sexlineatus
Binomial name
Chalcides sexlineatus
Steindachner, 1891

Other websites :
- www.reptilesmagazine.com/Field-Herping/Herping-Travels-in-the-Canary-Islands/
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61487/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=sexlineatus
Video :
The Gran Canaria Skink. Chalcides sexlineatus
Gestreifter Kanaren-Skink (Chalcides sexlineatus)
Chalcides sexlineatus - krmení divé zvěře :)
Chalcides sexlineatus
Feeding my Chalcides sexlineatus
Chalcides sexlineatus
Gestreifter Kanaren-Skink (Chalcides sexlineatus)
Gestreifter Kanaren-Skink (Chalcides sexlineatus)
Gestreifter Kanaren-Skink (Chalcides sexlineatus)
Chalcides sexlineatus
View in a terrarium for Gran Canaria - Skink (Chalcides s. sexlineatus)
Synonyms :
Chalcides polylepis ssp. simonyi Steindachner, 1891
- Chalcides simonyi :
Chalcides simonyi is a species of skink in the Scincidae family. It is found only in Spain. Its natural habitats are temperate shrubland, Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, temperate grassland, rocky areas, pastureland, and urban areas.
-Miras, J.A.M. & Pérez-Mellado, V. 2005. Chalcides simonyi. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 20 July 2007.
Chalcides simonyi
Conservation status :
Endangered (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Species:C. simonyi
Binomial name :
Chalcides simonyi
Steindachner, 1891

Other websites :
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/61488/0
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=viridanus
- www.vertebradosibericos.org/reptiles/chasim.html
- The western three-toed skink (Chalcides striatus) :

Other Photos :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The West Canary skink or lisa dorada (Chalcides viridanus) is a species of skink in the Scincidae family. It is found only on Canary Islands. Its natural habitats are temperate forests, temperate shrubland, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, temperate grassland, rocky areas, rocky shores, sandy shores, arable land, pastureland, rural gardens, and urban areas where they're found in altitudes up to 2,000 m. They reach about 18 cm in length. They are active during days and the dusk. Both their life in nature and their requirements in a terrarium are very similar to the Gran Canaria Skink.

Conservation status
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Species:C. viridanus
Binomial name
Chalcides viridanus
(Gravenhorst, 1851)
West Canary skink
Subspecies :
Chalcides viridianus viridianus, Tenerife, El Hierro, Roque de Garachio, Roque de Agna
Chalcides viridianus coeruleopunctatus, La Gomera
References :
Brown, R. P. and J. Pestano. 1998. Phylogeography of Canary Island skinks inferred from mtDNA sequences. Molecular Ecology 7: 1183-1191.
Brown, R. P., R. Campos-Delgado and J. Pestano. 2000. Mitochondrial DNA evolution and population history of the Tenerife skink Chalcides viridanus. Molecular Ecology 9: 1061-1069.
Miras, J.A.M. & Pérez-Mellado, V. 2005. Chalcides viridanus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 10 July 2007.
External links
Video :
Chalcides viridanus - West Canary Skink - Lisa Dorada - Kanarenskink
Other Websites :
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=viridanus
- www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/63294
- Chalcides ocellatus, or ocellated skink (also known as eyed skink or gongilo )

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chalcides ocellatus, or ocellated skink (also known as eyed skink or gongilo[1]) is a species of skink found in Greece, southern Italy, Malta, and parts of northern Africa.[2][3][4]UAE, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.
As an adult, it generally reaches about 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) of length with a 22 to 39 g weight[5] and has a small head, cylindrical body, and five toes on each foot. They are very agile and are often found in arid areas.[6] It is strongly related to Chalcides colosii, and C. colosii was formerly considered a subspecies of C. ocellatus.[7] C. ocellatus is notable for the presence of ocelli and for its wide variety of coloration patterns. It preys on various insects, including those with hard exoskeletons, arachnids, and small lizards, including its own young.[8] In captivity it also eats sweet fruits, boiled eggs and pieces of meat. Females of the species give birth to live young through vivipary.
Chalcides ocellatus is considered to be a generalist species and can be found in a wide variety of environments, such as farmland and gravel deserts around the Mediterranean coast. Its main escape tactic from predators is to run behind vegetation, most likely because it is not suited to run very fast. Its limbs are somewhat short, but not adapted for fossorial movement.[9]
Conservation status:
Near Threatened (IUCN 2.3)
Scientific classification:
Species:C. ocellatus
Binomial name:
Chalcides ocellatus
Forsskål, 1775

For the external links , refrences click here to read the full wikipedia article
Video :
Hungry Chalcides (ocellatus) tiligugu
Other Websites :
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Chalcides&species=ocellatus
- www.inaturalist.org/taxa/53645-Chalcides-ocellatus
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6136495
- www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?search=Chalcides+ocellatus
Videos :
Chalcides ocellatus - Foltos érces szkink
Chalcides ocellatus feeding
Baby Ocellated Skinks (Chalcides Ocellatus) eating Locusts
Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu giving birth and hatchling eats yolk sac 2
Sun bathing juvenile occelated skinks (Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu)
ocellated skink setup and care
Please select or follow below :
SKINKS SPECIES : Blue - tongued skinks : Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Five - Lined Skinks : Part 1 - 2
Other Skinks : ASIAN & AFRICAN skinks : Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Other Skinks American Part : 1 - 2 - 3
Other Skinks Australian Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Please select or follow below :
SKINKS SPECIES : Blue - tongued skinks : Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Five - Lined Skinks : Part 1 - 2
Other Skinks : ASIAN & AFRICAN skinks : Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Other Skinks American Part : 1 - 2 - 3
Other Skinks Australian Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14